Author: |
林晉頡 LIN, JIN-JIE |
Thesis Title: |
影片長度與影片訴求對影片上癮程度的影響:以注意力作為中介變數 The Impact of Video Length and Video Appeal on the Video Addiction: Attention as a Mediator |
Advisor: |
Chang, Chia-Jung |
Committee: | 鄒蘊欣 劉素娟 張佳榮 |
Approval Date: | 2021/09/01 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
全球經營與策略研究所 Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2021 |
Academic Year: | 109 |
Language: | 英文 |
Number of pages: | 51 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 影片長度 、注意力 、影片上癮程度 、影片訴求 |
Keywords (in English): | video length, attention, video addiction, video appeal |
Research Methods: | 實驗設計法 |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 571 Downloads: 0 |
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The aim of this research is to explore how video length and appeal impact video addiction. This research conducted two experiments to investigate how two different video lengths affect young consumers’ video addiction, with attention as a mediator and video appeal as a moderator. Accordingly, the independent variables are short- and long-form videos; the dependent variable is video addiction. In Study 1, the results showed that video length affects video addiction through attention paid to said videos. In Study 2, video appeal showed moderating effects on the relationship between video length and attention paid.
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