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Author: 吳佳燕
Wu, Chia-Yen
Thesis Title: 探討珠寶價格趨勢之分析
Analysis of the Jewelry Price Trend
Advisor: 張佳榮
Chang, Chia-Jung
Committee: 鄒蘊欣 劉素娟
Approval Date: 2021/05/28
Degree: 碩士
Department: 國際時尚高階管理碩士在職專班
Executive Master of Business Administration Program in Global Fashion
Thesis Publication Year: 2021
Academic Year: 109
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 46
Keywords (in Chinese): 價格趨勢分析投資分析寶石市場珠寶產業
Keywords (in English): Profit margin analyses, Investment analyses, Gemstone market, Jewelry industry
Research Methods: 次級資料分析
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 250Downloads: 14
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  • 市場上有各式各樣的投資標的,其中在實務界常見,卻缺乏學術探討的便是以「珠寶」作為投資之現象。事實上,珠寶是財富階層位於金字塔頂端者的一種重要投資方式!


      研究發現,所有紅寶石、藍寶石、與祖母綠寶石,顏色級數高的、成色好的寶石,價格都比較高而且漲價趨勢幅度也比較高。且研究結果亦顯示,從十年的平均數來看整體投資績效,發現紅寶石之投資成效最好,平均價格趨勢曲線成長了1.78倍。而祖母綠10年間的平均價格趨勢上漲幅度達到1.32倍。至於藍寶石,10年來的平均價格趨勢曲線則是下跌的。再檢視個別表現,數據顯示以 7~9.99 克拉 Vivid Blue藍寶石以漲幅趨勢達到13倍,投資績效表現最佳。


    Among all the diverse investment targets presented on the market, "Jewellery" as a long-standing symbol of upscale luxury attracts many at the top of the global wealth pyramid. Unfortunately, its lack of statistical support is woefully inadequate.

      This research of Sotheby's and Christie's auction house analyzes the causes of pricing movements, hopes to render a more precise direction and trend for investors and jewelers to use as a reference for their investments.

      According to the research, high-quality gems like ruby, blue sapphire, and emerald; illustrate higher prices and better afterward margin.

      The research of a 10-year-profit margin demonstrates that ruby comes with the best investment profit, with an average growth of 178%, followed by emerald with 132%. On the other hand, blue sapphire shows a progressive decline. However, vivid blue sapphires within the range of 7cts-9.99cts perform the best growth rate of 1300%.

      This research enlightens the industry with a whole new vision of the field of jewelry research. It also contributes practically to provide a better investment strategy. The author of this paper sincerely wishes to benefit jewelry investors with further explicit knowledge. Ultimately, it welcomes all with passion into the fascinating world of jewelry art.

    第壹章 緒論1 第一節 研究背景與動機1 第二節 研究目的2 第貳章 文獻探討3 第一節 寶石之歷史3 第二節 寶石之定義4 第三節 寶石之顏色7 第四節 寶石之內含物(淨度)15 第五節 寶石之處理23 第六節 寶石之傳承24 第參章 研究設計25 第一節 寶石價格數據來源25 第二節 寶石價格數據說明26 第三節 數據分析流程26 第肆章 研究成果28 第一節 綠寶石價錢漲幅28 第二節 紅寶石價錢漲幅33 第三節 藍寶石價錢漲幅38 第伍章 總結42 參考文獻 45





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