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研究生: 陳俊廷
Chun Ting Chen
論文名稱: McKibben 人工肌肉上肢外骨架機器人之設計
Design of an upper-limbed exoskeleton robot driven by McKibben artificial muscles
指導教授: 陳俊達
Chen, Chun-Ta
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 機電工程學系
Department of Mechatronic Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 79
中文關鍵詞: 外骨架機器人反向運動學反向動力學人工肌肉氣壓缸
英文關鍵詞: exoskeleton robot, inverse kinematics, inverse dynamics, McKibben pneumatic artificial muscle
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:165下載:26
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  • 傳統上,中風病患或因意外受傷而導致肢體受創無法行動自理者,須經由物理復健師予以一對一治療,就人力資源分配來說,實乃供不及求。有鑑於此,本論文開發一種針對手臂復健的外骨架機器人以取代人力之不足。所開發的外骨架機器人具有4個自由度,包含肩膀處3個自由度以及手肘處的1個自由度。本文說明建構外骨架機器人的零組件、機械結構的設計和外骨架機器人的操作流程,並建立各零組件的數學模型以及為了能規劃、控制外骨架機器人的運動,根據機器人學推導順向運動學、反向運動學以及反向動力學。而為了簡化反向動力學運算的複雜度,本論文是以準座標建立的Lagrangian方程式來作推導,並使用Robotics Toolbox分析外骨架機器人的順向運動學、反向運動學,以及撰寫Matlab程式模擬外骨架機器人的反向動力學。

    Generally, people who can not perform activities due to the stroke or accidents must be cured by a physical therapist, and it should be operated one by one. However, the manpower sources do not meet so many requests. Therefore, this paper presents an exoskeleton robot for arm rehabilitation to solve for this situation. There are total 4 DOFs on our exoskeleton robot. It is 3 DOFs and 1 DOF on shoulder and elbow, respectively. In this thesis, building components, design and operation of the exoskeleton robot structure are presented. Moreover, mathematical models of devices, forward kinematics, inverse kinematics and inverse dynamics are developed to control the exoskeleton robot. Also, due to a large amount of symbolic computation, the Lagrangian formulation based on the quasi-coordinates is used to derive the inverse dynamics. Simulation of the forward kinematics and inverse kinematics are conducted by the Robotics Toolbox, and the Matlab program is developed for the inverse dynamics.

    中文摘要.......................................................i Abstract................................................ii 致謝 ...................................................iii 目錄 ....................................................iv 圖目錄 ...................................................vi 表目錄 ...................................................ix 符號說明目錄................................................x 第一章 緒論.................................................1 研究動機....................................................1 1.1 機器人簡介..............................................1 1.1.1 義肢型機械手臂.........................................2 1.1.2 外骨架機器人...........................................2 1.2 外骨架機械手臂式機器人分類整理..............................4 1.3 應用及發展概況...........................................5 1.4 研究目的與章節架構.......................................12 1.4.1 研究目的.............................................12 1.4.2 章節架構.............................................12 第二章 外骨架機器人設計......................................14 2.1 人體骨骼運動學及復健運動.................................14 2.2 外骨架機器手臂設計......................................18 2.3 外骨架機器手臂之驅動硬體.................................21 2.3.1 三點組合............................................22 2.3.2 比例調壓閥...........................................23 2.3.3 PSoC 嵌入式晶片系統...................................25 第三章 人工肌肉氣壓缸之動態建模................................29 3.1 人工肌肉氣壓缸系統基本架構................................29 3.2 人工肌肉氣壓缸輸出力靜態數學模型...........................29 3.3 比例調壓閥質量流率數學模型................................30 3.4 人工肌肉氣壓缸壓力動態數學模型.............................31 3.5 人工肌肉氣壓缸負載動態數學模型.............................32 第四章 外骨架機器人之運動學與動態方程式.........................33 4.1 準座標系統與Lagrange方程式...............................34 4.2 運動學與動力學分析.......................................35 4.2.1 機械手臂機器人位置與速度分析............................35 4.2.2 順向運動學...........................................37 4.2.3 反向運動學...........................................40 4.3 外骨架機器人之動態方程式..................................44 4.3.1 機械手臂機器人動能.....................................44 4.3.2 機械手臂機器人位能.....................................47 4.3.3 虛功與反向動力學......................................47 第五章 復健姿勢模擬結果與討論.................................57 5.1 人工肌肉氣壓缸之動態模擬.................................57 5.2 復健姿勢模擬...........................................59 5.2.1 MATLAB - Robotics Toolbox..........................59 5.2.2 順向運動學模擬結果....................................62 5.2.3 反向運動學模擬結果....................................63 5.2.4 反向動力學模擬結果....................................66 第六章 結論與未來發展方向....................................70 參考文獻...................................................71

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