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研究生: 朱維業
Chee Wee Yek
論文名稱: 社會企業家的創業動機和歷程–台灣公平貿易咖啡企業的個案研究
Start-up Motivation and Entrepreneurial Process of Social Entrepreneurs – Case Studies of Fair Trade Coffee Business in Taiwan
指導教授: 邱皓政
Chiou, Haw-Jeng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 98
中文關鍵詞: 社會企業社會企業家社會創業創業動機創業歷程公平貿易咖啡
英文關鍵詞: Social Enterprise, Social Entrepreneur, Social Entrepreneurship, Start-up Motivation, Entrepreneurial Process, Fair Trade Coffee
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:363下載:62
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  • 在我們的社會當中,社會企業家是屬於非常小眾且特殊的一群人。雖然如此,和傳統商業型企業家一樣,社會企業家們所做的事其實每天都在影響著世界上許許多多的人們。本研究的主要目的是希望能更深入了解社會企業家的創業動機和創業歷程的價值活動選擇。藉由使用推力(Push)和拉力(Pull)型的動機分類架構和深度訪談的方式,我們希望能從台灣公平貿易咖啡創業家的案例中找出社會企業家和傳統商業型企業家在創業動機上的各種異同點。


    根據研究結果,我們不只發現社會企業家和傳統商業型企業家在創業動機上的相同之處,如“對於工作的不滿”和“自我實踐的需求”,我們也發現到了他們在創業動機上的一些根本上的不同,如“社會使命感”和“心靈上的匱乏”。除此,基於比較研究的發現成果,我們也建立了一個新的“社會創業動機理論架構”來更清楚地解釋社會企業家的各種創業動機在他們的創業歷程當中所扮演的角色和影響。在我們所提出的新架構之中,我們提出了“動機前因(Motivator Trigger) ”的概念來解釋到底是何種因素挑起了社會企業家們的種種創業動機,而通過使用“他人/個己中心(Other/Self-Focus)”的分類方式,我們也更清楚地描繪出各類不同創業動機對於社會創業歷程所造成的不同的影響。

    Social entrepreneurs are a very small and mystery group of people in the society. Like many commercial entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs’ works and impacts somehow influence millions of people’s daily life around the world. The research purpose of this study is trying to get deeper understanding of social entrepreneurs’ start-up motivations and their entrepreneurial process, especially their value-adding activities selection. By applying push and pull motivation framework and through interviewing fair trade coffee social entrepreneurs in Taiwan, we try to identify the key distinctive start-up motivations between commercial and social entrepreneurs.

    In this study, we selected fair trade coffee social entrepreneurs as our representative cases for social entrepreneurs. By applying the qualitative phenomenological and triangulation method, we collected data from multiple sources and built up a richness and detail content database about social entrepreneurs’ motivations and entrepreneurial process.

    From our research findings, we not only found the differences and similarities of the motivation between commercial and social entrepreneurs, we also built up a new comprehensive social entrepreneurial motivation framework. In our new comprehensive framework, we proposed the idea of “Motivator Trigger” to explain the antecedent of motivators and we also applied the other/self-focus classification method to better illustrate the relationship and roles of startup motivations during the “Social Engagement” process.

    Abstract I Table of Contents III Chapter 1 – Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1 1.1.1 The Rise of Social Entrepreneurship 1 1.1.2 Fair Trade and Social Enterprise 2 1.1.3 Mission Driven or Money Driven Entrepreneur 3 1.2 Research Purpose 5 Chapter 2 – Literature Review 7 2.1 Entrepreneur 7 2.2 Entrepreneurship 10 2.2.1 Entrepreneurial Process 12 2.2.2 Value Chain and Value-Adding Activities 13 2.3 Social Entrepreneur and Social Entrepreneurship 14 2.4 Social Enterprise and Social Entrepreneur in Taiwan17 2.4.1 Development of SE in Taiwan 17 2.4.2 Types of SE in Taiwan 18 2.4.3 Social Entrepreneurs in Taiwan 20 2.5 Fair Trade 20 2.5.1 Background 20 2.5.2 Fair Trade Coffee 23 2.5.3 Fair Trade in Taiwan 25 2.6 Entrepreneurial Motivation 26 2.6.1 Development of Entrepreneurial Motivation 26 2.6.2 Push (Necessity) and Pull (Opportunity) Motivators 28 2.6.3 Social Entrepreneur’s Motivation 31 2.7 Summary 32 Chapter 3 – Research Method 33 3.1 Method Selection 33 3.1.1 Qualitative Phenomenological Method 33 3.1.2 Triangulation 34 3.1.3 Multiple-Case Study 35 3.1.4 In-Depth Interview 36 3.2 Sampling Method and Participants Selection 37 3.2.1 Purposeful Sampling 37 3.2.2 Participants of This Study 39 3.3 Interview Procedure and Questionnaire Design 41 3.3.1 Interview Procedure 41 3.3.2 Question Design 42 3.4 Analytic Process 44 Chapter 4 – Cases Analysis 45 4.1 Cases Introduction 45 4.1.1 Founder A1 (Lightened Café) 45 4.1.2 Founder B2 (He Ping Café) 46 4.1.3 Founder C3 (Rain Forest Coffee) 48 4.1.4 Founder D4 and E5 (Oko Green) 50 4.1.5 Founder F6 (Hoard In Job) 52 4.2 Descriptive Information 53 4.3 The Roles and Activities in FT Value Chain 55 4.4 Social Missions 58 4.5 Start-up Reasons 60 Chapter 5 – Research Findings 62 5.1 Push/Pull Motivations 62 5.1.1 Push Motivations 62 5.1.2 Pull Motivations 65 5.1.3 Comparison of Commercial and Social Entrepreneur 71 5.2 A Comprehensive Framework of Social Entrepreneurial Motivation 73 5.2.1 The Antecedent: “Motivator Trigger” 74 5.2.2 Other-Focus and Self-Focus Motivators 74 5.2.3 Complementary Motivators 76 5.3 The Effects of Motivators through the Entrepreneurial Process 76 Chapter 6 – Conclusion and Suggestions 81 6.1 Conclusion 81 6.2 Implications 82 6.2.1 Theoretical Implications 82 6.2.2 Managerial Implications 83 6.3 Limitations 83 6.4 Further Study Recommendations 84 References 85 Appendix 93 A.1 Interview Plan 93 A.2 Interview Consent Form 95 A.3 Background Info and Motivation Survey Form 97

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