Author: |
Thesis Title: |
YOUTUBE對兒少的影響分析 Analysis of the influence of YOUTUBE on teenagers and children |
Advisor: | 劉立行 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
圖文傳播學系碩士在職專班 Department of Graphic Arts and Communications_Continuing Education Master's Program of Graphic Arts and Communications |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2020 |
Academic Year: | 109 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 126 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 網際網路串流媒體 、教育 、法規 |
Keywords (in English): | OTT, Education, Laws |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 511 Downloads: 0 |
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At present, there are a large number of people watching YouTube videos in democratic and free countries all over the world. This research is about to explore the influence of YouTube videos. It has the function of positive learning, but also has the function of teaching children and teenagers negatively. Because the platform is full of all kinds of video content, the content is rich and diversified, but the content is ignorant of the creators and neglects content introspection, resulting in a lot of negative information on YouTube, including violence, pornography, false information, etc. Article 17 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child clearly states that signatory countries recognize that mass communication has its important function and should ensure that children can obtain information from national or international sources for the promotion of social, spiritual and moral well-being and physical and mental health. Because there are many children and teenagers who are YouTube viewers, it is easy for teenagers to become self-centered by entertainment network information, which leads to social indifference, dilutes the consciousness of the nation-state, and lacks awareness of danger. The social order is full of chaos. Children and young people are the main force in the future of the country. These social concerns will involve national security issues. If chaos is not properly controlled, a vicious circle will be created. The research process found that in addition to YouTube, other Internet platforms also have similar related issues. Do we have any content screening and filtering on Internet platforms? This research explores the Internet’s impact on teenagers and children, and understands the current control methods of Internet platforms in South Korea, China, the United States, and Taiwan. However, this research adopts the Literature Review method trying to collect research data of experts and scholars. In addition, this research compares whether the top ten films violate the relevant laws and regulations, and the impact on children. It turns out that Taiwan’s current Internet regulation is very fragile, and my country’s NCC is still studying the draft of the "Internet Audiovisual Services Law." Finally, suggestions for improvement methods are put forward. It is recommended to improve education and refer to South Korea’s actions, through the establishment of substantive laws and regulations, to control Internet chaos, so as to purify the space for children to learn and grow, while stabilizing society and ensuring national security.
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