Author: |
吳玉萍 Wu, Yu-Ping |
Thesis Title: |
國中班級社會環境營造方案成效之研究 The Effectiveness of a Classroom Social Environment Program in Junior High School |
Advisor: |
Lai, Hsiang-Ru |
Degree: |
博士 Doctor |
Department: |
健康促進與衛生教育學系 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2011 |
Academic Year: | 99 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 207 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 班級社會環境 、學習動機 、自尊 、國中生 、準實驗設計 |
Keywords (in English): | classroom social environment, learning motivation, self-esteem, junior high school students, quasi-experimental design |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 408 Downloads: 26 |
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The focus of this study was to implement a short-term classroom social environment building program, and evaluate its impacts on students’ perception of the classroom social environment, learning motivation, and self-esteem. The pre- and post-test quasi-experiment design was conducted. Two classes of seventh graders from a junior high school in Jiao-shi Township, Yilan County were chosen as the experiment group and were introduced the 6-week program Another three classes from the same grade in the same school were chosen as the intra-school control group, and three classes of the same grade of another school in Jiao-shi Township were chosen as the inter-school control group. There were 57 students in the experiment group, 88 in the intra-school control group, 66 in the inter-school control group, and a total of 204 in these three groups. Research instruments included questionnaires on classroom social environment and academic performance, the classroom social environment building program, teacher checklist, and student feedback form. The main findings of this study were as follows:
1.After the intervention of classroom social environment building program, there was no significant difference in the perceived classroom social environment among the experiment group, intra-school control group, and inter-school control group.
2.After the intervention of classroom social environment building program, there was no significant difference in learning motivation among the experiment group, intra-school control group, and inter-school control group.
3.After the intervention of classroom social environment building program, there was no significant difference in self-esteem among the experiment group, intra-school control group, and inter-school control group.
4.During the intervention process, perception of teacher sympathy and support, sense of being a class member, sense of belonging, sense of class security, participation of class affairs, achieving academic goals, and self-renewal among the experiment group increased. Also, strategies developed for the classroom social environment building program earned recognition and support from teachers and students.
According to the results and limitations, we suggest that a longer period program, reinforcing intervention strategy, increasing feasibility and practicality, measuring the perception and ideal classroom environment, and training for teachers are needed for improving the effects of classroom social environment building program.
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