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研究生: 葉家妤
Yeh, Chia-Shu
論文名稱: 後疫情時代針對臺灣銀髮獨居者居家生活用品之創作研究
A creative study on household supplies for Taiwanese elderly living alone in the post-epidemic era
指導教授: 王千睿
Wang, Chien-Jui
口試委員: 王千睿
Wang, Chien-Jui
Liou, Jian-Cheng
口試日期: 2022/07/20
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 119
中文關鍵詞: COVID-19疫情高齡福祉設計獨居生活長者照護設計
英文關鍵詞: COVID-19 pandemic, elderly welfare design, elderly living alone, elderly care design
研究方法: 個案研究法半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201338
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:126下載:0
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  • 「嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎」(COVID-19)成為改變人們生活型態之不可逆因素,全球環境與社會大眾的生活模式逐漸轉變,人們開始以居家為主、採取遠距離溝通,避免群聚並減少外出機會,以降低感染風險,同時朝向有效溝通及作業達成的目的而努力。以防疫安全為主的居家生活變遷,促使社會大眾重新審視環境變遷後的高齡社會。

    關鍵詞 : COVID-19疫情、高齡福祉設計、獨居生活、長者照護設計。

    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an irreversible factor that changes people’s living patterns. The gradual change in the global environment and citizens’ lifestyle have facilitated the development of a home-oriented lifestyle and applications of remote communication, enabling people to avoid crowd aggregation, reduce the frequency of going out, and reduce the risk of infection. In the meantime, the society is also working hard on increasing communication and work efficiency. Oriented to pandemic prevention and control, this new home-oriented living pattern has inspired people to examine at the elderly society in the post-pandemic era again.
    The evolution of times and environmental and economic progress have induced the social formation and motivates Taiwan’s elderly society to develop response measures respectively. Consequently, people start to think differently about family. Such change and progress in thinking have directly or indirectly impacted the demographic structure and residential pattern. People at all ages started to pay attention to and think about elderly people’s living patterns and needs, particularly those of elderly who live alone.
    Extended from the rethink about elderly people’s home life in the post-pandemic era, this study aims to explore the new residential pattern in the elderly society and to further understand the interrelationship between the home living space and user. By analyzing the use model of different solitary elders and practical applications of elders in demand, this study not only to elaborates the design concepts even more comprehensively and diversely, but also to demonstrates the design works developed therefrom.
    In summary, with a focus on the interaction relationship between solitary elderly users and the space, this study’s design works reflect on the use features of different solitary elders in the light of residential life and pandemic prevention and control need evolved from COVID-19. Through the formation of design concepts and creation development, the study also presents five designs that meet the post-pandemic demands and are applicable to elderly and solitary elders. It is the author’s expectation that, while meeting the living habits and needs of elderly and solitary elders of different types, this study will demonstrate different thinking and value, to which researchers and designers can refer, to facilitate the development of research, and artworks in the future.

    Key words: COVID-19 pandemic, elderly welfare design, elderly living alone, elderly care design.

    謝辭 i 中文摘要ii Abstract iii 目錄 iv 表目錄vii 圖目錄viiii 第一章 緒論 1 1-1研究背景與動機 1 1-2研究目的 3 1-3研究範圍與限制 4 1-4研究流程 5 第二章 文獻探討 6 第一節 後疫情時代的現況 6 2-1-1 何為嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎 7 2-1-2 COVID-19疫情對於對臺灣供應鏈與經濟的影響 9 2-1-3 對於臺灣食衣住行相關產業的衝擊及改變 11 2-1-4 疫情所提出生活因應指引與社會大眾的行爲影響 13 2-1-5 對於銀髮族群之生活習慣影響 16 2-1-6 疫情與各國防疫策略之現況 18 第二節 銀髮獨居使用者 23 2-2-1 臺灣對於銀髮族群之定義為何 24 2-2-2 臺灣高齡人口現況分析、扶養比分析 25 2-2-3 臺灣獨居長者定義 28 2-2-4 臺灣獨居銀髮族群現況分析與居住型態 30 第三節 銀髮居家生活空間 34 2-3-1理想居住之方式 34 2-3-2建築物無障礙設施設計之基本理念 35 第三章 研究方法 38 第一節 案例分析 39 3-1-1 長谷川ワタル建築研究所 40 3-1-2 Kansatsu noki Kino Stool 44 3-1-3 TAIJI FUJIMORI WFH 47 3-1-4 Taika Kindergarten 50 3-1-5 あべやま 日本阿部山養老院 54 3-1-6 ニチイホーム 南品川 日本南品川日井家 58 第二節 半結構式訪談法 59 3-2-1 銀髮獨居者 61 (一)銀髮夫妻單獨居住 62 (二)高齡獨居者之家屬 64 3-2-2協以銀髮醫療照護者 65 (一)居家職能治療及醫療 66 第三節 小結 68 第四章 設計創作過程與成果 70 第一節 銀髮族與高齡使用者型態之設計觀察要點 70 (一)銀髮與高齡獨居使用者之基本訊息 70 (二)使用行為層面 71 (三)情感與感性需求 72 第二節 設計創作過程 73 4-2-1設計方向與原則規範 73 (一)注重於使用者與居家生活空間的互動關係 74 (二)不同使用者型態的獨居生活特性 74 (三)COVID-19疫情時代之下的居家生活空間及防疫需求 75 4-2-2 設計創作流程 77 第三節 設計創作 78 4-3-1 設計創作-玄關茶几 78 4-3-2 設計創作-玄關椅 85 4-3-3設計創作-沐浴椅 92 4-3-4設計創作-安全扶手之收納架 98 4-3-5設計創作-衛浴置物凳 105 第五章 結論與建議 112 第一節 研究結論 114 (一)COVID-19疫情洪流下的銀髮與高齡使用者 114 (二)滿足並友善使用者的過程亦是實踐安全的目的 114 (三)設計者不該只為可預期事件做準備 115 (四)新的高齡居家生活設計模式 115 第二節 研究建議 116 (一)無障礙思維之融入 116 (二)可針對不同空間取向進行研究 116 (三)可加入專家、學者之訪談以及大眾消費者之使用反饋 116 參考文獻 117

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