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研究生: 蘇于娜
Su, Yu-Na
論文名稱: 繪畫娛樂空間之生活美學理念實踐與體驗之研究-以The Escape Artist 為例
Painting Entertainment Space of Life Aesthetic Practice Experience -A Case Study of The Escape Artist
指導教授: 陳瓊花
Chen, Chiung-Hua
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 363
中文關鍵詞: 繪畫娛樂空間生活美學理念美學體驗體驗行銷藝甸園
英文關鍵詞: Painting entertainment space, Life aesthetic, Aesthetic practice, Experience marketing, The Escape Artist
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DFA.069.2018.A10
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:93下載:0
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  • 本研究以繪畫娛樂空間的生活美學理念規劃與實踐者的實踐理念過往與現況、消費者的美學體驗回饋為三部分架構進行研究探討。研究主軸從中探討到創業者的創業緣由,以及創業者對於The Escape Artist的創業理念認知,從中分類為「生活美學環境」、「生活美學活動」、「生活美學服務」三大面向來探討,以場域中的人為主角,整間店對於生活美學理念認知與理念實際執行現況能否呼應「生活美學相關概念」與「美學體驗」的理論應證之研究。

    一、 創立者們對生活美學環境理念規劃以創意再生改造原先環境,期望創造放鬆自在且不具批判性之空間特色,並堅持以空間維護與整潔來形塑整體環境舒適度與基本形象。


    三、生活美學服務理念規劃特點,以創立者們期望於服務中產生尊重與實際生命連結與互動的服務熱忱與品質,並能夠提供便利流暢與長時間開放的繪畫體驗服務作為生活美學服務理念特點,營造The Escape Artist生活生美學服務的理想狀態。


    六、生活美學服務理念實踐層面因應理念之規劃,以建立與顧客真誠、親切的互動與支持服務實踐原則,並實踐傳遞「真誠溫暖」之My Favorite Artist計畫,實踐「真誠、親切、溫暖」的服務價值。






    A case study of the Escape Artist painting entertainment space research primary divided into three parts: How the operators and co-founders plan the life aesthetic idea in the past, how the co-workers and volunteers practice life aesthetic idea, and the aesthetic experience of consumers.
    The main axis of this study explores the entrepreneurs' causes of entrepreneurship, and how he recognized the business concepts of The Escape Artist. From that concepts, I divided into three main aspects : the enviroment of life aesthetic, the activities of life aesthetic, and the services of life aesthetic. Based on these three aspects, I put the focus on the person in the field, and the research also discussed if the Escape Artist’s life aesthetic and the actual implementation situation can respond to the “the related concepts of life aesthetics” and “the aesthetic experience” .
    This research adopts three mixed methods: in-depth interview method, participation observation method, and questionnaire survey method. Among them, the interview object of the in-depth interview method includes a total of 20 interviews, a total of 23 observations, and a total number of questionnaires, 354 valid questionnaires. This study based on the results of research and analysis to respond the research objectives and problems, sums up and infers the following three major aspects: the concept of life aesthetics, the concept of practice, and aesthetic experience. Briefly describe the following conclusions in 10 points:
    1. First, the founders create and rebuild the original environment based on their experience of life aesthetics environment. They hope to create a non-critical space and to maintain the clearance of the environment to shape the basic image of a comfortable environment.

    2. Second, the founders arrange the life aesthetic activities. The philosophy of life aesthetic activities is to satisfy the need of pursue of the beauty and the “painting for recreation” is the main value of the activity. Through experiencing self- identification and expression instead of the technique of painting to enhance the self-confidence of aesthetic of Taiwanese.

    3. Third, as for the arrangement of life aesthetic services, the founders hope to create the connection between respect and the interaction of life based on enthusiasm and quality via service.

    4. Fourth, co-workers hope to make use of natural elements and recreate space and maintain the comfort of the environment to put the life aesthetic into practice.
    Based on whole, coordination and consistency to consider how to display elements in the environment, how to build a lovely hearing atmosphere and how to employ natural light to construct an environment with aesthetic feeling. Besides, all co-workers devoted to maintain the clean and tidy is the also one part of the point. However, most of the co-workers think that maintain the clean and tidy environment is too heavy a chore for them. Therefore, the founders hope to cooperate with other cleaning company and thus increase the efficacy of other service.
    5. Fifth, co-workers emphasize the convenience and smooth pace on painting activities as their practice of the philosophy of life aesthetic on environment. On the other hand, they hope to promote the happiness of painting through practical interaction and focus on the creation of the comfortable hearing environment which can make the customers to immerse themselves into the emotion. In the end, the attempt to induce customers by holding creative and special events.

    6. Sixth, the life aesthetics service which based on the concept of the idea of planning, in order to establish a sincere interaction and the support of service and practice between customers and staffs. And it conveys the “sincere warmth” of “My Favorite Artist Plan” because the life aesthetics services want to practice the service value of "sincere, intimate, warmth".

    7. Seventh, the questionnaire data of the study was analyzed by the correlation coefficient, deducing that the environment, activities and the services of life aesthetic are displaying a highly positive correlation.
    The results of the survey in this study concluded that among the consumer groups with different consumption background data, the consumer groups of different stores, genders, places of residence, and consumption times have significant differences in their perception of aesthetic experience.
    There are significant differences in the recognition of their aesthetic activities in different stores, genders, departmental categories, consumption times, staying time, and flat/holiday consumption orientations.
    Different store, gender, and place of residence change consumers have significant differences in their aesthetic experience service recognition.
    Different store, gender, and place of the background change consumer groups have significant differences in their acceptance of aesthetic experience satisfaction.

    8. Eighth, according to analysis and discussion, we can conclude that customer have the sense of identify on “sense of comfortable”, “sense of security”, “happiness” and “relax without criticism” on the experience of aesthetic.

    9. Ninth, customers agree on the experience of aesthetics such as “painting entertainment”, “self- identification and expression instead of the technique of painting”. They can experience three main purposes of the activities: “self-expression”and “convey the mood”.
    10. Tenth, customers can experience the “sincere interaction”, “establish the connection of life” and “affinity” on the experience of philosophy of aesthetic service.

    Key words:Painting entertainment space、Life aesthetic、Aesthetic practice、Experience marketing、The Escape Artist.

    誌謝詞 I 摘要 III 英文摘要 VI 目次 X 表次 XIII 圖次 XVII 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 8 第三節 研究方法與流程 10 第四節 名詞釋義 18 第五節 研究範圍與限制 21 第二章 文獻探討 25 第一節 藝術休閒功能與需求之概念與因素 25 第二節 生活風格與生活美學之概念與應用 38 第三節 體驗行銷與美學體驗之概念與要素 51 第四節 繪畫娛樂空間生活美學理念實踐與體驗相關研究 67 第三章 研究設計與實施 79 第一節 研究設計 79 第二節 研究場域與研究對象 84 第三節 研究工具 93 第四節 實施程序 115 第五節 研究資料處理 122 第六節 研究信度與效度 126 第七節 研究倫理 129 第四章 研究分析與討論 133 第一節 繪畫娛樂空間創立者們對生活美學理念規劃認知特點 133 第二節 協同工作者們對生活美學理念實踐認知要點與困境 169 第三節 消費者們對其美學體驗知覺感受差異與特點 223 第五章 研究結論與建議 297 第一節 研究結論 297 第二節 研究建議 305 參考文獻 310 壹、 中文文獻 310 貳、 英文文獻 315 附錄 318 附錄一 經營者研究訪談大綱 318 附錄二 空間設計藝術家訪談大綱 321 附錄三 協同工作人員之店員與志工訪談大綱 323 附錄四 消費者訪談大綱 327 附錄五 訪談題綱專家效度檢證意見彙整表 330 附錄六 訪談同意函 334 附錄七 問卷工具專家效度檢證彙整表 336 附錄八 預試問卷 352 附錄九 問卷因素分析結果及刪題題項 356 附錄十 美學體驗向度之信度題項檢測內容 358 附錄十一 研究正式問卷 360


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