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研究生: 張繼國
Chi-Kuo Chang
論文名稱: 國小教師甄試應徵者印象管理策略對面談結果之影響
The influences of applicants’ impression management tactics on interview outcomes of elementary school teacher selection
指導教授: 謝文全
Hsieh, Wen-Chyuan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 253
中文關鍵詞: 教師甄選印象管理印象管理策略
英文關鍵詞: Teacher selection, Impression management, Impression management tactics
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:407下載:32
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  • 摘  要

      本研究之調查與訪談對象為國民小學之教育人員。在調查研究部份共抽出99所學校,發出問卷825份,實得有效問卷650份,問卷資料處理採SPSS for Windows 11.5統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。




    The purposes of the study are: (1) to explore the primary concepts of impression management tactics and its practice,(2) to investigate the current situation of interview of teacher selection in public elementary school,(3) to investigate its influence on teacher selection interview, (4) to conclude the results and offer some suggestions for practicing or improving interview of teacher selection.
    In order to accomplish the purposes, This research adopts literature research, questionnaire survey, and interview investigations. First, through literature analysis,
    the study explores the primary concepts of impression management tactics and its practice to understand the meanings, function, relational theories. In addition, it also explores the correlation research of impression management principles between interview. Second, according to the results drawn from the literatures, the researcher develops “ The influences of applicants’ impression management tactics on interview outcomes of teacher selection ’’ used for investigation survey to understand the influence situation and opinions on the interview outcomes of teacher selection in public elementary school. Finally, according to the results, the research provides some substantial suggestions.
    The subjects of this study are the school staff in public elementary school. A total of 99 schools are randomly selected and questionnaires of 825 copies are dispatched. The effective samples acquired are 650 copies. The data of questionnaire is processed for statistical analysis under the “ SPSS for Windows 11.5 ’’ statistics package software.
    From the data of literature analysis, questionnaire and interview investigations, the conclusions are as follows :
    1.The use of impression management tactics during interview of teacher selection in elementary school are universal degree. The universal degree in order are data evidence, nonverbal behaviors, external dress up, and verbal tactics.
    2.The concrete methods of impression management tactics most often used during interview of teacher selection in elementary school are: the verbal tactics is to confirm oneself, the nonverbal behaviors is the facial expression, the external dress up tactics is the appearance decoration, the data evidence tactics is the creations of teaching.
    3. The most important impression management principle during interview of teacher selection in elementary school are: in answer to keep to the point, to concentrate one’s attention and listen attentive, full of confidence and delight, to pull down one’s vest.
    4. The impression management principle has the difference in theory and practice. The current situation is mostly achievement, but not accomplish it completely.
    5.The influences of impression management tactics on the interview outcomes during interview of teacher selection in elementary school are influential degree. The influential degree in order are nonverbal behaviors, data evidence, external dress up, and verbal tactics.
    6.The concrete methods of impression management tactics had greatest effects on the interview outcomes during interview of teacher selection in elementary school : the verbal tactics is to confirms oneself, the nonverbal behaviors is the facial expression, the external dress up tactics is the appearance decoration, the data evidence tactics is the skill credentials.
    7. The different background people fills in answering have mostly the same views to the use of impression management tactics during interview of teacher selection in elementary school and consider it is universal degree. The whole to say, whether once hold the committee member of teacher selection have more different opinions.
    8. The different background people fills in answering have mostly the same views to the influences of impression management tactics during interview of teacher selection in elementary school and consider it is influential degree. The whole to say, different school have more different opinions.
    Based on the research conclusion, the researcher proposes some concrete suggestions to practice and improve the interview of teacher selection in the following:
    1.As to the applicants during interview of teacher selection, they should
    (1) strengthen understanding of individual impression management tactics and put it to good use.
    (2)be familiar with concrete methods of individual impression management tactics and put it to good use during interview of teacher selection.
    (3) strengthen and master the knowledge of impression management principles so as to put it to good use during interview of teacher selection.
    (4)carry out the impression management principle during interview of teacher selection and put it to good use.
    (5) reserve the professional ability of impression management tactics and strengthen the training of impression management tactics.
    (6)carry out the concrete methods of impression management tactics during interview of teacher selection so as to enhance personal value.
    2.As to the educational authorities, they should
    (1) establish the professional training mechanism of interviewers of teacher selection so as to enhance the quality of teacher selection.
    (2)improve the related laws and regulations so as to establish good selection mechanism and fairer competition.
    (3) provide helps to teacher selection in school so as to help the whole school’s development.
    3.As to school, they should
    (1) establish the professional training mechanism of interviewers of teacher selection so as to enhance the quality of teacher selection.
    (2) improve the fair mechanism on teacher selection methods in school.
    (3) take the whole school’s developments as the consideration about teacher
    selection in school.

    Key words: Teacher selection. Impression management. Impression management tactics.

    國民小學教師甄試應徵者印象管理策略對面談結果之影響                目 錄 第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………1 第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………………………1 第二節 研究範圍與待答問題……………………………………………3 第三節 名詞釋義…………………………………………………………4 第四節 研究方法與步驟…………………………………………………6 第五節 研究架構與限制…………………………………………………8 第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………………11 第一節 印象管理的意義與功能………………………………………11 第二節 印象管理的策略………………………………………………14 第三節 甄選面談………………………………………………………24 第四節 印象管理的相關理論與原則…………………………………32  第五節 印象管理策略與面試結果之相關研究……………………39 第三章 研究設計與實施………………………………………………43 第一節 研究架構………………………………………………………43 第二節 研究對象………………………………………………………45 第三節 研究工具………………………………………………………50 第四節 研究的實施……………………………………………………59 第五節 資料的處理……………………………………………………64 第四章 調查結果分析與討論………………………………………67 第一節 印象管理策略使用情況的分析與討論………………………67 第二節 印象管理策略影響效果的分析與討論………………………80 第三節 印象管理策略與面談影響的相關分析與討論………………84 第四節 印象管理原則的分析與討論…………………………………96 第五節 印象管理策略其他意見的分析與討論 ……………………146 第五章 訪談結果分析與討論………………………………………151 第一節 訪談結果的分析 ……………………………………………151 第二節 訪談結果的小結與討論 ……………………………………196 第六章 結論與建議…………………………………………………215 第一節 主要研究發現 ………………………………………………215 第二節 結論 …………………………………………………………218 第三節 建議 …………………………………………………………222 參考文獻………………………………………………………………229 附錄   附錄一:教師甄試應徵者印象管理策略對面談結果影響調查問卷《試填》…235  附錄二:教師甄試應徵者印象管理策略對面談結果影響調查問卷《正式》…242  附錄三:學校請託函………………………………………………247  附錄四:專家請託函………………………………………………248  附錄五:訪談大綱…………………………………………………249  附錄六:印象管理策略相關意見統計資料表……………………250


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