簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 徐啟舜
Shu, Chi-Shun
論文名稱: 蘭陽平原以南山麓地區斷層擦痕之古應力分析研究
Study of Fault-Slip Data and Paleostress Analysis along Southern Foothills Ilan Plain
指導教授: 葉恩肇
Yen, En-Chao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地球科學系
Department of Earth Sciences
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 120
中文關鍵詞: 蘭陽平原斷層擦痕古應力分析
英文關鍵詞: Ilan plain, fault slip, paleostress analysis
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:143下載:13
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  • 蘭陽平原以南的山麓地區由早期的造山擠壓轉變為現今以西北-東南向拉張為主的應力場,顯示其地體構造上相對較為複雜,因此本研究主要目的在於了解蘭陽平原以南的山麓地區的脆性構造特性與應力場演化史。透過觀察清水溪、寒溪與南方澳野外露頭之構造特性,量測地表斷層擦痕並利用擦痕截切關係進行分期,以獲得各期脆性構造特性與順序以及相對應的斷層擦痕資料。

    In southern foothills area of the Ilan Plain, stress field changes from the compression of mountain building to NW-SE extension of the Okinawa trough, indicating tectonics is relatively complex. The aim of this study is to understand the characteristics of brittle structures and the evolution of stress field in south foothills of Ilan Plain. By observing the structure characteristics, measuring fault slip data and classifying the different stages via cross-cutting relationship in the Chingshuixi, Hanxi and Nanangao outcrops, aspects of brittle structures, development sequence and corresponding fault slip can be established.
    This study used the Multiple Inversion Method and T-Tecto 3.0 program for stress inversion analysis of fault slip data to gather the independent stress fields of different phases. Based on cross-cutting relation and comparison with stress fields, 5 phases of stress field can be classified. N+1 phase is characterized as normal faulting stress field with the northeast-southwest extension. N+2 phase is consisted of strike-slip faulting stress regime with northeast-southwest extension and northwest-southeast compression. N+3 phase is strike-slip faulting stress regime with northwest-southeast extension and southwest-northeast compression. N+4 phase is characterized as normal faulting stress regime with northwest - southeast extension. N+5 is considered as strike-slip faulting stress regime with northwest-southeast extension and northeast-southwest compression.
    Comparing the aspects of N+1normal faulting with the characterization of synorogenic extension model, it is speculated that the earliest normal faulting may be caused by mountains extension due to the gravity influence. Correlating the horizontal minimum stress orientations of 5-phase stress regimes to the principal strain rate calculated from GSP data, stress field between N+3 and N+5 is more consistent with strain rate pattern. The results suggest stress field of N+3-N+5 phases is more closed the current stress state. Also, the stress field has spatial rotation phenomena.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 XI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 動機與研究目的 1 1.2 研究區域之位置與交通 3 第二章 前人研究 5 2.1 區域地質背景 5 2.2 野外構造相關研究 9 2.3 地表斷層擦痕相關研究 12 2.3 GPS地表位移量 17 2.3.1 應變分析 17 2.4 震源機制解 19 第三章 研究方法 24 3.1 野外工作 25 3.1.1 野外描述與中視尺度構造繪圖 25 3.1.2 地表斷層擦痕量測與判別 25 3.1.3 斷層擦痕之截切關係 28 3.2 古應力反演 29 3.2.1 反演原理 29 3.3.1 多重反演法(Multiple inversion method;MIM) 30 3.3.2 MIM獨立應力場 35 3.2.2 T-Tecto 3.0 40 第四章 野外觀察與應力反演結果 42 4.1 清水溪地區 44 4.2 寒溪地區 56 4.3南方澳地區 68 4.4 古應力反演結果 79 4.4.1 清水溪古應力反演結果 79 4.4.2 寒溪地區古應力反演結果 84 4.4.3 南方澳地區古應力反演結果 88 第五章 討論 92 5.1 MIM與T-Tect3.0應力反演結果之探討 92 5.2 有無截切關係之應力場對比與應力比值互換之可能性 94 5.3 現地應力及前人古應反演結果之比較 98 5.4蘭陽平原地區主軸應變率之比較 101 5.5 早期正斷層應力來源探討 103 5.6 塊體旋轉現象探討 105 第六章 結論與建議 110 6.1結論 110 6.2建議事項 111 參考文獻 112 中文文獻 112 英文文獻 114 附錄一 117

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