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研究生: 鍾采芳
Tsai-Fang Chung
論文名稱: 我國民眾避免全球暖化衝擊之願付價值研究
The WTP of people in Taiwan to avoid impacts of global warming
指導教授: 葉欣誠
Yeh, Shin-Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 環境教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Environmental Education
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 110
中文關鍵詞: 全球暖化氣候變遷衝擊條件評估法環境教育
英文關鍵詞: global warming, climate change, impacts, CVM, environmental education
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:542下載:22
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  • 聯合國氣候變遷跨國小組(IPCC)指出最近100年間(1906年~2005年)的溫度線性趨勢為升高0.74°C,且全球暖化極有可能為人類造成。面對全球暖化的威脅,於2009年在哥本哈根召開第15次締約國會議,並達成溫度升高不可超過2°C的共識,但是因應全球暖化的方案─調適及減緩策略的成本太過高昂,各國抱持著搭便車(free rider)心態,最終導致哥本哈根會議失敗,2010年坎昆會議也無進展。然而臺灣的環境永續性指數(Environmental Sustainable Index, ESI)評比反應出我國天然環境脆弱,再加上人為開發破壞大幅增加環境脆弱程度,未來在氣候變遷衝擊之下,人類生活的環境將面臨更嚴重的災害。2009年莫拉克颱風造成公共建設損失高達164億,顯得政府應盡早分析調適政策的成本效益並規劃相關策略,以降低民眾生命與財產的損失。因此,本研究採用條件評估法(Contingent Value Method, CVM) 開放式雙界二分選擇法詢問一般民眾避免氣候災害的願付價值,評估我國民眾對於氣候變遷調適策略的整體社會效益與成本,並以Hines et al.(1987)提出之負責任環境行為模式做為理論基礎。

    It has been recorded by IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) that a rise in global mean temperature has reached 0.74 degrees Celsius in one century, and it was likely cause by human beings. In 2009, in other to face the global warming problem, COP 15(the 15th Conference of the Parties) was held in Copenhagen. In the conference, an agreement had been reached that 2 degrees Celsius is the maximum of rise in global mean temperature. However, the conference agreement has failed because of the high cost of adaptation and mitigation, and there was no further solution in COP 16(the 16th Conference of the Parties) in Cancun. ESI (Environmental Sustainability Index) indicated the weak environment in Taiwan. In addition, the overdevelopment of land worsens the vulnerability of Taiwan. In 2009, Taiwan had paid for more than 16.4 thousand million dollars for Typhone Morakot; the anthorities concerned are supposed to offer some support to protect Taiwanese citizen from disaster. CVM (Contingent Value Method) has been employed to conduct this survey and using double-bounded open dichotomous-choice format elicit households WTP for improved adaptation program to understand the social costs. Besides, the theory of the Model of Responsible Environmental Behavior from Hines(1987) was also adopted as the basic structure of this study.
    The samplings of this study are all Taiwanese citizens. 706 samplings were chosen. In average, the samplings are willing to pay NTD1316.1 per person (NTD987.08~NTD1631.94), in the total of 10.4 thousand million dollars (NTD7.8 thousand million~NTD12.9 thousand million) with the whole people, to solve the global warming problems. WTP(willingness to pay) would be increasing according to samplings’ environmental literacy, attitude, experiences and socioeconomic status. However, almost half of the samplings are not aware of the knowledge of adaptation and mitigation. 80% of the samplings do not know the experiensive cost of renewable energy; 8% of the samplings do not agree with the high cost of adaptation policy; only 15.9% the samplings often take action to help environmental refugees. These evidences indicated the lackness of environmental literacy of Taiwanese citizens. WTP might become 0 while the samplings do not know what adaptation policy is and have no confidence with the government. Some unsure samplings expressed that they need more time and knowledge to make any dicision. The true value of adaptation strategies could not be understood by Taiwanese citizens because of government factors.
    In Taiwan, adaptation policies should be smoothly carried out not only by citizens but also by government. In short, government needs to solve the finicial problem of adaptation policies; citizens need to be equipted with more environmental literacy. Only the careness of environmental problems from both the government and citizens could help to reach the goal of sustainable society.

    摘要 i Abstract ii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 2 第三節 研究目的 3 第四節 研究問題與研究假設 3 第五節 研究範圍與限制 4 第六節 名詞定義 5 第二章 文獻回顧 7 第一節 全球暖化與氣候變遷教育相關研究 7 第二節 非市場財貨經濟價值評估之理論探討 11 第三節 條件評估法的應用 16 第三章 研究方法 21 第一節 研究設計 22 第二節 問卷設計與抽樣調查 25 第三節 問卷信效度處理與預試結果 31 第四章 資料處理與實證結果 43 第一節 受測者基本資料及受災經驗調查結果 44 第二節 我國民眾避免全球暖化衝擊之願付價值調查結果 48 第三節 我國民眾避免全球暖化衝擊之知識、態度及行為意圖調查結果 57 第四節 我國民眾避免全球暖化衝擊願付價值之推論統計分析 63 第五節 我國民眾避免全球暖化衝擊願付價值與各變項之相關性分析 67 第六節 我國民眾避免全球暖化衝擊之願付價值路徑分析 71 第五章 結論與建議 79 第一節 結論 79 第二節 建議 83 參考文獻 85 附件一、預試問卷 93 附件二、正式問卷 100 附件三、訪員手冊 109 表次 圖次

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