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研究生: 吳崇宇
Wu, Chung-Yu
論文名稱: 批判式記憶白色恐怖:《綠島》與《返校》對於正義與創傷的再政治化
A Critical Remembering of the White Terror: Re-politicizing Justice and Trauma in Green Island and Detention
指導教授: 李秀娟
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 64
中文關鍵詞: 《綠島》《返校》米山麗莎拉卡柏再政治化正義創傷
英文關鍵詞: Green Island, Detention, Lisa Yoneyama, Dominick LaCapra, re-politicization, justice, trauma
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100157
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:268下載:69
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  • 本論文藉由分析《綠島》及《返校》,探討作家楊小娜(Shawna Yang Ryan)與導演徐漢強(Han-chiang Hsu)如何透過小說及電影,提供讀者觀眾另類的途徑去面對創傷及建構正義的概念,並進而促成對於白色恐怖的批判式記憶。第一章首先爬梳現存對於二二八事件、白色恐怖及轉型正義的研究。而後,我援引米山麗莎(Lisa Yoneyama)提出的「九零後跨國補償文化」(post-1990s transborder redress culture)及「正義的再政治化」(re-politicization of justice)等理論架構。我主張將臺灣的二二八事件及白色恐怖置於米山麗莎的理論框架中重新檢視。第二章及第三章以前述理論概念對《綠島》與《返校》分別進行文本分析,探討兩個文本如何建構出另類的跳脫加害者/受害者二元對立結構的正義概念。此外,我援用拉卡柏(Dominick LaCapra)兩種面對創傷的策略: 行動化(acting out)及透工(working through),分析《綠島》與《返校》中角色的創傷經驗。我主張,兩個文本藉由呈現角色透工(working through)創傷的過程,向讀者觀眾強調了歷史創傷的未來指向。第四章為結論,反思現今臺灣關於轉型正義執行及民主發展的議題,希冀藉此促使讀者(尤其是年輕世代)重新檢視自身與歷史創傷的關聯,並思考當代臺灣社會的正義及民主意涵。

    This thesis studies Shawna Yang Ryan’s Green Island and Han-chiang Hsu’s Detention, with a focus on how they open up alternative ways to confront trauma, conceive justice and foster a critical remembering of the White Terror. Chapter One reviews the existing scholarship on the 228 Incident, White Terror, and transitional justice. Then, I draw on Lisa Yoneyama’s theoretical texts which investigate the post-1990s transborder redress culture and suggest a re-politicization of justice. I propose to put the 228 Incident and White Terror within Yoneyama’s framework. Chapter Two and Chapter Three proceed to investigate respectively how Green Island and Detention reconceptualize the idea of justice beyond the victim/perpetrator binary opposition. Besides, I borrow the concepts of “acting out” and “working through” from Dominick LaCapra to examine the characters’ traumatic experiences in these two primary texts. By presenting the characters’ process of working through the trauma, I argue that Green Island and Detention foreground the future-orientation of historical traumas. In Chapter Four, I conclude this thesis via a reflection on recent issues happening in Taiwan related to the administration of transitional justice and the development of Taiwan’s democracy. I intend to propel readers—especially the young generations— to reexamine their connection with historical traumas and to reconsider the meaning of justice and democracy in the present Taiwan.

    Acknowledgements i 摘要 iii Abstract iv Table of Contents v Chapter One: Introduction 1 I. Background and Motivation 1 II. Thesis Project, Literature Review and Methodology 3 III. Outline of Chapters 11 Chapter Two: Green Island 14 I. The U.S.-Chinese Nationalist Alliance/Complicity 23 II. Writing to Work through the Trauma 29 Chapter Three: Detention 35 I. Symbolic Representations of the State Apparatus 39 II. Fang as a Victim-victimizer 44 III. Working through Historical Traumas 46 Chapter Four: Rethinking Transitional Justice and Democracy in Taiwan 49 Works Cited 54 Appendix: A Conversation with Lieh Chen(陳列) 60

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