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研究生: 劉念儒
論文名稱: 液態流動中的群聚與疏離—劉念儒創作論述與實踐
Gathering and Alienation in Liquid Flow— The Creative Thesis and Practices Of Liu Nien Ju's Art Works
指導教授: 莊連東
Chuang, Lien-Tung
口試委員: 陳建發
Chen, Chien-Fa
Wu, Yeou-Xin
Chuang, Lien-Tung
口試日期: 2022/07/11
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 83
中文關鍵詞: 水墨創作液態社會疏離感中介流動群聚
英文關鍵詞: Ink Art Works, Liquid Society, Alienation, Media, Flow, Gathering, Mob-ility
研究方法: 文獻分析法圖像分析法創作實務研究法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201252
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:85下載:20
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  • 個人難以獨行於社會,藝術創作亦無法獨立於時間、環境及人的經驗介入。 透過社會觀察,筆者以液態流動性來形容當代社會的狀態;隨著社群媒體蓬勃發 展,本研究所探討之社會現象,包含虛擬網路世界以及實際社會情況。筆者以當 代社會的液態性作為背景,詮釋身處其中人們所需具備符合時代之流動特質以及 情感層面的連結;由自身經驗為開端,筆者以創作回應於社會中扮演之斜槓角色, 並藉由通勤時的觀察與省思,思考在角色不斷地抽離與切換之間,對應於個人自 身情感、都市生活實際疏離感受與網路世界中所產生的心理疏離型態。
    本創作研究包含五個章節,第一章為研究動機、內容與範圍、創作模式與方 法概述;第二章以現代液態性為主軸,探討當代社會的流動特質,以及社會中群 聚、快速流變的現象,以及其中產生的疏離感受;最後,以藝術於社會及自身創 作中所扮演的中介角色,藉此說明中介之於筆者的重要性。第三章連結前述的背 景及動機,說明系列作品之創作理念與實踐,藉由藝術家作品表現形式進行分析, 作為筆者創作形式上的梳理及參照,並從中獲取創作靈感;於創作過程中,筆者 嘗試不同之畫面構成方式、媒材組合,並在水墨基底上呈現作品的多元面貌,以 貼近筆者所欲表達之意涵。第四章則針對作品內容與特色作個別說明;最後為第 五章總結,回顧創作及研究歷程,作為未來創作之路的展望。

    It is difficult for individuals to disconnect from society, and art creations cannot be independent of time, environment and human experiences as well. Through observations of life, the author depicts the state of contemporary society with the fluidity of liquidity. With the vigorous development of social media, the social phenomena discussed in this study include the virtual digital world and the realistic communal situation. Based on the mobility of modern civilization, the author interprets the flowing characteristics and emotional connections of people’s needs in line with the times.
    Starting from the author’s personal experiences, the series of works respond to the multi-hyphenate role she plays in life. From the observation and reflection during the travels, the author’s thoughts leap from constant separation to the switching of characters. The feeling of being alienated became the demonstration of complex emotions, urban life experiences, and the relationship with virtual and actual worlds.
    This research consists of five chapters. The first chapter is an overview of the research motivation, content and scope, creation mode, and methodology. The second chapter focuses on fluidity and discusses the mobility characteristics of contemporary society, as well as the mass and rapid flow in society. The phenomenon of change, and also the feeling of alienation. Finally, the importance of the intermediary to the author is illustrated by the roles led by art and its creation.The third chapter links the aforementioned background and motivation, which explains the creative concept and practice in the series of works, and analyses the expression form of the artist's works as a reference of inspiration. During the process, the author has experimented with different composition methods and media combinations and presented the diverse aspects of the works based on Ink Art, to emulate and express the core concept and emotions of the author. The fourth chapter makes individual explanations of the content and characteristics of the works. The last chapter is the conclusion, reviewing all the creations and the research process, and as an anticipation for the prospect of the future creation road.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 2 第二節 研究內容與範圍限制 3 第三節 研究方法與步驟 5 第四節 名詞釋義 9 第二章 當代社會的液態性—群聚、變動及疏離 13 第一節 液態的社會現象 14 第二節 當代社會的流動特質 16 第三節 當代社會中疏離感受 18 第四節藝術扮演的中介角色 20 第三章 創作理念與實踐22 第一節 創作理念與形式發想 22 第二節 創作方法與媒材技法 28 第三節 創作實踐過程 35 第四章 創作作品分析 42 第一節系列作品說明 42 第二節 個別作品解析 48 第五章 結論 80 參考文獻 82

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