簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 周玉玲
Yu-Ling, Chou
論文名稱: 經典學習與成人生命實踐歷程之研究
A study on adult learning and practicing processes of Buddhism Classics
指導教授: 李明芬
Li, Ming-Fen
Ho, Chin-Ron
Chen, Shue-Yun
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 社會教育學系
Department of Adult and Continuing Education
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: 佛教經典成人學習
英文關鍵詞: Buddhism Classics, Adult learning
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:174下載:0
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  • 近幾十年來傳統佛教團體的快速成長,在端正思維與提昇心靈的努力上,具相當的影響力;此外,知識份子學習佛法的數量與素質有顯著的提昇,且僧俗二眾在佛法專業知能的養成上也有實質的進步。
    二、廣慈讀書會的學習進程具有階層性、時間性、次第性與順序性,透由各階段慢慢啟發、培養各學習者知見與行持之能力,具有務實之特性,並能兼顧深度與廣度, 讓學習者一步步深入學習。

    In the past decades, traditional Buddhism grows and blossoms greatly in Taiwan. They have contributed tremendously to many people’s mental and spiritual development. More and more intellectuals, be they ordained or not, endeavor in the study and practice of Buddhism and thus enhance their cultivation of Buddhism.
    Among the many social educational efforts that many Buddhism Organizations take, classics reading and study plays a critical role in guiding the adult learners of Buddhism. In this study, the researcher attempts to uncover the new essence of adult learning through their learning and practicing processes of Buddhism Classics. By looking into these processes, it is expected that the transformative power of the adult learners could be further uncovered.
    In the study, the case study approach of qualitative research was adopted. There are four respondents participating in this study. From the in-depth interviews and participatory observation of them, the researcher came to several main findings, which are presented as below.
    1. The members in Guan-Tse Reading Group have a clear and ultimate goal for their learning. That is to learn to be Buddha in their endless lives.
    Therefore, their learning is not just life-long, but transcend beyond “this life”. To the reader, learning to be Buddha is an everlasting task, and to become Buddha is their life goal.
    2. Learning provided in Guan-Tse Reading Group is orderly preceded. Learners are inspired and educated stage by stage so that they could cultivate solid capabilities in Buddhism knowledge and practice. The depth and width of learning are both well designed and all learners have to go through the process integrated in the whole curriculum.
    3. Critical incidents or incidental learning are what lead the four respondents to the persistent study of Buddhism Classics of Guan-Tse.
    4. Respondents vary from one another in terms of their learning pace and stage. However, they all have very obvious goal-shifting in their life pursuit due to the rich learning environment provided by Guan-Tse.
    5. In terms of personal transformation, learning of Buddhism Classics helps the respondents become less egoistic and self-centered. The idea of learning and living for all beings greatly enhance their intra- and inter-personal relationships. The idea of learning and living for all sentient beings is to be practiced in situated environments, and thus is better understood when the learners reflect-in-action.

    目 錄 第一章 緒論.................1-14 第一節 研究背景.................1 第二節 研究動機與目的..............6 第三節 名詞釋義.................9 第四節 研究範圍與研究限制...........12 第二章 文獻探討...............15-51 第一節 台灣大乘佛教發展與讀經介紹--《菩提道次第廣論》 文本 ..................15 第二節 廣慈讀書會團體及相關研究 ........27 第三節 成人學習的重要理論與概念 ........38 第三章 研究方法...............52-65 第一節 研究取向與研究方法 ...........52 第二節 研究對象與研究流程 ...........60 第四章 慧願的生命學習歷程..........66-86 第一節 踏入學佛的生命圖像 ...........67 第二節 學習的生活實踐與工作實踐 ........72 第三節 個人學習歷程的改變 ...........83 第五章 慧擇的生命學習歷程 .........87-109 第一節 踏入學佛的生命圖像...........111 第二節 學習的生活實踐與工作實踐........115 第三節 個人學習歷程的改變...........107 第六章 慧盈的生命學習歷程.........110-134 第一節 踏入學佛的生命圖像...........115 第二節 學習的生活實踐與工作實踐........119 第三節 個人學習歷程的改變...........128 第七章 德恭的生命學習歷程.........132-165 第一節 踏入學佛的生命圖像...........133 第二節 學習的生活實踐與工作實踐........136 第三節 個人學習歷程的改變...........157 第八章 綜合分析與討論...........158-189 第一節 學佛前的生命圖像............159 第二節 學習的生活實踐與工作實踐........163 第三節 個人學習歷程的改變...........179 第四節 結論..................185 第五節 研究限制與建議.............188 參考書目..................190-195 附錄 一、菩提道次第廣論目錄(兼科判表) 二、訪談大綱 三、研究基本架構與內容 表 次 表2-1 《菩提道次第廣論淺釋》內容一覽表 表2-2 菩提道次第廣論略表 表2-3 廣慈讀書會歷年之研究論文摘要表 表2-4 成年期的發展階段綜覽 表2-5 意義觀點與扭曲的意義觀點之類型比較 表3-1 92年下半年度學員人數及出席率統計表 表3-2 受訪對象基本資料表 表8-1 廣論班學習特性分析表 圖 次 圖2-3 學習場域概示圖 圖2-2 廣論學員修學進階圖 圖2-1 廣慈讀書會團體組織圖 圖3-1 研究架構圖 圖3-2 研究流程圖 圖8-1 受訪者的生命學習圖

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