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研究生: 方文慧
Fong, Man-Wai
論文名稱: 單日多場對打對大專公開組女子空手道選手肌肉損傷及運動表現的影響
Effects of Multiple Kumites of Karate on Muscle Damage and Sport Performance in Collegiate Elite Female Karate Athletes
指導教授: 陳忠慶
Chen, Chung-Ching
Wang, Hung-Hao
口試委員: 陳忠慶
Chen, Chung-Ching
Wang, Hung-Hao
Tseng, Wei-Chin
口試日期: 2024/06/25
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育與運動科學系
Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 56
中文關鍵詞: 運動表現技擊運動疲勞體能肌肉酸痛肌力
英文關鍵詞: performance, combat sport, fatigue, fitness, muscle soreness, strength
研究方法: 實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401789
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:21下載:0
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  • 目的:空手道是開放性高強度間歇運動。在正式比賽中選手要在一天內進行多場比賽,然而目前仍未有文獻探討單日多場對打對女子選手專項表現及其後對肌肉損傷和運動表現的影響,本研究旨在探討上述研究問題。方法:本研究召募了8名大專公開組女性空手道選手並讓他們單日進行4場空手道對打摸擬賽(場間休息10分鐘),所有比賽均以錄影記錄,並記錄每位研究對象在賽前、中、後立即及1.5小時後的生理參數[心跳率(HR)、血乳酸濃度(LA)、運動自覺強度(RPE)],同時會對研究對象在每場比賽中技術表現(如攻擊次數)進行分析。在賽前、後1.5、24、48和72小時進行肌肉損傷[肌力、肌肉酸痛、反向跳(CMJ)]和專項運動表現[空手道敏捷測試(SKAT)、温蓋特無氧測試]的監測,並以單因子變異數分析進行分析。結果:(1)四場摸擬賽期間最大HR範圍為192.6-196.9次/分、LA範圍為10.8-14.9 mmmol/L、RPE範圍為14.2-16.1 A.U.等反應都高於前測(67.9次/分、1.9 mmmol/L、9.1 A.U.);(2)肌肉損傷(如:最小肌力:肘屈肌群:-11.3±13.1%、膝伸肌群:−17.5±19.3%、膝屈肌群:−14.3±23.4%;最小CMJ高度:-9.6±18.2%)和運動表現/體能參數(SKAT:+6.9±5.3%;温蓋特平均功率:−6.5±10.7%)在最後一場比賽後的變化率,都明顯(p<.05)比前測值來得大。與前測相比,肌肉酸痛、CMJ在最後一場比賽後第72小時尚未完全恢復(p<.05),但肌力在最後一場比賽後第72小時已恢復至前測值。SKAT在最後一場比賽後第48小時,已完全恢復(p>.05)至前測值,但是下肢無氧能力的表現,在最後一場比賽後第72小時仍未完全恢復(p<.05)至前測水準。結論:這些研究結果作為第一篇論文證明單日多場空手道比賽會導致女性選手產生肌肉損傷及疲勞,並影響其表現。未來研究需要發展有效恢復方法,以加速選手恢復並提昇空手道選手參加正式比賽時之表現。

    Purpose: Karate is an open and high-intensity intermittent exercise. The official tournaments arrange each athlete who need to compete multiple matches in a single day. However, no any previous studies are investigated whether the multiple matches of Karate competition would induce accumulative muscle damage and fatigue, further affect performance. Therefore, the present study examined the above research question. Methods: Eight collegiate elite female karate athletes recruited in the study. Each athlete experienced 4 consecutive stimulated karate matches (10-min rest between matches). All matches were recorded and each athlete’s physiological parameters [heart rate (HR), blood lactate concentrations (LA), rating of perception (RPE)] was measured before, during or immediately and 1.5 h after each match. Also their technical performance was analyzed (e.g., number of attacks) during each match. Muscle damage [e.g., muscle strength, muscle soreness, countermovement jump (CMJ)] and performance/fitness [e.g., specific karate agility test (SKAT), Wingate anaerobic test] parameters were measured before, 1.5, 24, 48 and 72 h after the last matches. Each parameter was analyzed by a one-way Analysis of variance (ANOVA). Result: (1) the maximum HR (192.6-196.9bpm), LA (10.8-14.9 mmmol/L) and RPE (14.2-16.1 A.U.) were significantly changed during 4 stimulated matches compared to baseline (67.9bpm, 1.9mmmol/L, 9.1A.U.); (2) Changes in muscle damage (e.g., lowest strength: elbow flexor: -11.3±13.1%, knee extensor: -17.5±19.3%, knee flexor: -14.3±23.4%; lowest CMJ height: -9.6±18.2%) and performance parameters [(e.g., specific karate agility test (SKAT) time: +6.9±5.3%; Wingate average power−6.5±10.7%) were significantly (p<.05) changed following the last karate match compared to baseline. Muscle damage markers (e.g., soreness, CMJ) at 72 h after the last match were not fully returned(p<.05) to baseline while strength was returned to baseline at 72 h later(p>.05). SKAT performance recovered(p>.05) 48 hours after the last match, but anaerobic performance had not yet recovered 72 hours(p<.05) after the last match. Conclusion: This is the first study to demonstrate multiple karate matches in a day induced significantly muscle damage and fatigue affected performance of female karate athletes. Future research needs to develop effective recovery methods to accelerate athletes' recovery and enhance the performance of karate athletes during formal competitions.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 前言 1 第二節 研究背景及動機 2 第三節 研究目的 4 第四節 研究假設 5 第五節 操作性名詞定義解釋 5 第六節 研究重要性 7 第七節 研究範圍與限制 8 第貳章 文獻探討 10 第一節 空手道的運動特性 10 第二節 單日多場比賽對技擊運動選手的影響 12 第三節 單日多場比賽對技擊運動選手急性運動表現的影響 14 第四節 文獻總結 16 第參章 研究方法 17 第一節 研究對象 17 第二節 研究設計與流程 18 第三節 統計分析 24 第肆章 研究結果 25 第一節 模擬對打間生理及表現之影響 25 第二節 多場對打對比賽前後肌肉損傷指標之影響 28 第三節 單日多場對打對專項體能表現之影響 32 第伍章 討論 35 第一節 單日多場模擬對打期間生理變化之討論 35 第二節 單日多場模擬對打期間下肢爆發力及攻擊表現變化之討論 37 第三節 單日多場模擬對打前後肌肉損傷指標變化之討論 38 第四節單日多場模擬對打前後專項體能表現變化之討論 39 第五節 結論與建議 40 參考文獻 41 附錄 48

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