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研究生: 黃彥鈞
Huang, Yan-Jun
論文名稱: 雙重特殊需求學生復原力歷程之研究
A Study on the Resilience of Twice-Exceptional Students
指導教授: 陳美芳
Chen, Mei-Fang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 204
中文關鍵詞: 雙重特殊需求學生身心障礙資優學生復原力保護因子危險因子
英文關鍵詞: twice-exceptional students, gifted students with disabilities, resilience, risk factor, protective factor
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000878
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:282下載:51
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  • 孩子在成長過程中,可能會經歷不同挫折和挑戰,影響其適切成長。其中,雙重特殊需求學生在面臨困境時,遭遇的挫折較普通孩子大,也較容易有適應上的問題。然而,過去研究指出有些孩子透過復原力(resilience)克服逆境成功適應。
    本研究結果發現兩位雙重特殊需求學生,過去因自身的障礙、行為問題,被懷疑其優異能力,但若能有外在環境支持,能幫助學生發揮自己的優勢,獲得自我的成就感、實現自我價值,並發展出個人適應環境的方式。本研究歸納影響雙重特殊需求學生適應環境的危險因子包含: 一、個人層面,自身障礙能力與特質、能力不對等與缺乏成就的挫敗、對自我的不認同,二、環境層面,父母的衝突、家庭經濟問題;同儕溝通互動的挫折、班級氣氛不友善、缺乏競爭性的學習環境、教學者的態度;就職不易的挫折、獨自生活的壓力、工作的挑戰等。另外,當雙重特殊需求學生面對逆境若有保護因子作用,便能有助其克服阻礙以適應環境,保護因子來源包含:一、個人層面,自我效能展現、問題解決能力、優勢能力的發揮、努力不懈、完美主義、正向信念;二、環境層面,家人的陪伴與支持、良好的友伴關係、教師能協助發展個人優勢能力、創造接納的班級氛圍、學校行政的支持、自身能力回饋社會。此外,本研究發現雙重特殊需求學生形成復原力的歷程中,在危險因子影響下,原本的「保護」因子也可能成為危險因子來源,但保護因子會再次興起轉化逆境,兩者不斷交互影響最終形成雙重特殊需求學生的復原力。可見其復原力歷程並非僅限單一階段的復原,而是在不同成長階段的累積,促使雙殊生發展出更強韌的生命。

    When children grow up, they may encounter different setbacks and challenges that affect their normal growth. Among them, twice-exceptional students face greater setbacks than ordinary children when encountering difficulties are more likely to encounter adaptation problems. However, previous research has pointed out that some children successfully overcome adversity through resilience.
    This study used qualitative research methods to interview two students who have experienced setbacks and environmental difficulties but able to adapt to the environment well. By analyzing their growth process, how to develop the resilience that is not defeated by adversity. In the literature review, the twice-exceptional student who has negative and positive traits that impact their growth process. Probing resilience in positive psychology, the researcher interviewed two twice-exceptional students who were helped during their growth, they gradually have developed into personal resilience and they can adapt the environment well.
    The results of the study found that two students were suspected of their excellent abilities in the past because of their own obstacles and behavioral problems. However, by the external environment support, it can help the students to exert their advantages and achieve accomplishment. Besides, it also can help them achieve self-worth and develop the way of individuals adaption. Among them, the risk factors that affect the adaptation of twice-exceptional students including: 1.the personal portion includes their own barriers and abilities, unequal abilities, and lack of achievement, and self-identity. 2. Environmental portion the following are the factors will impact their growth process including, (1)parental conflict,(2) family economy problems,(3) setbacks of peer communication and interaction,(4) unfriendly atmosphere in class,(5) lack of competitive learning environment, and the attitude of the teacher(6) setbacks that are not easy to find a job,(7)the pressure of living alone,(8) and the challenges of work. In addition, when twice-exceptional students have a protective factor in the face of adversity, they can help them overcome obstacles to adapt to the environment. Protective factors including 1.the personal portion includes self-efficiency, problem-solving ability, superior ability, hard work, perfectionism, positive beliefs. 2.the factors of the environment come from (1)family companionship and support (2)good friendship(3)assisting in the development of personal superiority(4)creating a friendly class atmosphere (5)school administrative support (6)using their own ability in the society.
    In addition, this study found that in the process of twice-exceptional students forming resilience, the original "protective" factor may also become a risk factor, but the protective factor will rise again to transform adversity and form the resilience of twice-exceptional students. The course of its resilience is not limited to a single stage of recovery, but the accumulation of different growth stages, which promotes the development of a stronger life for twice-exceptional students.

    第一章 緒論 1 第1節 研究背景與動機 1 第2節 研究目的 2 第3節 名詞釋義 3 第二章 文獻探討 4 第1節 雙重特殊需求學生 4 第2節 復原力 9 第3節 雙重特殊需求學生的復原力 15 第三章 研究設計與實施 23 第1節 研究方法 23 第2節 研究參與人員 23 第3節 研究架構及流程 28 第4節 資料蒐集 30 第5節 資料處理與分析 32 第6節 研究信實度與研究倫理 33 第四章 跨越限制的容亞 35 第1節 學前時期的容亞 37 第2節 擺盪的小學時期 45 第3節 身分確立的國中時期 62 第4節 高職與大學的轉折 72 第5節 出社會後的歷練 79 第6節 結語 92 第五章 破繭而出的艾文 102 第1節 孩時的艾文 105 第2節 小學的探索期 107 第3節 國中時期向上求進 119 第4節 迷失的高中旅程 126 第5節 充實大學邁向未來 142 第6節 結語 158 第六章 結果與討論 166 第1節 雙殊生的保護因子與危險因子 166 第2節 雙因子交互影響下雙殊生復原力形成 176 第七章 研究建議與省思 181 第1節 研究省思與研究限制 181 第2節 研究建議 183 參考文獻 187 附錄一、訪談大綱 198 附錄二、研究結果檢核表 199 附錄三、訪談逐字稿分析(A) 201 附錄四、訪談逐字稿分析(L) 203 附錄五、觀察紀錄(A) 205

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