簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林慧伶
Lin, Huei-ling
論文名稱: 黃友棣音詩《琵琶行》之指揮詮釋與研究
The Conducting Interpretation of Youdi Huang's Choral Tone Poem Song of a Pipa Player
指導教授: 孫愛光
Sun, Ai-Kuang
口試委員: 陳麗芬
Chen, Li-Fen
Liao, Chia-Hong
Sun, Ai-Kuang
口試日期: 2024/06/14
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 音樂學系碩士在職專班
Department of Music_Continuing Education Master's Program of Music
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 107
中文關鍵詞: 黃友棣琵琶行指揮詮釋
英文關鍵詞: Youdi Huang, Song of a Pipa Player, conducting interpretation
研究方法: 透過網路查詢黃友棣作曲家的資料參考戴金泉教授贈與的書籍前往圖書館查詢與《琵琶行》音詩有關的著作
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400761
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:35下載:1
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  • 詩是心靈的語言。黃友棣(1912-2010)根據唐朝詩人白居易(772-846)的七言詩《琵琶行》,結合朗誦、合唱及鋼琴的音詩,於1966年完成創作,此曲是他非常重要的作品之一,他堅持自己的樂教理念「創作民族自己的音樂及致力於大眾音樂教育,持續地將自己貢獻給國家社會」。

    Poetry is the language of the mind. One of his important works, Song of a Pipa Player based on the seven-word poem from the poet, Chu-Yi Pai (772-846) in Tang Dynasty, composed by Youdi Huang (1912-2010) in 1966, This tone poem combines narrator, choir and piano. The composer has insisted on his own principles of musical education. That is “One has to compose the nation’s own music, devote himself to the public musical education, and to the country and society as well”.
    Through reviewing Youdi Huang’s biographical information and composition works, we studied the styles of Youdi Huang’s works at different stages. Specifically, we examined one of his works, Song of a Pipa Player, in depth, in order to understand the contents and characteristics of his works. Four sections of the Song of a Pipa Player, exposition, development, recapitulation, and coda were discussed separately in terms of the relation between text and music. In each section, how the relation among tonality, cadence, themes, motifs and melody lines was utilized by Huang was investigated, so that the musical expression embodied in each section of the Song of a Pipa Player was fully explored, and thorough and detailed comprehension would be achieved. Furthermore, the analyses, as a reference, may better our instructing of the class of music appreciation and music theory. Based on the overall musical expression of text, form, melody, harmony, rhythm, texture, dynamics, relation of parts and historical background in this work, suggestions on conducting interpretation for performers and future instruction or research were proposed.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究範圍與內容 3 第三節 研究方法與步驟 4 第二章 黃友棣音樂思想及風格的演變 5 第一節 家庭背景與求學(1912-1938) 5 第二節 政府內遷與戰後(1938-1949) 6 第三節 遷居香港時期(1949-1957) 6 第四節 赴歐洲進修時期(1957-1963) 7 第五節 由歐洲回香港(1963-1987) 9 第六節 返國定居時期(1987-2010) 10 第三章 琵琶行創作背景與基本結構 13 第一節 詩與樂的結合 13 第二節 琵琶行樂曲之結構 15 第三節 琵琶行詩之結構 16 第四節 琵琶行之曲式分析 19 第四章 琵琶行之指揮詮釋 43 第一節 呈示部 43 第二節 發展部 46 第三節 再現部 48 第四節 結束部 49 第五章 結論 51 第一節 研究心得 51 第二節 音樂會探討 53 第三節 合唱指揮必備之條件 54 第四節 未來的展望55 參考文獻 57 【附錄一】黃友棣音樂作品年表 59 【附錄二】黃友棣著作年表 81 【附錄三】琵琶行合唱總譜 82

    李奧納德 ˙ 亞瑟頓 (Leonard Atherton) 。 《指揮手冊》 (The Conductor’s
    Handbook) 。呂淑玲、蘇索才 譯。臺北:揚智文化事業股份有限公司出版
    Brinson, Barbara A. Choral Music-Methods and Materials. New York: Schirmer Books,1996。
    Durrant, Colin. Choral Conducting: Philosophy and Practice,New York: Taylor & Francis Books,Inc.,2003。
    Grout, Donald Jay. A History of Western Music New York: W. W. Norton &
    Green, Elizabeth A. H. and Mark Gribson, The Modern Conductor 7thed.NewJersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.,2004。
    George, Vance “Choral Conducting” from Conducting,Cambridge University
    Press,8th printing,2013。
    Harold A. Decker & Julius Herford, Choral Conducting Symposium, New Jersey
    Prentice Hall A Division of Simon & Schuster Englewood Cliffs ,1988。
    Holst, Imogen Conducting A Choir, New York, Oxford University Press,1973。
    Jeffers. Ron., Gordon Paine, Ethan Nash. Translations and Annotations of Choral
    Repertoire. Volume ΙΠ Ш Ⅳ. Corvallis: Earthsongs,2000-2009. Assigned reading materials and musical scores。
    Moses. Donald V. and Robert W. Demaree Jr. The Complete Conductor. Englewood
    Cliffs: Prentice Hall,1995。
    Teaching Music through Performance in Choir, Volume Ι~Ⅴ Compiled and Edited
    by Heather J. Buchanan and Matthew W. Mehaffey, GIA Publications, Inc. 7404S. Mason Ave., Chicago, IL
    黃友棣音樂數位博物館http://mim.ksml.edu.tw/hyl/ (Accessed: 2024/03/01)
    (Accessed: 2024/03/01)
    翁佳芬/指揮 高雄室內合唱團2009錄音。http://inshotapp.page.link/YTShare
    (Accessed: 2024/03/01)
