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研究生: 郭邁偉
Maxwell Koenen
論文名稱: 探討中國與美國之間的法律語言相似度:以中國商標法英譯為例
Exploring Syntactic Similarity Between China’s Trademark Law and American Legal English Through Translation
指導教授: 鄭永康
Tee, Carlos
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 翻譯研究所
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 144
中文關鍵詞: 中國法律語言句法中國商標法北大翻譯版法律賦予詞層級美國法律語言
英文關鍵詞: PRC Trademark Law, Phrase-level, language simplification
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.GTI.013.2018.A07
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:94下載:20
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  • 本論文探討中華人民共和國2008年商標法文本之「英文化」相關話題。文本比較顯示該法之語法結構與美國法律語言非常雷同,幾乎完全背離臺灣,及早起中國與香港慣用法律文本傳統句法。雖然句法相似,美國與中國法律條文之間仍然存在諸多語詞方面的差別,因此不能概括定論中國法律措辭句法完全是美國智慧財產法的中譯版本。
    根據文本比較結果,作者認為有足夠理由顯示北京大學之商標法英譯版本句子高順暢度是因為中文原文結構上與其英譯本相似度頗高。本研究探討重點在於證明中國商標法使 用之語言在詞層級上(phrase level)非常相似。本論文採取非量化研究,句法比較以「詞」(phrase)為單位,文本涵蓋中國商標法第3(2) 、6、14(5) 、16(1)、22、29、60(2)等條。為了更充分對比語言效應,文中也涉略臺灣與香港法律語言發展相關議題。
    關鍵詞: 中國法律語言,句法,中國商標法北大翻譯版,法律賦予,詞層級,美國法律語言

    Looking deeper into the official translations into English of PRC intellectual property law provided by Peking University, especially the more recent revisions thereof, one finds a high level of smoothness and consistency that surprising for a language that does not belong to the Indo-European family. While one could logically argue that the apparently native English-like structure and wording of English translations of PRC law are the result of either an especially adept translator who adheres strictly to Eugene Nida’s idea of functional equivalence, or, in the vein of Hans Vermeer, is a translator whose mission is to translate in such a fashion as to render a look similar to that of a English source text, there appears to be something more at play here; something in particular that speakers of Chinese can find in Chinese law: that the syntactic structures of the PRC’s Trademark Law are already very similar to what is generally accepted to be standard English legal syntax. The current linguistic state of affairs with respect to PRC intellectual property law was not always the case in the PRC nor is it the case in Taiwan, whose legal language maintains far more syntactic similarity with Qing Dynasty law than it does with PRC law despite the introduction of new legal concepts over the centuries. Lastly, it is clear that while similarities do exist between statutes of the US Code in Terms of content, the phrasing of the former generally does differ from the latter. As such, any claim that that the PRC Trademark Law is a translationese edition of the US Code is untenable.
    The findings explicated here provide a strong linguistic basis for the idea that the syntactic smoothness of the Peking University translations of the PRC Trademark Law is due to similarities in syntactic structure between the Chinese language used in that law and its English translations. This is also a trend that is made more apparent when the English translation to which the Chinese of the PRC Trademark Law is being compared is writing in a more Americanized style.
    This study will not entirely set out to prove that Chinese intellectual property law is at the worst simply English using Chinese characters, but rather that the Chinese used in the most recent version of the Trademark Law of the People’s Republic of China is highly similar to legal English in terms of syntax at the phrase-level.
    Keywords: Syntax, law, PRC Trademark Law, Taiwan, Legal Translation, phrase-level, Language Simplification

    Abstract i 中文摘要 iii Acknowledgements iv Research Motivation 1 What is Functional Equivalence? 2 What Makes for Chinese? 3 Westernized Chinese 5 Brief Background on Legal Language 7 Chinese Legal Language According to the Literature 8 Methodology 9 CHAPTER II 11 The First Trademark Laws in China 11 Background: Pre-1980s PRC Trademark Legislation 16 Background: 1982 to Present 19 CHAPTER III 22 Introduction to Examples 22 Example 1: Article 3(2). 23 Example 2: Article: 16(1). 27 Example 3: Article 22. 30 Example 4: Article 29. 33 Example 5: The First Sentence of Article 60 (2). 36 Different Versions of Article 60(2) 39 Americanized Version 39 The SOV Element 41 Example 6: Article 14(5). 42 When There is Excessive Foreignization in the Translation 43 Example 7: Article 6 43 The Intention of the Translator 47 CHAPTER IV 48 Analyzing Taiwan’s Trademark Act 49 First Article to be Analyzed: Article 83. 49 Second Article to be Analyzed: Article 60. 51 Third Article to be Analyzed: First Sentence of Article 96 55 Observations 58 CHAPTER V 59 Communist Ideology and Political Language 59 Why Did Taiwan Not Follow the Same Path? 63 The KMT Reaction to the Cultural Revolution 64 CHAPTER VI 66 Similarities and Dissimilarities Noticed 69 Is the Chinese Westernized? 72 Are the PKU Translations of High Quality? 74 How “Chinese” is Modern Chinese Law 76 Taiwan 77 Mellinkoff and the State of English Law 77 Why the Methodology was Chosen and its Weaknesses 78 Limitations of the Study 79 Suggestions for Future Research 80 References 81 APPENDIX 90 Background of Hong Kong 90 Sample Analysis of 2(1) “Prescribed.” 91 Trademark Law of the People’s Republic of China (2013 Amendment) 92 Article 3 of the Common Program 143

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