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研究生: 許振銘
Chen-Ming Hsu
論文名稱: 評估SAHA及L-BMX對SCA17小鼠之治療潛力
Evaluation of the therapeutic potential of SAHA and L-BMX on SCA17 mice
指導教授: 謝秀梅
Hsieh, Hsiu-Mei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 71
中文關鍵詞: 脊隨小腦萎縮症組蛋白去乙烯酶
英文關鍵詞: SCA17, HDAC inhibitor, SAHA
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:93下載:0
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  • 脊隨小腦萎縮症第十七型(SCA17)是一種晚發型的神經退化性疾病,造成疾病的原因是因為人類第六對染色體上面TATA-box binding protein (TBP) 這個基因有不正常CAG/CAA三核甘酸擴增的現象,進而導致轉譯出對於細胞有毒的polyQ蛋白,而使得中樞神經性統的細胞死亡。SCA17臨床上的病症類似於漢丁頓是舞蹈症(HD),病人會有運動失調、肌張力不足、認知障礙、精神疾病、失智症及舞蹈症等等。
    此外,我們也另外做了SACA17小鼠早期的病理分析以及小腦中各種細胞的超微結構觀察,發現Purkinje cell細胞除了細胞核有不規則萎縮的情況外,在軸突的部分也有明顯的結構鬆脫,可能會進而導致訊號傳遞的失常及細胞死亡;另外我們也發現早期小鼠腦部發炎的狀況,也可能引起神經細胞的壓力而導致其死亡。

    Spinocerebellar ataxias (SCA) 17, is a late onset neurodegenerative disease caused by abnormal CAG/CAA overexpansion in the coding region of the TATA-box binding protein (TBP) gene on chromosome 6q27. The N-terminal polyglutamine (polyQ) overexpansion of TBP leads to intercellular toxicity in central nervous system. The symptoms of SCA17 patients are similar to that of Huntington’s disease (HD), including ataxia, seizure, cognitive dysfunctions, psychiatric symptoms, dystonia, and chorea.
    The epigenetic regulation of chromatin modification, such as histone acetylation, is widely used in cancer therapy. In recently study, histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) was shown to play a role in neuron protection both in vivo and in vitro. In this study, we applied a widely-used HDACi, suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (SAHA), and a novel HDACi, L-BMX, on the hTBP-109Q transgenic (TG) mice to assess their therapeutic potential on SCA17.
    Our preliminary result showed these two HDACi treatment have mild therapeutic effect on cerebella pathology of transgenic mice through immunostaining analyses. Behavior test with rotarod showed that animals could not benefit from the long-term treatment of these two HDACi compounds. However, under the low strength behavior tests, footprint and beam test, mice showed better performance with SAHA or L-BMX treatment than the non-treated TG control mice. These results revealed that SAHA and L-BMX might have mild beneficial effect on SCA17 mice.
    In addition, to further elucidate the neuropathology of the hTBP-109Q transgenic mice, we used immunofluorescent staining and electron microscope (EM) analyses to study the pathological profile of mouse cerebellum and Purkinje cells, respectively. These data should provide us more information for the pathogenesis and therapeutic design for SCA17.

    Abbreviation list 1 Abstract 2 Introduction 4 Material and method 10 Result 14 Discussion 19 Reference 23 Table 31 Figure 32

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