研究生: |
呂麗淑 Li-shu Lu |
論文名稱: |
語意圖對於高中生英文閱讀理解的成效研究 The Effects of Semantic Mapping Strategy on EFL High School Students’ Reading Comprehension |
指導教授: |
Chen, Chiou-Lan |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
英語學系 Department of English |
論文出版年: | 2006 |
畢業學年度: | 94 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 102 |
中文關鍵詞: | 語意圖 、閱讀理解 、讀後回憶 |
英文關鍵詞: | semantic mapping strategy, reading comprehension, written recall protocols |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:499 下載:78 |
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本研究旨在探討使用「語意圖閱讀策略」於閱讀課程中對高中生英文閱讀能力之影響。實驗對象為桃園縣某公立高中一年級四個班級,共128名學生。其中64名學生為實驗組,而另64名學生為對照組。各組均有高分組學生32名及低分組學生32名。研究時間為十七個星期,包含三個階段: 訓練,練習,問卷及訪談。教學訓練每週二節持續十週,訓練前學生接受全民英檢初級閱讀測驗為分組測驗﹔然後實驗組接受十週的「語意圖閱讀策略」訓練,而對照組仍為傳統教師講述上課方式。在練習階段,以閱讀後內容回憶和選擇題來測量兩組學生的閱讀理解能力。此階段為期六週,學生每隔一週接受一次閱讀理解能力測驗,共三次測驗。除此之外,於問卷及訪談階段實驗組填寫一份問卷,16名隨機選出的實驗組學生再接受訪談,以了解學生對此訓練之觀感。
(1) 語意圖閱讀策略可增進高中生的閱讀理解能力,此外高分組學生受益多於低分組學生。
(2) 文章的難易度亦會影響語意圖閱讀策略對高中生英文閱讀能力的效果,當文章過於簡單時使用語意圖閱讀策略的效果則不顯著。此外,語意圖閱讀策略有助學生理解結構完整和結構較鬆散的文章,但前者的效果優於後者。
(3) 實驗組學生對此訓練抱持正向態度,表示此課程有助他們理解文章架構,增進他們的閱讀能力,使閱讀課更有趣,有較多師生互動,及學生主動學習機會。
The study aims to investigate the effects of semantic mapping strategy on EFL senior high school students’ reading comprehension. The whole experiment lasted for seventeen weeks, including Instruction Phase, Practice Phase, and Questionnaire & Interview Phase. One hundred twenty-eight tenth graders in a public senior high school in Tao-yuan County participated in the study. In Instruction Phase, the participants took the reading section of GEPT Basic Level as the screening test first and were divided into two groups, the experimental group and the control group. Each group contained sixty-four students with two proficiency levels, high and low. Then, the experimental group received a ten-week (two classes per week) training in semantic mapping strategy, while the control group received the traditional teaching method instruction. In Practice Phase, which lasted six weeks, the effects of semantic mapping strategy were evaluated through measures of three reading comprehension tests, including written recall protocols and multiple-choice comprehension tests. Students’ attitude and responses toward the instruction were explored through post-treatment questionnaire and interviews in the last phase.
The results of the study were summarized below:
(1) Semantic mapping strategy facilitated the experimental group’s reading comprehension. Besides, the high-proficiency students benefited more from semantic mapping strategy than the low-proficiency students.
(2) The difficulty level of a text affected the effects of semantic mapping strategy on students’ reading comprehension. That is, the easier a text is, the less obvious the effects are. The text should be appropriate to students’ proficiency level for semantic mapping strategy to be effective. Moreover, semantic mapping strategy facilitated students’ comprehension of both well-organized ad less-organized texts.
(3) Students’ responses elicited from the questionnaire and the interviews both revealed positive attitudes toward the effectiveness of semantic mapping strategy. They considered the training and application of semantic mapping strategy helpful to their reading comprehension.
Based on the findings, it is suggested that semantic mapping strategy, an effective reading strategy, should be introduced in the reading class to improve EFL senior high students’ reading comprehension. In addition, the study highlighted the importance of reading strategy training in an EFL reading class.
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