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研究生: 曾千芝
Tseng, Chien-Chih
論文名稱: 漢字部件組字知識之發展與評量
Chinese Orthographic Knowledge Development and Assessment
指導教授: 陳學志
Chen, Hsueh-Chih
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 223
中文關鍵詞: 工作記憶組字知識發展漢字部件組字規則測驗漢字習得
英文關鍵詞: Acquisition of Chinese character, Chinese orthographic knowledge test, Orthographic knowledge development, Working memory
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/DIS.NTNU.DEPC.039.2018.F02
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:135下載:31
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  • 漢字組字方式不同於拼音文字,是由部件依照特定規則組合而成,這樣的規則知識在字彙辨識、生字學習與閱讀發展有相當重要的作用。本研究進行四個研究,分別探討漢字部件組字知識的發展、習得與運用。在研究一根據陳學志等人(2011)漢字構形資料庫,編製一套完整的漢字部件組字規則測驗,考驗其信效度,並於研究二比較國小一、三、五年級學生在各種組字知識上的發展,以及檢視與閱讀能力的關聯型態;研究三探討學習組字知識的有關基礎認知能力,分析50位一二年級生在語文工作記憶、空間短期記憶與不同組字知識表現之間的關聯;研究四進行假字記憶作業,探討四種假字記憶表現下,各種部件組字知識與工作記憶的影響權重。研究一發現漢字部件組知識測驗具有可接受的再測信度與內部一致性。在研究二,根據Ho et al.(2003)有各組字知識有不同難度層次,本研究結果也發現,中低年級兒童在各部件組字知識答對率高低大致上符合Ho et al.(2003)預期,代表具有良好建構效度。在效標關聯效度,大致上各測驗與閱讀能力有顯著正相關。研究三發現語文工作記憶與空間短期記憶分別與特定組字知識有關,語文工作記憶與部件位置、部件表意有正向關聯,但與同樣涉及字彙處理的部件表音無關;空間短期記憶只與筆畫與部件形構有正向關聯,但與同樣涉及形構知識的字形結構無關。研究四發現與預期一致,不同部件組字知識及工作記憶對假字學習表現之權重會依據假字內部件提供字音或字義線索而定,例如研究發現學習假字內有符合表音規則的聲旁,以做為字音線索,則學生所具有的部件表音能力越好,假字之記憶表現也會越好。另也發現,語文工作記憶則與表意不透明字的記憶表現有正相關。最後,根據研究二與研究四的結果補充Ho et al.(2003)理論中各種組字知識重要內涵,並且依據研究結果提出識字教學上的建議。

    Chinese writing system is different from alphabetic languages, which is composed of radicals according to specific spelling rules. Such orthographic knowledge plays a very important role in character recognition, acquisition, and reading development. This research conducted four studies to explore the development, acquisition, and application of Chinese orthographic knowledge. In study1, based on Chen et al.’s (2011) Chinese Orthography Database, we compiled a complete set of Chinese orthographic knowledge test and examined its reliability and validity. In study 2, we compared the development of various orthographic knowledge of students in the first, third, and fifth grades, and examined relationships between their orthographic knowledge and reading ability. Study 3 explored how spatial short-term memory and verbal working memory are related to acquisition of various Chinese orthographic knowledge among 50 lower-grade students. In Study 4, we conducted a pseudo-character memory task to investigate how various Chinese orthographic knowledge and working memory would weigh differently on students’ performance of four pseudo-character memory tasks. Study 1 found that the Chinese orthographic knowledge test has acceptable retest reliability and internal consistency. In Study 2, consistent with Ho et al.’s (2003) theory, the score of each Chinese orthographic knowledge test was not only improved with grade, but also positively correlated with reading ability. Study 3 found that verbal working memory and spatial short-term memory were related to certain orthographic knowledge. Specifically, verbal working memory had a positive correlation with radical position and semantic radical function, but it had no significant correlation with phonetic radical function that also involved lexical access. Spatial short-term memory was positively related to stroke and radical structure, but it had no significant correlation with the character structure that also involved character configuration knowledge. The findings of Study 4 were consistent with expectations. The weight of various orthographic knowledge on orthographic learning performance depended on how the pseudo-characters conformed to orthographic rules. It has also been found that the verbal working memory was positively correlated with orthographic learning performance of semantic opaque pseudo-characters. Finally, the theory of Ho et al. (2003) was supplemented according to the results of Study 2 and Study 4, and suggestions for teaching literacy were proposed based on the research results.

    誌謝詞 ⅰ 中文摘要 ⅰⅰⅰ 英文摘要 ⅴ 目次 ⅴⅰⅰ 表次 ⅰⅹ 圖次 ⅹⅰⅰ 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 6 第一節 研究問題 6 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 漢字部件組字知識的內涵與發展 7 第二節 漢字部件組字規則的測驗 38 第三章 研究一漢字部件組字規則測驗的建立與信效度研究 59 第四章 研究二不同年級兒童的部件組字知識的發展及其對閱讀能力之影響 81 第五章 研究三語文工作記憶、空間短期記憶與不同部件組字知識之關聯分析 115 第六章 研究四四種組字假字記憶表現與各部件組字知識能力之相關分析 125 第七章 綜合結論與建議 145 第一節 綜合結論 145 第二節 建議 148 參考文獻 151 中文部分 151 英文部分 155 附錄 167 附錄一 167 附錄二 180 附錄三 183 附錄四 185 附錄五 186 附錄六 207 附錄七 208 附錄八 216

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