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研究生: 李昇翰
Shen-Hung Lee
論文名稱: PPP2R2B基因與臺灣失智症患者的遺傳及外遺傳研究
Genetic and epigenetic studies of the PPP2R2B gene in Taiwanese patients with dementia
指導教授: 李桂楨
Lee, Guey-Jen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 91
中文關鍵詞: 阿茲海默氏症血管性失智症DNA 甲基化染色質結構單一鹼基多型性三核苷酸重複序列
英文關鍵詞: Alzheimer's Disease, Vascular dementia, PPP2R2B, epigenetic
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:142下載:7
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  • PPP2R2B (Bβ) 為廣泛表現在腦部的去磷酸酶 PP2A 的調控次單位。PPP2R2B 基因啟動子的差異使用及選擇性裁接,產生 Bβ1 及Bβ2 兩種異構型。Bβ1 異構型基因 5' 端的 CAG 重複擴增會使 Bβ1 的表現量增加,而導致第十二型脊髓小腦運動失調症。反之,本實驗室先前研究成果顯示,罕見短的 (CAG)5~7 等位基因和低轉錄活性及阿茲海默氏症相關。此外,外遺傳調控及功能性單一鹼基多型性等因子亦可能影響 Bβ1 的表現量。為檢視 Bβ1 基因 5' 端的外遺傳變化,我們以阿茲海默氏症病患及正常人的血液或淋巴細胞株 DNA 為材料,利用限制酶為基礎的甲基化試驗及 bisulfite 定序,來評估 CpG 島的甲基化程度,並利用染色質沉澱-聚合酶鏈鎖反應試驗,來評估染色質結構。結果發現阿茲海默氏症患者的 DNA 甲基化程度及組蛋白 dimethyl H3-K9 比值的增加,顯示外遺傳的變化可能改變阿茲海默氏症患者的 Bβ1 基因表現。在阿茲海默氏症與正常人族群的病例-對照組分析方面,我們檢測了 6 個 Bβ1 異構型基因啟動子上的單一鹼基多型性,與阿茲海默氏症、血管性失智症感受性的相關性。結果發現各多型性基因型、等位基因或單套型在患者與正常人族群間沒有顯著差異。最後本論文延續先前研究,擴大 Bβ1 異構型基因 CAG 三核苷酸重複的遺傳資料庫。雖然並未發現擴增的等位基因,但於二位舞蹈症患者中,觀察到罕見短的 (CAG)4 與 (CAG)6 等位基因,顯示此低轉錄活性的罕見短的等位基因可能與國人的舞蹈症相關。

    PPP2R2B (Bβ) is an important regulator of protein phosphatase 2A activity in the brain. Through differential promoter usage and alternative splicing, two major isoforms Bβ1 and Bβ2 are produced. Increased expression of the abundant Bβ1 isoform due to CAG repeat expansion causes autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia type 12. Contrarily, our case-control study and reporter assay indicated that the rare short 5~7 triplet alleles are associated with decreased transcriptional activity and Alzheimer's disease (AD). In addition to the CAG repeat variation on Bβ1 expression, the epigenetic change and functional single nucleotide polymorphisms may also alter the Bβ1 expression. To examine this, restriction enzyme based-methylation assay and bisulfite sequencing were used to assess the CpG methylation and ChIP-PCR assay to assess the chromatin structure using lymphocyte or lymphoblastoid DNA from AD patients and controls. The results of increased DNA methylation and dimethyl H3-K9 ratio in the 5' region of Bβ1 gene suggest that the epigenetic change may alter the Bβ1 expression in AD patients. In addition, a case-control study was conducted to investigate the association of six Bβ1 promoter single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with the risk of AD or vascular dementia. No significant difference in genotype, allele and haplotype frequency distribution between cases and controls was observed. Finally, we screened the Bβ1 CAG repeats distribution in normal controls and in patients with various neurodegenerative diseases. No expanded allele was found in either group. However, the rare short (CAG)4 and (CAG)6 alleles were observed in two patients with chorea. As rare short triplet alleles give rise to a significant decrease in the expression level, the results suggest the involvement of rare short triplet alleles with chorea.

    目錄............................................................................................................I 中文摘要……………………………………………...…........................V 英文摘要..................................................................................................VI 圖表次…………………………………………….................................VII 壹、緒論......................................................................................................1 一、失智症 (Dementia).........................................................................1 (一) 阿茲海默氏症 (Alzheimer’s Disease)......................................2 (二) 血管性失智症 (Vascular dementia).........................................5 二、去磷酸酶 PP2A 與 PPP2R2B 基因.............................................6 三、調控基因表現的機制與阿茲海默氏症.........................................9 貳、研究目的...........................................................................................14 參、研究材料與方法...............................................................................15 一、分析 PPP2R2B 基因啟動子及 5' 端區域的外遺傳調控與阿茲海默氏症的相關性......................................................................15 (一) 研究樣品……….....................................................................15 (二) 淋巴細胞株 (lymphoblastoid cell line) 的培養及保存....... 15 (三) 基因組 DNA 萃取.................................................................16 (四) CpG 島甲基化分析.................................................................17 1、搜尋 PPP2R2B 基因啟動子及 5' 端區域的 CpG 島......17 2、Restriction enzyme based-methylation assay (RE-PCR).......17 3、Bisulfite sequencing assay....................................................18 (五) 組蛋白的修飾分析.................................................................19 1、樣品備製..............................................................................19 2、染色質免疫沈澱 (chromatin immunoprecipitation)..........19 3、聚合酶鏈鎖反應 ( Polymerase Chain Reaction )...............20 (六) PPP2R2B 基因表現量與阿茲海默氏症的關聯性................21 1、淋巴細胞株 RNA 的萃取.................................................21 2、cDNA 的製備......................................................................21 3、即時定量 PCR (Real-time PCR).........................................22 二、分析 Bβ1 基因啟動子多型性與阿茲海默氏症、血管性失智症 之感受性......................................................................................22 (一) 研究樣品.................................................................................22 (二) Bβ1 啟動子定序......................................................................23 (三) 聚合酶連鎖反應-限制酶片段長度多型性 (PCR-RFLP) 分 析..............................................................................................23 (四) 單股構型多型性 (SSCP) 分析.............................................24 (五) 統計分析.................................................................................24 三、擴大建立 Bβ1 啟動子 CAG 重複序列之遺傳資料庫…….25 (一) 研究樣品................................................................................25 (二) 基因型分析 (genotyping).....................................................25 肆、結果.................................................................................................27 一、阿茲海默氏症的外遺傳研究.....................................................27 (一) CpG島甲基化分析.................................................................27 (二) Restriction enzyme based-methylation assay...........................27 (三) Bisulfite sequencing assay........................................................29 (四) Chromatin immunoprecipitation assay.....................................30 (五) PPP2R2B 基因表現量與阿茲海默氏症的關聯性................31 二、阿茲海默氏症與血管性失智症的 Bβ1 基因啟動子多型性分析.................................................................................................31 (一) Bβ1 基因啟動子定序..............................................................31 (二) 啟動子多型性的 PCR-RFLP 檢測.......................................32 (三) 啟動子多型性的 SSCP 檢測................................................34 (四) 正常人族群 Bβ1 啟動子多型性的哈溫平衡檢測...............34 (五) 多型性位點間的聯鎖不平衡檢測.........................................35 (六) 啟動子多型性與阿茲海默氏症、血管性失智症感受性的相關性........................................................................................35 三、Bβ1 啟動子 CAG 三核苷酸重複之遺傳資料庫擴充.............36 伍、討論..................................................................................................38 一、阿茲海默氏症的外遺傳研究......................................................38 (一) Bβ1 啟動子區域 DNA 甲基化程度................................... 38 (二) PPP2R2B 啟動子區域的染色質結構...................................39 (三) PPP2R2B mRNA 的表現量...................................................41 (四) DNA 甲基化、組蛋白修飾與基因表現...............................41 二、Bβ1 基因啟動子多型性與阿茲海默氏症、血管性失智症感受 性的相關性..................................................................................42 三、臺灣地區 Bβ1 基因啟動子 CAG 三核苷酸重覆之遺傳資料庫..................................................................................................43 陸、參考文獻...........................................................................................46

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