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探討高中生內隱態度與知識吸收之關係-以核能與綠能為例 Preliminary implicit attitudes and knowledge of high school students the relationship between absorption-In Case of Nuclear and green energy |
指導教授: |
Chang, Chun-Yen |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科學教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Science Education |
論文出版年: | 2013 |
畢業學年度: | 101 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 71 |
中文關鍵詞: | 內隱態度 、内隱連結測驗 、知識吸收 |
英文關鍵詞: | implicit attitude, Implicit Association Test (IAT), science knowledge |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:279 下載:12 |
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在日常生活中,學習者面臨社會性科學議題(socio-scientific issues)時,如何進行科學的、客觀的思考與決策,一直是科學教育領域視為重要的課題之一。在社會性科學議題的思考決策歷程中,非制式推理(informal reasoning)扮演了重要的角色。相較於科學制式推理思考據有明確的主題、前提、與結論,非制式推理思考面臨的問題多半是具有高度複雜性與爭議性。因此,許多學者指出, “立場”與 “態度”在非制式推理思考歷程扮演重要的角色。雖然態度是影響決策的重要因素之一,但甚少研究述及在面臨社會性科學議題時,學習者該議題的知識與態度間的關聯。若學習者的態度與知識間具有相關性,教師在面臨社會性科學議題時,將更須警覺,應提供客觀的資訊建構學習者的知識,以幫助學習者建立客觀的態度,進行非制式推理思考。
首先(研究一),本研究發展內隱態度測驗(Implicit Association Test),評估學習者的態度。根據學習者的內隱態度(implicit attitude),我們區分學習者為偏好核能組,以及偏好綠能組。
本研究更進一步分析內隱態度改變與增加的批判性知識間的關係(研究六),學習者依據態度改變情形區分為趨向核能組與趨向綠能組,實驗顯示態度趨向核能組,增加較多核能優點知識與綠能缺點知識,相對的,態度趨向綠能組增加較多綠能優點知識與核能缺點知識,其中,各組的 “反方立場缺點知識” 的影響似乎遠高於 “己方立場優點知識”。
In everyday life, learners face social scientific issue (socio-scientific issues), how to conduct a scientific, objective thinking and decision-making, has been regarded as an important field of science education is one of the topics. Issues in social science thinking decision making process, informal reasoning (informal reasoning) plays an important role. Compared to the standard scientific reasoning thinking, according to a clear theme, premise and conclusion, informal reasoning thinking problems faced mostly highly complex and controversial. Therefore, many scholars have pointed out that "stand" and "attitude" in informal reasoning thinking processes play an important role. Although the attitude is one of the important factors affecting decision making, but little research addressed issues in the face of the social sciences, the learner's knowledge and attitudes of the issues between the association. If the learner's attitudes and knowledge among relevant, teachers in the face of social science issues, the more to be vigilant, should provide objective information to construct the learner's knowledge to help learners to establish an objective attitude, conduct informal reasoning thinking.
This study is divided into several stages to clarify the nuclear energy and green energy issues in the social sciences, attitudes and knowledge related.
First (Study 1), this study develops Implicit Attitudes Test (Implicit Association Test), assess the learner's attitude. According to the learner's implicit attitudes (implicit attitude), we distinguish learner preferences nuclear groups, and prefer green energy group.
Secondly (study two), this study assessed implicit attitudes and relationships between cognitive structure, the experimental group showed preference for nuclear energy Green Energy Group and preferences cognitive structure analysis is no different.
The third (study three), this study assessed implicit attitudes and knowledge grouping quality (information-processing strategy) the relationship between the experiments showed no significant difference between the two groups.
The fourth (four studies), this study assessed implicit attitudes and critical knowledge of the relationship between the discovery of nuclear energy group had a higher preference for nuclear knowledge and green energy advantages disadvantages of knowledge, relative, green energy group had a higher preference for green Nuclear energy advantages disadvantages of knowledge and knowledge.
Studies have shown that four critical knowledge and implicit attitudes have relationships between. Try to study five further clarify implicit attitudes and critical knowledge of the relationship between implicit attitudes found that critical knowledge will increase with the change.
Further analysis of this study, the implicit attitude change with increased knowledge of the relationship between critical (of six), the learner based on attitude change situations are divided into groups with the trend towards nuclear energy Green Energy group, the experimental group show attitude towards nuclear energy, increased more Advantages of nuclear energy knowledge and knowledge of green energy disadvantage relative, attitudes towards green energy group increased more green energy advantages disadvantages of knowledge and knowledge of nuclear energy, in which each group of the "anti-party stance shortcomings knowledge" effect seems much higher than the "Own stance advantages knowledge. "
The results indicated that implicit attitudes and absorption between critical knowledge about. In addition, learners nuclear - green energy issues and the absorption change of attitude about anti-party stance shortcomings. Provide teachers with training in social science issues learners reasoning, decision-making in the course of thinking, and perhaps should be taken to provide the objectivity and integrity of the message.
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