簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 莊濬彬
Jiun-Bin Chuang
論文名稱: 台灣閩南語疑問詞的認可
On the Licensing Contexts of Wh-words in Taiwanese Southern Min
指導教授: 謝妙玲
Hsieh, Miao-Ling
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 疑問詞否定連用詞認可語認知情態詞非事實性動詞義務性情態詞
英文關鍵詞: wh-words, Negative Polarity Items (NPI), licenser, epistemic modal, non-factive verb, deontic verb
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:165下載:19
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  • 本論文研究台灣閩南語中疑問詞的認可,並旁及國語、英語的相關現象。
    台灣閩南語的疑問詞如: siáⁿ-mi̍h、 siáng, 既是否定連用詞,同時也是不定名詞組 (indefinite NP)。與典型否定連用詞jīm-hô不一樣的是,這些疑問詞含有變項 (variable),需要被一個運符約束。
    一般來說,否定詞是否定連用詞共同的認可語。然而對疑問詞而言,否定詞需與義務性情態詞 (deontic modal)或是表達完成面向(completive)的時貌(aspect)才能認可。在不是否定的情況下,本研究發現認知情態詞 (epistemic modal) 以及非事實性動詞(non-factive verb)可以為認可語。
    當存在性認可語 (existential licenser) 與疑問性認可語 (interrogative licenser) 並存時,疑問詞與疑問性認可語 (interrogative licenser)的連結比存在性認可語 (existential licenser)還要來得強勢。
    除了疑問詞之外,本論文亦探討典型否定連用詞jīm-hô的認可語境。與疑問詞不同,認知情態詞 (epistemic modal) 以及非事實性動詞 (non-factive verb)並非jīm-hô 的認可語。在分析jīm-hô的長距離認可後,本論文發現上層子句的否定語並非認可語,與jīm-hô同一子句的向下蘊含 (downward entailing) 才是真正認可jīm-hô的認可語,也就是說認可必須是在同一子句內。

    This thesis aims to provide an account for the licensing contexts of wh-words in Taiwanese Southern Min (TSM) within the GB framework. The present study argues that existential wh-words are not typical Negative Polarity Items (NPI). Negation is the universal licenser of NPIs. However, the licensing of wh-words by a negation is not as straightforward as that of typical NPIs. It is proposed that negation needs to be combined with a deontic modal or an aspect [+completive] to be the licenser of wh-words. An epistemic modal alone and non-factive verbs can license wh-words as well. As for long-distance licensing, the current study proves that there is no movement of wh-words in LF. As long as the c-command requirement is met, the existential wh-words are acceptable. Minimality is considered when an interrogative licenser and an existential licenser co-exist. I draw the conclusion that the linking of an interrogative licenser with wh-words is stronger than that of an existential licenser with wh-words. Finally, the licensing context of jīm-hô ‘any’ in TSM is also analyzed to provide a more comprehensive contrast between jīm-hô ‘any’, a typical NPI, and a wh-word, an atypical NPI. Epistemic modals and non-factive verbs cannot license jīm-hô ‘any’ as opposed to wh-words in TSM. In cases where a superordinate negation seems to license jīm-hô ‘any’, the licenser is not the negation but downward entailing implied in the same clause with jīm-hô ‘any’.

    Chinese Abstract i English Abstract ii Acknowledgements iii Table of Contents iv List of Abbreviations vi List of Tables vii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Theoretical Assumptions 6 1.2.1 Government and Binding Theory 7 1.2.2 Cheng’s (1994) analysis of Wh-words in Mandarin Chinese 8 1.3 Outline of the Thesis 8 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 10 2.1 The Licensing of Negative Polarity Items in English 10 2.2 The Licensing of Existential Wh-words in Mandarin Chinese 15 2.2.1 Li’s (1992) Analysis 15 2.2.2 Cheng’s (1994) Analysis 19 2.2.3 Lin’s (1996) Analysis 23 2.3 The Licensing Wh-words in Taiwanese Southern Min 24 2.4 Summary 28 CHAPTER 3 TOWARD A SOLUTION 29 3.1 The Licensing Contexts of Wh-words in TSM 29 3.1.1 The Licensing Contexts of Interrogative Wh-words in TSM 29 3.1.2 The Licensing Contexts of Existential Wh-words in TSM 32 Yes-no Question Particles 32 (Negation) + Modality 33 Non-Factive Verbs 45 3.2 Structural Requirements on Wh-words 46 3.2.1 C-command at S-structure 46 3.2.2 Long-Distance Licensing 48 3.2.3 Minimality 52 3.3 The Licensing Contexts of Jīm-hô ‘any’ 58 3.4 Summary 63 CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSION 65 REFERENCES 67

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