簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林俐瑋
Lin, Li-Woei
論文名稱: 「物、我」凝朔日常 ~ 林俐瑋繪畫創作研究
Object, Self: Coagulating the Quotidian Discourse on Painting by Li-Woei Lin Discourse on Painting by Li-Woei Lin
指導教授: 王瓊麗
Wang, Chiung-Li
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: 寫實跨寫實鄉土寫實物我凝朔日常
英文關鍵詞: Realism, Cross Realism, Local Realism, Object, Self, Coagulating the Quotidian
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203523
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:227下載:22
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  • 摘要


    第二章,「創作學理」研究與自我相關之藝術流派,第一節以台灣寫實藝術發展為主要研究,將寫實藝術作一耙梳,希冀在浩瀚藝術洪流中尋找自我在寫實範疇中的脈絡,而能有一努力方向。第二節 研究當代寫實藝術的多樣性,以媒材的多元表現為研究範圍。第三節主要研究素描與手稿的關係及其重要性,此節並以當代幾位國內外重要藝術家為研究及學習目標。

    第三章「創作理念」,第一節以亞瑟‧丹托(Arthur Coleman Danto﹐1924-2013)在《美的濫用》一書中提及畫作隱含觀者的格局為起始,作者以作品創造了一個具有臨場感的氛圍,筆者在緩慢的細節描繪中,帶給觀眾一股緩緩的生命歷程,是一種日常,也是日常虛掩下的經歷。第二節談到在啟蒙時代的思想中,崇高不同於美感之處而在於其能震撼人心,他超越了我們能測量以及理解的範圍,重要的是,讓我們不會感覺到畏懼。創作成為自我追求和感動的過程。第三節以杜甫的詩為起始,探討竹山小鎮出身的我,從小生長在有絲竹的環境裡,無論看的用的都有竹的存在,因此竹對我個人而言更有一份親切感,畫竹成為一種內心的既定。





    This study explores the relationship between my inner thoughts and life circumstances through associating family portraits and objects. It also discusses my intention to revisit inner feelings in a society of rapid changes through a research on the topic of forest and bamboo landscape.

    Chapter One, "Introduction," discusses how I have always preferred plain, colorless sketch drawings, which allow me to explore personal emotions in grayscale that is calm, impartial, tranquil, and lucid. I express my state of mind and view on life through a series of sketches, reaching a sense of inner peace and balance by combining the forms of plants and personal life experience. Every pencil stroke on paper outlines the contour that connects the mind and the image.

    Chapter Two, " Theoretical Foundation of Artistic Creation," discusses the artistic schools that are related to my work. The first section focuses on the development of realistic art in Taiwan, providing a systematic introduction as well as contextualizing my own art in the course of art history and defining the trajectory of my artistic career. The second section addresses the diversity of contemporary realistic art and the diversified expression of media. The third section studies the relationship between sketch drawings and drawing manuscripts as well as their importance.

    Chapter Three, "Artistic Concept," begins with an idea mentioned by Arthur Coleman Danto (1924-2013) in his The Abuse of Beauty, stating that paintings imply the scale of their viewer. The painter creates a sense of place with paintings so that the viewer can enter the narrative created by the artist. The second section discusses how the sublime differs from a sense of beauty in Enlightenment thinking because the former creates an impact on one's mind and surpasses human being's ability to fathom and comprehend. Importantly, it does not induce the sense of fear in us. Therefore, artistic creation becomes a process of pursuing and moving oneself. Every single thing in the image carries its own significance and symbolic meaning as artistic creation becomes something one relies on in a bustling life. The third section opens with a poem by Du Fu, and portrays my childhood in Chushan, where bamboo abundant grows and is used in many aspects of life. Hence, bamboo feels particularly familiar to me, and painting bamboo is only natural.

    Chap In ter Four, "Artwork Analysis," I examine my work and explain the symbolic meaning of my subject matter as well as my creative intention of employing pencil drawing. The chapter centers on a series of discussion about the great nature in time and space, especially the light and shade, brightness and shadow, layer, texture, and presence of an object.

    Chapter Five, "Conclusion," sums up the achievements and personal thoughts gained through the study. Artists unfurl their journey of life through their works, venturing into the mind and repeatedly examining the self. Artistic creation is an endless journey that promises no final destination, and life is like a "quest." This study can only achieve initial success as there is still a long way ahead. Although my ability is limited, I shall progress slowly and steadfastly, reaching into the depth of the mind step by step.

    Keywords: Realism, Cross Realism, Local Realism, Object, Self ,Coagulating the Quotidian

    目錄 謝誌 摘要---------------------------------------------------------i 英文摘要-----------------------------------------------------ii 目次--------------------------------------------------------iv 第一章 緒論--------------------------------------------------1 第一節 研究動機與研究目地------------------------------------2 第二節 研究範圍--------------------------------------------5 第三節 研究方法--------------------------------------------5 第四節 名詞釋義--------------------------------------------6 第二章 創作學理基礎--------------------------------------------8 第一節 寫實藝術在台灣---------------------------------------8 第二節 跨寫實-寫實的多樣可能--------------------------------21 第三節 素描與手稿------------------------------------------23 第三章 創作理念----------------------------------------------33 第一節 靜謐的靈魂-題材-------------------------------------33 第二節 緩緩蔓延-內容--------------------------------------38 第三節 一物一心緒-形式與技法--------------------------------46 第四章 作品分析----------------------------------------------53 第一節 心緒系列-------------------------------------------53 第二節 風景系列-------------------------------------------64 第五章 結論-------------------------------------------------67 第一節 創作心得與感想--------------------------------------67 第二節 未來展望與期許--------------------------------------68 參考書目-----------------------------------------------------69 圖錄--------------------------------------------------------71

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