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研究生: 邱柏融
Chiu Po-Jung
論文名稱: 建模教學對國小五年級學生酸鹼心智模式改變之探究
Modeling teaching to inquisition of the elementary school fifth grade student acid and alkali mental model change
指導教授: 邱美虹
Chiu, Mei-Hung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 171
中文關鍵詞: 建模教學心智模式酸鹼概念概念改變
英文關鍵詞: modeling teaching, mental model, acid and alkali conception, conceptual change
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:163下載:39
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  • 摘 要
    本研究共晤談了19位國小五年級的學生,並使用酸鹼概念二階層診斷式問卷,共調查了實驗組( 建模教學組 )與對照組( 一般教學組 )各50位學生。研究發現國小五年級學生在酸與鹼的意義及其性質之心智模式主要有:1.現象模式( 38% );2.關鍵字模式( 23% );3.推論模式( 36% );4.微觀結構模式( 36% );5.微觀粒子模式( 34% )。在酸鹼中和的部份,本研究在教學前所發現的有1.酸鹼並存模式1( 33% );酸鹼並存模式2( 17% );3.抵銷模式( 41% )。在酸鹼指示劑部分,本研究則發現特定顏色模式( 29% )與科學模式( 65% )。
    本研究接受建模教學之學生在後測表現與前測表現間具有顯著差異。顯示藉由建模教學活動,國小學生已經可以接受微觀模式的教學,甚至透過視覺與動作表徵的建模方式,修改學生原有的心智模式。本研究結果也呼應了Maskill & Cachapuz ( 1997 )的研究,國小高年級學生是可以有效的學習微觀概念的科學知識。

    Modeling teaching to inquisition of the elementary school fifth grade student acid and alkali mental model change


    This study embarks by the conceptual change's viewpoint, discussion modeling teaching to change of the elementary school fifth grade student acid and alkali mental model. This study in view of the elementary school stage's acid and alkali concept, the design suits the elementary school stage the modeling teaching plan, and develops the acid and alkali concept two tier diagnosis type questionnaire. By interview with the questionnaire collection material, analyzes and reorganizes goes abroad the acid and alkali mental model which the fifth-grade student has, and knows the country elementary students from this after the modeling teaching later period the mental model change.

    This study altogether interviewed 19 elementary school fifth grade student, and uses the acid and alkali concept two tier diagnosis type questionnaire, altogether investigated the experimental group (modeling teaching group) and the control group (common teaching group) each 50 students. The study discovered that the elementary school fifth grade student the mental model mainly has in the acid and the alkali significance and the nature: 1. phenomenon model (38%); 2. key words model (23%); 3. deduction model (36%); 4. microscopic structure model (36%); 5. micro-particle model (34%). In the acid and alkali neutral part, this study has 1. acid and alkali coexisting model which discovered before the teaching 1 (33%); Acid and alkali coexisting model 2 (17%); 3. offsets the model (41%). In the acid-base indicator part, this study discovers the specific color model (29%) and the scientific model (65%).

    In the teaching, this study also discovered that no matter is the modeling teaching group perhaps the common teaching group, after the teaching these mental models still had the appearance, but its distributed situation has a difference. In acid and in alkali significance and nature, after the teaching, two groups of key words models obviously drop, the modeling teaching group's students mainly shift to the deduction model; But the common teaching group mainly shifts to the phenomenon model. In the acid and alkali neutral part, acid and alkali of coexisting model the modeling teaching group and the common teaching group of obviously drops, generally the teaching group mainly shifts to offsets the model; But the modeling teaching group's students besides shift to offset the model, some 38% student may achieve the scientific model which the author designs. Obviously although modeling of teaching this study institute design cannot complete construct all students the correct scientific model, but the majority of students already could effective revision already some mental models, by the close scientific model.

    This study accepts student of the modeling teaching after measured that the performance with first measured the performance has the remarkable difference. The demonstration because of the modeling teaching activity, the country elementary students already might accept the microscopic model the teaching, even penetrates visual and the movement attribute modeling way, revises the student original mental model. This findings have also echoed Maskill & Cachapuz (1997) the study, the elementary school fifth grade student is may the effective study microscopic concept scientific knowledge.

    目錄 第壹章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與動機………………………………………….5 第二節 研究目的與研究問題…………………………………….8 第三節 相關名詞釋義…………………………………………….9 第四節 研究範圍與限制………………………………………...12 第貳章 文獻探討與分析 第一節 概念改變………………………………………………...13 第二節 心智模式………………………………………………...17 第三節 模型與建模教學………………………………………...19 第四節 國內外酸鹼概念的研究………………………………...24 第五節 文獻探討對本研究的啟示……………………………...44 第參章 研究方法 第一節 研究設計………………………………………………..45 第二節 研究對象………………………………………………..45 第三節 研究工具………………………………………………..46 第四節 研究教學設計…………………………………………..49 第五節 研究實施流程…………………………………………..50 第六節 資料處理與分析………………………………………..53 第肆章 結果與討論 第一節 酸鹼概念二階層診斷測驗前測問卷分析……………..55 第二節 酸鹼概念二階層診斷測驗後測問卷分析……………..78 第三節 國小學童對酸鹼概念之整體表現……………………100 第四節 國小學童在酸鹼概念上之心智模式…………………106 第五節 國小學童在建模教學後心智模式的發展情形………120 第伍章 結論與建議 第一節 結論…………………………………………………….127 第二節 建議…………………………………………………….129 參考文獻………………....................................................................... 131 附錄一 酸鹼概念半結構式問卷……………………………………. 137 附錄二 酸鹼概念二階層診斷前測問卷……………………………..145 附錄三 酸鹼概念二階層診斷後測問卷……………………………..152 附錄四 國小酸鹼概念建模教學設計教案…………………………..158 附錄五 水溶液的酸鹼性power point動畫………………………….172

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