簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 錢桑香
Chien, Sang-Hsiang
論文名稱: 哈茨山的女巫與其他傳說故事對當地觀光的影響
Witch and Other Legend Stories of The Harz Mountains and their influences on Local Tourism
指導教授: 陳學毅
Chen, Hsueh-I
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 歐洲文化與觀光研究所
Graduate Institute of European Cultures and Tourism
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 117
中文關鍵詞: 哈茨山脈女巫之夜地方塑造傳說故事文化地景女巫
英文關鍵詞: The Harz Mountains, Walpurgis Night, Place-making, Legend Stories, Culture landscape, Witch
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203438
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:145下載:57
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  • 哈茨(Harz)山脈上的布羅肯峰為德國北部的最高峰,自古因為其幽深的高山密林而流傳著無數的神秘傳說,現今哈茨地區的意象可以說是被中世紀國王時代、矮人地下世界、女巫與惡魔的魔法世界三大類傳說塑造而成,其中又以 4/30 晚上的女巫之夜(Walpurgisnacht)傳說在全世界流傳最廣,這些傳說都使哈茨山脈披上一襲神秘的面紗,吸引許多觀光客到此地感受其特殊的奇幻氛圍。

    The Broken is the highest peak of Mountain Harz in northern Germany. For centuries, its deep and enchanted forest sang of mysterious myths and legends, which have been kept alive from generation to generation. The image of Harz is shaped by three great myths: first, the age of the Medieval kings, second, the subterranean realm of men and dwarves living in the mountain, and third, the secret world of witches and devils. Among all its myths, the Walpurgis Night is perhaps the most deeply rooted and famous around the world, creating a haunting yet enigmatic atmosphere around the Mountain Harz.
    This thesis focuses on discussing the history and the change of perceptions of German witches around the region of Mountain Harz. The aim of the research is to understand how these myths, which are nurtured by its mysterious scenery, shape its cultural landscapes. The author would also like to investigate how these surrounding cultural landscapes have influenced and aided the development of its modern day tourism.

    目錄 碩士學位論文通過簽名表···································· i 中文摘要················································· ii Abstract··············································· iii 圖目錄··················································· vi 表目錄················································· viii 第一章 緒論·············································· 1 第一節 研究動機·········································· 1 第二節 研究範圍 ········································· 1 第三節 研究方法與架構····································· 1 第四節 文獻回顧 ········································· 7 第二章 德國的女巫歷史···································· 23 第一節 神話中的女巫······································ 25 第二節 從原始社會到十六世紀的女巫·························· 27 第三節 基督宗教入主歐洲到十六世紀之後······················· 28 第四節 德國的女巫獵殺行動································· 31 第五節 為何是「女巫」?··································· 34 第六節 現今德國的女巫形象································· 41 第三章 德國哈茨山地區的傳說故事···························· 46 第一節 哈茨地區民間傳說·································· 46 第二節 浮士德傳說(Faust)································· 53 第三節 女巫之夜或瓦爾普吉斯之夜 (Walpurgisnacht)··········· 56 第四章 哈茨山觀光現況···································· 66 第一節 〈哈爾次山遊記〉(Die Harzreise)···················· 66 第二節 奎德林堡Quedlinburg········· ····················· 70 第三節 韋爾尼格羅德 Wernigerode·························· 71 第四節 塔勒Thale········································ 78 第五節 Schierke ········································ 83 第六節 哈茨地區觀光景點··································· 85 第五章 故事對哈茨山觀光景點的塑造·························· 94 第一節 從神秘的自然環境到文化地景·························· 94 第二節 文化地景到觀光景點································ 100 第三節 塑造地景中可能產生的負面影響······················· 104 第六章 結論············································ 108 參考文獻··············································· 110 圖片參考文獻··········································· 115 附錄 附錄一················································· 117

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