Author: |
李安紫 Rodriguez, Angela China |
Thesis Title: |
評量菲律賓與臺灣的大學商管學院學生之氣候變遷素養 Evaluating climate change literacy (CCL) among undergraduate business/management students in the Philippines and in Taiwan |
Advisor: |
Yeh, Shin-Cheng |
Committee: |
Yeh, Shin-Cheng 吳忠宏 Wu, Homer 施友元 Shih, Yu-Yuan 鄭秉漢 Cheng, Ping-Han 拉帕契 LePage, Ben |
Approval Date: | 2024/06/18 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
永續管理與環境教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Sustainability Management and Environmental Education |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2024 |
Academic Year: | 112 |
Language: | 英文 |
Number of pages: | 142 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 氣候變遷素養 、商管學院學生 、大學生 、菲律賓 、台灣 |
Keywords (in English): | Climate change literacy, business students, undergraduate, the Philippines, Taiwan |
Research Methods: | 德爾菲法 、 焦點團體法 |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 265 Downloads: 3 |
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本研究參考德爾菲法(Delphi Method),設計了針對商管學院學生,新的氣候變遷素養框架;而後,利用該框架建立了一份調查問卷,並透過焦點團體討論法獲得專家回饋,進一步改善問卷;接著,將線上問卷發送給目標學生群體。本研究在三個關鍵領域做出貢獻:首先,針對商管學院學生,提供了新的氣候變遷素養框架;其二,揭示了菲律賓以及臺灣商管學院大學生目前的氣候變遷素養;其三,本研究分析了氣候變遷素養框架內,不同領域之間的關係,對於加強今日氣候變遷素養之理論基礎極具潛力。雖然存在一些研究限制,如社會期許誤差和框架的創新,本研究仍為未來商業領域的氣候變遷素養研究奠定了基礎。藉由提供商管學院學生新的框架,本研究能夠成為課程發展的參考,也能讓未來的商業領袖能夠為人類、也為地球,作出正確的決策。
Climate Change is the most urgent global issue today. Climate change literacy (CCL) empowers individuals to understand the science, impacts, and mitigation strategies surrounding this complex issue. This study investigates the CCL of undergraduate business/management students in the Philippines and Taiwan. From here on forward, the ‘business/management students’ will be referred to as 'business students’.
To achieve this, a novel CCL framework specifically designed for business students was constructed using the Delphi Method. This framework was then used to develop a survey instrument, which was further refined through expert feedback in Focus Group Discussions. The online survey was then distributed to the target student population. This research offers valuable contributions in three key areas. Firstly, it provides a novel CCL framework tailored for business students. Secondly, it sheds light on the current state of CCL among undergraduate business students in the Philippines and Taiwan. Finally, the study analyzes the relationships between different domains within the CCL framework, potentially strengthening the existing theoretical foundation of CCL. While limitations exist, such as the potential for socially desirable responding and the novelty of the framework, this study offers a valuable foundation for future research in CCL within the business field. By providing a framework for business students, this research can inform curriculum development and equip future business leaders with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions that benefit both people and the planet.
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