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研究生: 曾鼎鈞
Tseng, Ting-Chun
論文名稱: 人寵共生之服務場域與創新產品設計研究 - 以都市鄰里公園為例
Innovative Servicescape and Product Design for Human and Pet Symbiotic Application–Evidence from Neighborhood Park
指導教授: 梁桂嘉
Liang, Kuei-Chia
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 160
中文關鍵詞: 人寵共生都市公園服務設計服務場域產品設計
英文關鍵詞: Human and Pets Symbiosis, Urban Parks, Dog, Service Design, Servicescape, Product Design
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203490
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:355下載:266
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  • 近年來,狗陪伴著人生活在都市中,狗也開始衍生了許多都市症候群,唯有透過飼主帶著狗出去活動,方能紓解狗的壓力 ; 城市中也發展出許多人與寵物共生規劃,寵物公園為重要的規劃之一,然而台灣的寵物公園多設置在市郊,對於繁忙的都市人來說並不方便每日帶狗前往,因此多會在住家附近巷弄和鄰里公園遛狗 ; 但鄰里公園中除了狗便袋之外,無相關寵物友善設施可以滿足飼主帶狗出門的真正目的 ; 本研究透過服務設計針對整體場域與服務流程體驗的思考,對公園場域展開流程探索與設施設計,期望做出滿足狗和飼主的活動需求的設施,創造一個能讓人、狗與公園環境和諧共處的方式。
    為此本研究首先探討文獻資料後,了解寵物身心理與行為、寵物公園場域的要素以及服務設計對於設施設計的應用,藉以整理出研究探索方式與設計設施的理論基礎。第二階段透過問卷、實地觀察的方式調查美國紐約、日本東京都市中兩座公園中的寵物活動區,理解不同外國優良的人寵共生服務現況。第三階段邀請飼主參與共創工作坊以挖掘飼主在台灣鄰里公園和寵物公園中活動流程之關鍵事件,繪製出顧客旅程地圖,同時一起進行創意發想,發展出符合飼主真實期望之概念。第四階段設計創作新的人寵共生公園之服務設施,與規劃設施規範 ; 最後找原工作坊參與者進行創作作品評估與檢討。
    第一項在人寵共生公園中,飼主與狗的11項活動主要流程中會以「散步」、「排泄」、「玩樂」、「休息」四項為總活動的關鍵流程事件,也是公園設施提供核心服務之所在 ; 而這四個關鍵流程包含了清潔、安全、方便、互動、協調、美感等屬性,其中又以飼主與狗使用設施或設施與周遭環境的「互動協調性」影響最深。故在了解在公園中各方所需和互動行為後,在公園中不是規劃單一條好的路線給使用者,反而考量真實活動狀況,利用設施設計來引導飼主的使用,保障飼主與狗在公園活動權益的同時,也消除不同群體之間的阻隔,讓人與寵物和諧的在同一個空間中互動共存。第二項,本研究在研究過程中發現,經由服務設計從探索、分析時,利用服務場域的不同構面、服務旅程地圖以及共創設計,搜集到較真實且細微的飼主與狗於公園場域活動之問題 ; 後續設計創作發想時,藉由共創設計中與飼主的共同產出之概念,延伸設計出各樣的設施,除了能互相配合外,貼近飼主與狗的期待更是應用服務設計的優勢。
    經過本研究彙整對於人寵共生公園的規劃方針,透過服務設計找出的公園缺失與新設施設計,可以作為未來城市落實人寵共生公園之參考 ; 期望未來研究能以本研究為基礎,運用不同服務設計方法思考公園設施設計,更延伸至公園視覺、空間等不同領域,提升人寵共生公園多元完整性。

    Dogs accompanied with people living in the city for recent year, and they began to derive many urban syndrome that can only relieve by going out and do activities with the owner. City also developed many human and pet symbiotic plan. Pet park is one of the important plan but most to the pet park in Taiwan are located in the outskirts of the city. It isn't convenient for busy urban people to walk dog everyday, in stead of that they walk their dog at the neighborhood park and alleys. However, there isn't any pet-friendly facilities but dog pockets in the neighborhood park,which can meet the real purpose that owner take their dog out to work out. Using the characteristics of service design which is good at the overall field and service experience. Start exporting the service process and the facilities design of park field. Going to meet the needs of dogs and owners during dog walking,and also create a way that make dogs, human and park Environment coexist harmoniously.
    After the literature collection about pet psychology and behavior,the elements of the pet park field and the application of the service design to the facility design.Sorting out the theoretical basis of the research and exploration methods and design facilities.Second, investigating the pet activity zones in two parks which are lated in New York and Tokyo to understand the current situation of symbiosis services among different foreign countries by questionnaire and field observation.In the third stage, inviting the owner and their dog to participate in a joint workshop to dig the key problem event form the process of dog walking in Taiwan's neighborhood parks and pet parks and mapping out the customer journey map,also creating a new idea together. Finally, designing define a new people and pets symbiotic park service facilities, and planning facilities specifications base on their real desire.
    The result can be divides into two part for the provision of friendly facilities to the human and pet symbiotic park:
    First, there are four key process event of 11 activities in the pet symbiosis park is "walking", "excretion", "playing", “resting”.They also are the core services that provide by park facilities.The four key processes include many properties like clean,safe,convenient,interactive,coordinated,aesthetic. "Interaction coordination” is one of the most Influential relate with using facilities and the surrounding environment.After understanding the needs of the parties in the park and interactive behavior in the park. Designer should considering the actual activities of the situation and using facilities to guide the owner rather than planning a single good route to user. It can protect owners and dogs in the park Activities rights and also eliminate the barrier between different groups.Let people and pets interact and coexist harmoniously together in same space.In the second part, the study found that service design can help probe and analysis become more real and sublet in the by using different dimensions of service areas,service travel maps and co-creation.In Design creation stage,Following the concept create from co-creation and designing various facilities. Service design not only make facilities coordinate with each other but also make it close to the owner and the dog's expectations.
    Through the study arrange the policy of human and pets symbiotic park planning.All the lack of parks and the new facility design identified through the service design can serve as a reference point for future urban implementation of human and pets symbiotic park.Expecting future research will be use different service design methods to think about the park facilities design or extend to different areas such as park vision and space base on this study and enhance the multi-integrity of human and pets symbiotic park.

    第一章、緒論 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 3 1.3 研究目標與目的 4 1.4 研究範圍與限制 5 1.5 研究架構 5 第二章、文獻探討 2.1 人與狗之間的互動 2.1.1 人與狗的關係 7 2.1.2 狗的生理與心理 10 2.1.3 狗在城市生活的行為與需求 16 2.1.4 狗玩樂之行為 19 2.2 人與狗的活動場域 2.2.1 狗在公共空間產生的衝突 24 2.2.2 公園與寵物活動場域 26 2.2.3 人與寵物共生空間規劃 32 2.3 服務設計 2.3.1 服務設計應用 36 2.3.2 服務場域 38 2.3.3 服務接觸 42 2.3.4 服務設計方法與工具 45 第三章、研究設計 3.1 個案研究 3.1.1 文獻分析法 50 3.1.2 問卷調查法 50 3.1.3 觀察法 51 3.1.4 訪談法 52 3.2 探索定義階段 3.2.1 共創工作坊 53 3.3 創作評估與檢討階段 55 第四章、結果與討論 4.1 個案分析 4.1.1 美國案例 - 現況分析 56 4.1.2 美國案例分析 - 個案研究調查內容 58 4.1.3 日本案例 - 現況分析 62 4.1.4 日本案例分析 - 個案研究調查內容 65 4.2 共創設計工作坊 4.2.1 金華公園 71 4.2.2 永和綠寶石寵物公園 79 4.3 綜合比較與分析 85 第五章、人寵共生公園設計創作 5.1 人寵共生公園服務之規劃 5.1.1 公園選擇與空間佈局 91 5.1.2 硬體設施設置建議 93 5.1.3 軟體設施規劃建議 100 5.2 人與寵物共生公園新服務設施設計 5.2.1 狗排泄清理設施設計 - 啄木鳥狗便清潔設施 102 5.2.2 狗遊樂設施設計 - 搖擺森林、互動拉扯圍欄 108 5.2.3 休憩設施設計 - 林木人狗座椅 115 5.2.4 盥洗飲水設備設計 - 人狗雙用盥洗飲水機 120 5.2.5 人寵共生公園場域整體規劃與設施規範 124 5.2.6 創作心得與作品呈現 129 5.3 設計創作評估與檢討 5.3.1 人寵共生設計創作之訪談內容與作品評估 131 5.3.2 訪談總結 139 第六章、結論與建議 6.1 研究結論 6.1.1 人與寵物共生服務核心價值 140 6.1.2 人與寵物共生的服務場域 141 6.1.3 服務設計協助產品設計創新 142 6.2 後續研究建議 144 參考文獻來源 145 附錄 152

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