簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳思穎
Chen, Sy-Inn
論文名稱: 時光。文字。心對話
指導教授: 程代勒
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 66
中文關鍵詞: 符號現代書法入古出新初心
英文關鍵詞: symbol, modern Chinese calligraphy, give old art form a new lease of life, original intention
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202407
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:115下載:20
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  • 文字會消逝嗎?書法藝術會消逝嗎?這些疑問形成不安的情緒,逐漸在筆者心裡滋長發酵,而原來生命中所堅信,不會改變的信念慢慢的崩解,反被巨大的疑問與恐慌壟罩包圍著。
    本文將從瑞士語言學家費迪南·德·索緒爾(Ferdinand de Saussure,1857~1913)和法國符號學家羅蘭·巴特(Roland Barthes,1915~1980)的符號學理論視角來探討筆者的作品表現。將文字符號化,文字或整篇文章的意義不再是其原本的意思,而代表筆者賦予的意義,成為筆者想傳達的意涵。將心理的不安、徬徨、糾結情緒融進作品裡,傳達筆者的感悟,作品欲以多元化表現形式與這個時代接軌,筆者查覺到自己是現代社會上的一份子,創作者的作品就是是一個與大眾交流的最佳媒介,而不是故步自封在自己的世界裡。

    Will writing disappear in a foreseeable future? Will Chinese calligraphy art fade away? These two questions have aroused negative feelings in the writer's mind. Witnessing the progressive crumble of the firm and unwavering faith in life, the writer is beleaguered by such a gigantic doubt and enormous panic.
    In the modern days when Chinese calligraphy art is on the decline, the writer starts wondering whether Chinese calligraphy will be the next to disappear as time goes by. In the modern industrial society, writing by hand feels almost antiquated, not to mention the traditional Chinese calligraphy art, which is only appreciated by a few groups of people. The writer tries to analyze her own emotions, and this self-analysis process turns out to be a process of self-creation, which is filled with emotions and sentiments. Its presentation is free from the traditional form of Chinese calligraphy art, and becomes a breakthrough which differs from the writer's previous works. The writer expects that Chinese calligraphy art should not be limited to a minority of self-appreciating groups, instead it should be widely appreciated by more audience, and further attracts more attention and feedback from outsiders.
    This article starts from the semiotics perspective of Ferdinand de Saussure (Swiss linguist, 1857~1913) and Roland Barthes (French semiotician, 1915~1980) to explore the writer's artistic creation. By signifying texts, the texts or the whole article no longer hold the original meanings, but the new meanings given by the writer, becoming the implications of what the writer is trying to convey. Infused with the writer's psychological states: anxiety, hesitation, conflict, the creation successfully transports the sentiments of the writer, and reconnects with the time in diversified forms of presentation. Meanwhile, in this process of self-exploration, the writer perceives herself as a member of the modern society, and realizes that the best medium to communicate with the public is through creator's works, instead of resting on his/her own laurels.
    Back to the self-analysis process, whatever changes with respects to creation forms, ideals or ideologies are only superficial, what remains the same is the writer's original intention. Thanks to the legacy of the old Chinese calligraphy art, new essences are developed, transforming it into the new, feasible, innovative and accessible modern writing art.

    謝誌 Ⅰ 摘要 Ⅱ Abstract Ⅲ 目次 Ⅳ 表次 Ⅵ 圖次 Ⅶ 作品圖次 Ⅷ 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究內容與範圍 2 第三節 研究方法 3 第四節 名詞解釋 4 第二章 漢文字的起源、演變與表現形式 6 第一節 漢文字的起源 6 第二節 漢文字的演變 8 第三節 漢文字與書法 9 第四節 傳統漢文字的藝術表現形式 11 第五節 現代漢文字的藝術表現形式 13 第三章 符號的意義與創作媒材運用 17 第一節 符號簡述 17 第二節 近代藝術家的符號 20 第三節 筆者創作符號意涵 22 第四節 多元媒材運用 24 第四章 作品說明與分析 26 第一節 心對話---我和我系列 26 第二節 心對話---我和你之間系列 37 第三節 心對話---為你系列 47 第四節 心對話---我系列 57 第五章 結論 64 第一節 創作省思 64 第二節 未來展望 64 參考書目 66

    10.尚恩・霍爾(Sean Hall),《這就是符號學》,台北市:積木文化,2015。

    1.〈2015-2016傳統與實驗書藝雙年展〉,台北:財團法人何創時書法藝術文教基 金會,2015。

    1. 草間彌生官網 http://www.yayoi-kusama.jp/ (4 Apr. 2017閱覽)
    ml (1 May. 2017閱覽)
    3. http://www.chonghua.or.th/tw/article/46.html(1 May. 2017閱覽)
