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研究生: 謝漢偉
Han-wei Hsieh
論文名稱: 筆記對英語演講理解效益之研究
Effects of Note-taking on Listening to Academic Lectures
指導教授: 陳純音
Chen, Chun-Yin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: 筆記演講聽力理解記憶維持筆記品質
英文關鍵詞: Note-taking, Lecture, Listening Comprehension, Retention, Note Quality
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:114下載:21
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  • 本論文旨在探討筆記內容對外語學習者英語演講理解之影響與記憶維持力之相關性。學習者自身反思做筆記之重點亦是本文之研究重點。

    The present study aims to explore the relationship between EFL learners’ note contents and listening comprehension (LC) performance on English lectures along with their retention. In addition, the issue of learners’ reflections on how to take notes is addressed.
    The participants in the study were a college professor and 41 English majors who were enrolled in her course, Intermediate Aural-Oral Training. These students were randomly divided into two groups – reviewing and non-reviewing. After listening to a lecture about green tea, they were asked to complete an LC test consisting of 5 global questions and 10 local questions. One week later, both groups had to complete a recall task. The initial analysis was followed up by the interviews with the participants to gain a better insight.
    The results showed that out of the six criteria, test-answerability, major information, information unit, and completeness reached the significance level in correlation with the subjects’ LC performance. A further analysis of the performances of the high achievers and low achievers, it was found that the best predictors of the subjects’ performance were test-answerability and major information. Concerning the question type, the global questions failed to show any significant correlation with their subjects’ note contents. Contrarily, local questions were significantly correlated with the note contents and were in agreement with the previous findings. In the recall task, when required to write down as much as they remembered, the reviewing group jotted down almost twice as many information units as the non-reviewing group, indicating the effects of note-reviewing. The non-reviewing group in fact lost approximately 80% of information and retained only 20%.
    Based upon the findings, it is suggested that language teachers may guide students to differentiate major information from minor information. In answering local questions, language teachers may train students to take notes and offer them a chance to take notes. Finally, in order to reinforce students’ learning, reviewing notes deserves its prominence.

    Abstract (Chinese) i Abstract (English) ii Acknowledgements iii Table of Contents iv List of Tables and Figures viii 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Theoretical Background 4 1.3 Scope of the Study 5 1.4 Research Questions 6 1.5 Definition of the Terms Used in the Thesis 6 1.6 Organization of the Thesis 7 2. Literature Review 8 2.1 Functions of Note-taking 8 2.1.1 Types of Function 8 2.1.2 Superiority of Function 9 2.2 Effects of Note-taking on Test Performance 12 2.2.1 Effects of Note-taking in L1 Settings 12 2.2.2 Effects of Note-taking in L2 Settings 15 2.3 Use of Lectures in Listening Comprehension Tests 17 2.3.1 The Nature of Lectures 17 2.3.2 Lecture Styles 18 2.3.3 Problems and Strategies in Second Language Lecture Comprehension 19 2.3.4 Factors Affecting Academic Lecture Comprehension 22 2.4 Criteria for Deciding Good/Bad Notes 24 2.4.1 Total of the Words 24 2.4.2 Information Unit 25 2.4.3 Test-answerability 26 2.4.4 Efficiency 26 2.4.5 Completeness 27 2.4.6 Other Criteria 27 2.5 Question Types Used in Listening Comprehension Tests 28 2.5.1 Test Formats of Question Types 28 2.5.2 Difficulty Levels of Questions 29 2.6 Related Studies 31 2.6.1 Chaudron, Loschky, and Cook (1988) 31 2.6.2 Dunkel, Mishra, & Berliner (1989) 32 2.6.3 Dunkel and Davy (1989) 34 2.6.4 Lin (2005) 35 2.7 Summary of Chapter 2 39 3. Research Design 41 3.1 Participants 41 3.2 Materials and Methods 43 3.2.1 Lecture Source 43 3.2.2 Listening Comprehension Test 45 3.2.3 Note-taking Sheet 45 3.2.4 Recall Sheet 46 3.2.5 Interview 46 3.3 Procedures 47 3.3.1 Pilot Study 47 3.3.2 Revision of Dunkel’s Model 50 3.3.3 Formal Testing 51 3.3.4 Scoring and Statistical Analysis 51 3.4 Summary of Chapter 3 52 4. Results and Discussion 53 4.1 What Kind of Notes Can Contribute to a Better Comprehension 53 4.2 Among All the Criteria of Note Contents, Which Ones Are the Best Predictors of EFL Learners’ Listening Performance 67 4.3 What Is the Relationship Between Note Contents and Global and Local Questions 71 4.4 Can the Subjects Benefit from Note Reviewing 83 4.5 What Kind of Notes Can Contribute to a Longer Retention 87 4.6 Summary of Chapter 4 89 5. Conclusion 91 5.1 Summary of the Major Findings 91 5.2 Pedagogical Implications 93 5.3 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Future Research 94 References 95 Appendix A: A List of Major Information Units 106 Appendix B: Listening Comprehension Test 107 Appendix C: Note-taking Sheet 109 Appendix D: Recall Sheet 110 Appendix E: Scores of the Subjects in the Pilot Study 111

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