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研究生: 王允麟
Yun-Lin Wang
論文名稱: PPP2R2B:外遺傳研究暨藥物篩檢模式的建立
PPP2R2B: Epigenetic Study and Establishment of Drug Screening Model
指導教授: 李桂楨
Lee, Guey-Jen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 60
中文關鍵詞: 阿茲海默氏症小腦萎縮症第十二型外遺傳調控甲基化
英文關鍵詞: AD, SCA12, epigenetic regulation, methylation
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:106下載:3
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  • Protein phosphatase 2A (簡稱PP2A)是細胞內重要的蛋白去磷酸化酵素,其次單元B調控PP2A在細胞內作用的位置及催化的受質種類。PPP2R2B是表現在腦神經細胞中的PP2A調控次單元B。腦部表現的PP2A調節tau蛋白的磷酸化。Tau蛋白過度磷酸化和PP2A活性下降,皆和阿茲海默氏症(AD)相關。本實驗室的研究亦發現PPP2R2B的低啟動子活性,和國人的阿茲海默氏症顯著相關。本研究第一部份是以PPP2R2B啟動子接上EGFP報導基因,來建立人類胚胎腎HEK-293及神經腫瘤SK-N-SH細胞,轉染入轉錄因子SP1及CREB1後,分析綠螢光量變化,並未呈現預期的調控情形。第二部分為探討PPP2R2B DNA甲基化的外遺傳調控,與阿茲海默氏症的相關性。選取五組年齡及性別配對的病人及正常人DNA樣品,經Bisulfite定序,結果發現AD病人的PPP2R2B的5'端甲基化程度有高於正常人的趨勢,尤其是-311及-310的位置,雖然並沒有到達顯著差異。進一步的神經(SK-N-SH、SH-SY5Y)及非神經(HEK-293)腫瘤細胞PPP2R2B啟動子定序,顯示HEK-293細胞PPP2R2B啟動子上的甲基化,但以去甲基化藥物5-aza-dC處理HEK-293後,PPP2R2B表現量並未顯著上升,MeCP2的抗體的染色質免疫沈澱亦未看到MeCP2蛋白結合到PPP2R2B啟動子上。

    Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is a major serine/threonine phosphatase expressed in all eukaryotic cells. The regulatory B subunit confers substrate specificity and sub-cellular localization of the PP2A holoenzyme. PPP2R2B is a regulatory B subunit expressed throughout the brain. The brain specific PPP2R2B regulates PP2A dephosphorylation activity for microtubule-associated protein tau. The association of pathological hyperphosphorylated tau and reduced PP2A activity with Alzheimer's disease (AD) has been established. Our case-control study and reporter assay have also revealed that the rare low transcriptional activity alleles of PPP2R2B are associated with AD. In the first part of the study, PPP2R2B-driven EGFP construct was used to generate human embryonic kidney (HEK)-293 and neuroblastoma SK-N-SH cell lines. SP1 and CREB1 co-transfection did not enhance PPP2R2B expression. In the second part of the study, epigenetic control of DNA methylation affecting AD susceptivity was explored. Bisulfite sequencing was performed to assess the DNA methylation using lymphocyte DNA from five AD patients and age- and gender-matched controls. The results of increased DNA methylation (although not significantly) in the PPP2R2B gene 5' region, especially -311 and -310, suggest that the epigenetic change may alter the PPP2R2B expression in AD patients. Further direct bisulfite-sequencing of HEK-293 cells revealed increased DNA methylation in the PPP2R2B gene 5' region. However, real-time PCR quantitation of 5-aza-dC treated HEK-293 cells did not show increased PPP2R2B expression. Chromatin IP with MeCP2 antibody and PCR also did not support MeCP2 binding to PPP2R2B promoter.

    摘要......................................................V 圖次表...................................................VII 壹、緒論..................................................1 一、脊髓小腦運動失調症(Spinocerebellar ataxia)............1 二、脊髓小腦運動失調症第十二型(SCA12).....................2 三、阿茲海默氏症(Alzheimer's disease).....................4 四、蛋白去磷酸酶2A (Protein phosphatase 2A)...............6 五、外遺傳學(Epigenetics).................................8 (一)DNA的甲基化(DNA methylation)..........................8 (二)組蛋白的修飾(Histone modification)....................9 六、藥物篩檢研究.........................................10 貳、研究目的.............................................11 參、研究材料與方法.......................................12 一、PPP2R2B啟動子調控藥物篩檢細胞模式....................12 (一)細胞培養.............................................12 (二)PPP2R2B啟動子啟動綠螢光蛋白的重組質體建構............12 1.洋菜膠體純化...........................................13 2.勝任細胞製備...........................................14 3.接合反應(Ligation).....................................15 4.細菌轉型作用(Transformation)...........................15 5.質體小量製備...........................................16 6.質體大量製備...........................................16 (三) PPP2R2B啟動子藥物篩檢細胞模式建構...................17 1.Flp-In T-RexTM 293細胞模式.............................17 2.SK-N-SH細胞模式........................................18 (四) PPP2R2B啟動子細胞模式之檢測.........................19 二、PPP2R2B啟動子外遺傳學分析............................20 (一)研究樣品.............................................20 1.正常人及病人...........................................20 2.細胞株.................................................20 (二)基因組DNA (Genomic DNA)的萃取........................20 (三)CpG島甲基化分析......................................21 1.PPP2R2B基因啟動子區域的CpG島搜尋.......................21 2.PCR引子設計............................................21 3.Genomic DNA sodium bisulfite處理.......................22 4.聚合酶連鎖反應.........................................22 5. TA cloning............................................23 6.定序...................................................23 (四)抑制甲基化測試.......................................24 1.5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (5-aza-dC)處理..................24 2.RNA萃取................................................24 3.反轉錄作用.............................................25 4.即時聚合酶連鎖反應(Real time-PCR)分析..................25 (五) 染色質免疫沉澱(Chromatin IP)........................26 1.抗體...................................................26 2.細胞...................................................26 3.引子...................................................26 4.Chromatin IP...........................................27 肆、結果.................................................29 一、PPP2R2B啟動子調控藥物篩檢細胞模式....................29 (一)PPP2R2B啟動子啟動綠螢光蛋白的重組質體確認............29 1.pcDNA5/FRT/TO-Bβ1-EGFP重組質體........................29 (二)PPP2R2B啟動子藥物篩檢細胞模式........................30 1.Flp-In T-RexTM 293細胞模式.............................30 2.SK-N-SH細胞模式........................................30 (三)PPP2R2B啟動子細胞模式之檢測..........................31 二、PPP2R2B啟動子外遺傳學分析............................32 (一)CpG島分析及Bisulfite甲基化定序.......................32 (二)阿茲海默氏症病患及正常人.............................32 (三)SK-N-SH、SH-SY5Y及HEK-293............................33 (四)甲基化抑制藥物5-aza-dC處理...........................33 (五)Chromatin IP分析.....................................33 伍、討論.................................................35 一、PPP2R2B啟動子調控藥物篩檢細胞模式....................35 二、PPP2R2B啟動子外遺傳學分析............................36 陸、參考文獻.............................................40 捌、附錄圖表.............................................47

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