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研究生: 張祐誠
Chang, Yu-Cheng
論文名稱: 大學層級認輔志工與育幼院院童間助人關係之研究
A study of the helping relationship between university-level guidance volunteers and the children in the Children’s home
指導教授: 許維素
Hsu, Wei-Su
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 203
中文關鍵詞: 大學層級助人者主題分析法育幼院輔導助人關係認輔志工
英文關鍵詞: helping relationship, guidance volunteer, guidance for the children in the Children’s home, thematic analysis, university-level helper
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:131下載:21
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  • 本研究旨在探討大學層級認輔志工與育幼院院童之助人關係。研究目的包括:(1)瞭解大學層級認輔志工與育幼院院童發展助人關係的故事;(2)探討影響大學層級育幼院認輔志工發展助人關係的相關因子;(3)探討大學層級認輔志工與育幼院院童間助人關係發展歷程;以及(4)探討大學層級認輔志工與育幼院院童間助人關係之特色。本研究邀請七位在同一育幼院認輔計畫中的大學層級認輔志工(四位女性,三位男性;皆為大學二年級至四年級輔導相關科系學生),接受半結構式訪談,並以助人關係相關理論為依據,以質化研究的主題分析法進行歸納與分析訪談資料。
    1. 受訪認輔志工與院童助人關係發展的故事:依據時間序分別呈現七位認輔志工加入服務計畫,與院童發展助人關係之經驗。
    2. 影響認輔志工發展助人關係的因子分析結果:影響認輔志工與院童發展助人關係的因子包括(1)認輔志工內在層面的影響因子:主要包含「參加服務的動機」、「對自己專業的期待」、「接案過程中的焦慮」、「接案過程中對專業的反思與學習」與「工作中反思的核心價值觀」等五項,底下又分成十三個成分;(2)與院童互動層面的影響因子:主要包含「面對院童抗拒的內心衝突」、「互動中信任議題的發展與挑戰」、「相互吸引力的形成」、「互動中形塑的志工角色形象」、「分離經驗」,底下又分成十一個成分;以及(3)外在環境層面的影響因子:主要包含「志工專業督導團體的協助」與「育幼院環境支持與限制」,底下又可分為八個成份。
    3. 認輔志工與院童間助人關係發展歷程之分析:根據分析結果,認輔志工與院童的助人關係發展歷程可分成五個階段:(1)階段一、「新手上路,學習助人既期待又怕受傷害」;(2)階段二、「從初期困難與限制中開始自我調適」;(3)

    The study aimed to investigate the helping relationship between university-level guidance volunteers and the children in the Children’s home. The purposes of the study were as follows: (1) to know the stories of developing helping relationships between university-level guidance volunteers and children in the Children’s home; (2) to investigate the related influential factors on university-level guidance volunteers’ helping relationship development experiencing with the children; (3) to study the developing process of the helping relationship between university-level guidance volunteers and children in Children’s home; and (4) to study the features of the helping relationship between university-level guidance volunteers and children in the Children’s home. Data were collected through seven university-level guidance volunteers (4 females and 3 males, ranging from year 2 to year 4 university students in counseling program), who received semi-structured interviews based on helping relationship theories. Thematic analysis of qualitative method was applied to analyze and induct the data from the interviews.
    The results and discussions of the research included four parts:
    1. The stories of guidance volunteers developing helping relationship with children in the Children’s home, including the experiences of the seven guidance volunteers developing helping relationship with children in the Children’s home,were presented in chronological order, according to the time that each volunteer began their guiding work.
    2. The analysis results of the influential factors on guidance volunteers’ helping relationship development were presented as follows: (1) guidance volunteers’ internal influential factors included the following categories: the motivation for joining the volunteer services, expectations for self-growth in expertise, anxieties aroused from each session, the eventual reflection and learning of helping skills, and the reflection of core values generated from the process. These five categories were further divided into thirteen elements. (2) Influential factors from the interaction with children in Children’s home could be categorized as below: volunteer’s internal conflicts when working with uncooperative children, the development and the challenges of trust issues occurred from their interaction, the buildup of mutual attraction, the volunteers’ role image shaped during helping relationship, and the experience of separation. These categories were further divided into eleven elements. (3) External influential factors from the environment could be categorized into: group supervision for the volunteers, the support and limitations from the Children’s home environment. Eight elements were further divided from the above categories.
    3. It can be concluded from the analysis of the helping relationship that the development process can be divided into five stages. Stage 1: Beginning volunteers felt ambivalent about being anticipating and afraid of harm when learning to help. Stage 2: Volunteers learned to adjust themselves when faced with the difficulties in early stage. Stage 3: The Children’s home, the supervisors, and the system stabilized the volunteers’ progress. Stage 4: Volunteers dispelled their presuppositions and focused on the interaction with the children, and this started a brand new mutual understanding. Stage 5: Trust was built out of the companionship of both parties. Even at the time of separation, intimacy between both parties emerged and their growth was apparent. However, there were no clear cuts between each stage. In the development of helping relationships, the influential factors affected each other even though they appeared in different stages.
    4. The characteristics of the helping relationship between university-level guidance volunteers and children in the Children’s home were discussed in three sections. First, the influential factors on the helping relationship and its process of development. This section included: (1) how the influential factors become correlated and (2) the discussions concerning the development process of guidance volunteers’ helping relationship. Second, the discussions on the three elements in helping relationships. The elements were: (1) the countertransference manifested during the interview; (2) the development of “real relationship” out of the puzzle in the profession; and, (3) the reflection on the orientation and termination of working alliance. Third, the features of the helping relationship between guidance volunteers and children in the Children’s home. This section included: (1) the skills to accompany, understand, and share from which each volunteer developing on the basis of Person-Centered approach; (2) the influences that these professional training brought upon the guidance volunteers; and (3) the particularity of guidance work in the Children’s home.
    Finally, the researcher concluded the university-level volunteers guiding program in Children’s home and provided suggestions for future studies.
    Keywords: helping relationship, guidance volunteer, guidance for the children in the Children’s home, thematic analysis, university-level helper

    謝詞 i 中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 vii 目次 xii 表次 xvi 圖次 xviii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究緣起與目的 1 第二節 研究問題 7 第三節 名詞釋義 7 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 助人關係之理論及相關研究 9 第二節 影響助人者發展助人關係之相關因子及研究 36 第三節 認輔志工的助人工作經驗 47 第三章 研究方法 59 第一節 研究取向與方法 59 第二節 研究參與者 60 第三節 研究工具 66 第四節 研究資料的蒐集 67 第五節 研究資料處理與分析 69 第六節 研究的信度與效度檢核 74 第七節 研究倫理 77 第四章 研究結果與討論 79 第一節 受訪認輔志工與育幼院院童助人關係發展的故事 79 第二節 影響認輔志工發展助人關係的因子分析結果 91 第三節 認輔志工與院童間助人關係發展歷程之分析 124 第四節 認輔志工與院童間助人關係之討論 140 第五章 結論與建議 160 第一節 研究結論 160 第二節 研究建議 163 參考文獻 174 附錄一、前導研究訪談大綱 188 附錄二、正式研究訪談大綱 190 附錄三、研究訪談邀請函 193 附錄四、研究訪談同意書 194 附錄五、研究者反思札記 195 附錄六、逐字稿謄寫同意書 202 附錄七、訪談回饋意見調查表 203

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