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研究生: 戴美紅
論文名稱: SOP沒有告訴我的事-航空公司國內線的難纏旅客與服務補救
Service Recovery of Dealing with Difficult Clients in the Domestic Airlines
指導教授: 王國欽
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 69
中文關鍵詞: 難纏旅客服務補救標準作業流程
英文關鍵詞: Awkward Clients, Service Recovery, SOP (Standard Operation Procedure)
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:140下載:0
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  • 台灣的國內線航空產業因為高鐵的營運及油價的攀升等種種因素,競爭日趨激烈,所以服務成了航空業非常重要的競爭要素,而隨著時代的進步,現今消費意識高漲,偶有部份旅客維護自我權益的心態過於無限上綱,於是便產生了不合理的要求,亦即我們所謂的「難纏旅客」。

    The competition in the airline industry has become intense due to the successful operation of Taiwan High Speed Rail and the rise of oil price. People generally regard service quality as the most important element in the airline business. Along with the developments, clients set higher standards in service quality. Some clients are labeled as “awkward clients” because they set too high standards in guarding their own rights and fighting for their interests; inevitably, some awkward situations and unreasonable expectations are hence generated.
    The existing SOPs (standard operation procedures) in the domestic airline industry list the guidelines of the compensation scheme rather than explicitly informing the front line service providers how to handle the awkward clients.
    Therefore, this research selected the senior managers with abundant experiences in airline business and summarized the three toughest situations which cast negative impacts on the operations of the airliners through in-depth interviews and content analysis. Further, the focus groups formed by the front line senior supervisors and frequent flyers were interviewed to discuss the three clients-complain situations. The research will figure out the best strategies when facing the similar situations and later to develop compliable standards for the first line service providers at the airline business.
    Keywords: Awkward Clients, Service Recovery, SOP (Standard Operation Procedure)

    論文通過簽名表......................................... i 論文授權書......................................... ii 中文摘要.........................................iii 英文摘要.........................................iv 謝 誌.........................................v 目 次.........................................vi 表 次.........................................viii 圖 次.........................................ix 第壹章 緒論.........................................1 第一節 研究背景.................................1 第二節 研究問題.................................2 第三節 研究目的.................................5 第四節 研究流程.................................6 第貳章 文獻探討......................................7 第一節 航空產業.................................7 第二節 難纏旅客.................................12 第三節 服務補救.................................16 第四節 標準作業程序..............................20 第參章 研究方法......................................24 第一節 研究範圍及對象............................24 第二節 專家深度訪談.............................25 第三節 內容分析法...............................28 第四節 情境設計.................................29 第五節 焦點團體訪談..............................30 第六節 研究設計流程圖............................32 第肆章 資料結果分析...................................33 第一節 專家深度訪談資料分析........................33 第二節 難纏旅客三情境.............................35 第三節 督導焦點團體訪談資料分析.....................38 第四節 常客焦點團體訪談資料分析.....................41 第伍章 結論與建議.....................................44 第一節 實務操作建議...............................44 第二節 學術研究貢獻...............................53 第三節 研究限制與建議.............................54 參考文獻.............................................55 附 錄..............................................63 附錄一 國內線機場難纏旅客應對方式訪談問卷.............63 附錄二 督導焦點團體訪談資料表.......................66 附錄三 常客焦點團體訪談資料表.......................68

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