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研究生: 張芷嫣
CHANG, Chih-Yen
論文名稱: 技術型高中學生自我效能、恆毅力、自我調整學習與自主學習成效之關係
A Research on the Relationship among Self-Efficacy, Grit, Self-Regulated Learning, and Learning Outcome in Self-Regulated Learning for Vocational High Schools' Students
指導教授: 李懿芳
Lee, Yi-Fang
口試委員: 林清南
Lin, Ching-Nan
Sung, Hsiu-Te
LEE, Yi-Fang
口試日期: 2022/08/02
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 118
中文關鍵詞: 自主學習成效自我效能自我調整學習技術型高中恆毅力
英文關鍵詞: Grit, Self-Efficacy, Self-Regulated Learning, Self-Regulated Learning Outcome, Vocational High School
研究方法: 調查研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201172
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:185下載:56
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  • 面對知識更新迅速、技術不斷創新升級,自主學習能力成為適應未來社會所需的關鍵能力,培養具備自主學習的終身學習者成為國內外教育改革的主要趨勢;有鑑於此,國內108課綱將自主學習列入技術型高中彈性學習時間的項目之一,鼓勵學生於在校時間進行自主學習,從中增進自我規劃學習的能力。國內探討影響技術型高中學生自主學習因素之研究有限,故本研究旨在分析技術型高中學生自我效能、恆毅力、自我調整學習與自主學習成效之關係,並驗證影響技術型高中學生自主學習成效模型,以了解影響學生自主學習成效的關鍵因素。本研究採調查研究法,運用研究者編修之「技術型高中學生自主學習經驗問卷」進行資料蒐集;樣本以立意抽樣,由學者專家與資深校長推薦8所落實推動自主學習且具成效之技術型高中為樣本學校,以曾選修彈性學習時間之自主學習課程至少一學期的學生為研究對象,經樣本學校推薦共409份,回收之有效問卷共323份;所得量化資料採取描述性統計分析、結構方程模型等方法,進行統計分析。主要研究結論包含:一、自我效能與恆毅力具顯著正相關。二、自我效能與恆毅力對自我調整學習能力皆有顯著預測力。三、自我調整學習能力愈好者,其自主學習成效愈佳。四、本研究提出之影響技高學生自主學習因素之關聯模型適配度良好。本研究依研究結論提出具體建議供教育行政機關、學校單位及技術型高中教師參考,包括:一、技高教師可透過教學或活動指導機會,持續增強學生的自我效能。二、技高學生宜持續提升動機等面向之自我調整學習能力。三、技高教師在指導學生進行自主學習時,可善用本研究模型之變項關係,以提升學生自主學習成效。

    With the modern knowledge ever updating and the rapid advancement of technology, self-regulated learning ability has become one of the deciding factors in adapting to future society. To cultivate students with such ability in order to become lifelong learners has become a prevailing trend in recent education reforms in the world. Accordingly, the Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education implemented in 2019 included self-regulated learning as one of the options for alternative learning courses in vocational high schools. It encouraged students to conduct self-regulated learning at school and to develop their ability to schematize their learning. This study aimed to analyze the relations among self-efficacy, grit, self-regulated learning, and learning outcome in self-regulated learning for students in vocational high schools and to understand the key factors that contributed to self-regulated learning outcome. A survey research via purposeful sampling strategy was conducted. Eight sample schools were recommended by scholars and senior principals and their students who took at least one semester of self-regulated learning were invited to fill in the questionnaire. A total of 409 questionnaires were distributed, and 323 valid ones were returned. Descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling were used to analyze the data. The major findings were generated as followings: 1. Students' self-efficacy and grit were predictive factors on their self-regulated learning outcomes. 2. Students' self-regulated learning ability was significantly correlated to their self-regulated learning outcome. 3. The research model proposed in this study fitted well with the data. Based on the findings, several suggestions were generated for educational bureau, schools, and teachers in vocational high schools. The suggestions were as follows: 1. Teachers of vocational high school can continue increasing students’ self-efficacy through teaching or actitivty instructions. 2. Students of vocational high schools are advised to sharpen their self-regulated learning ability. 3. Teachers of vocational high schools, while assisting their students in self-regulated learning, may commit the findings of variables and their correlations in this research model to helping boost the students’ self-regulated learning.

    摘 要 i Abstracti i 目 次 iv 表 次 vi 圖 次 viii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與背景 1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題 4 第三節 研究範圍與限制 5 第四節 名詞解釋 6 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 自我調整學習 9 第二節 自我效能 23 第三節 恆毅力 28 第四節 技術型高中彈性學習時間之自主學習 37 第三章 研究設計與實施 43 第一節 研究變項與架構 43 第二節 研究對象 46 第三節 研究工具 49 第四節 研究流程 68 第五節 資料處理與分析 69 第四章 研究結果與討論 73 第一節 樣本背景與變項之分析結果 73 第二節 一階驗證性因素分析結果 80 第三節 整體結構模式分析結果 84 第四節 路徑關係分析 87 第五節 綜合討論 91 第五章 結論與建議 97 第一節 結論 97 第二節 建議 99 參考文獻 101 壹、中文部分 101 貳、英文部分 107 附錄一、技術型高中自主學習經驗問卷 115

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