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研究生: 黃耀輝
Yaw-Huei Huang
論文名稱: 台北縣國民中學實施教師教學評鑑制度可行性研究
A Study on the Feasibility of the Practice of Teacher Performance Evaluation of the Junior High Schools in Taipei County
指導教授: 單文經
Shan, Wen-Jing
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 216
中文關鍵詞: 教師教學評鑑國民中學
英文關鍵詞: Teacher performance evaluation, Junior high school
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:817下載:5
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  • 本研究旨在探討台北縣國民中學學校教育人員知覺教學評鑑指標的重要程度,以及實施教師教學評鑑制度的人員、評鑑結果的運用、評鑑的時機、評鑑的方式等可行性意見,以為規劃建立教師教學評鑑制度之參考。
    為達成以上目的,本研究首先以教師教學評鑑(teacher performance evaluation)作為關鍵字,搜集國內外相關文獻,深入探討並設計調查的概念架構,其次依循研究目的與待答問題編製「台北縣國民中學教師教學評鑑制度調查問卷」乙份作為調查工具,並以台北縣國民中學學校教育人員為施測對象,抽取有效樣本604人進行實證調查,調查所得資料,經臨界比、皮爾生積差相關係數、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、斯皮爾曼等級相關、肯德爾和諧係數、薛費事後比較等統計方法加以分析處理。
    綜合上述研究結論,盱衡現行教師教學評鑑制度實施現況,本研究提出以下建議:(1)運用本研究所建構發展之教師教學評鑑指標以實施教師教學評鑑或提供給學校教師自我檢核教學效能;(2)成立常設性的「教師教學專業標準委員會」系統地研發教師教學評鑑指標;(3)評鑑制度之設計與制訂應邀請受評教師與評鑑人員共同參與決定;(4)實施教師教學評鑑之人員應包括「內部評鑑」與「外部評鑑」之人員;(5)教師教學評鑑制度之規劃設計應有後設評鑑(meta evaluation)機制;(6)加強教師教學評鑑人員的專業訓練;(7)將評鑑結果之運用方式定位為自我改善教學;(8)對於評鑑結果的處理與運用,應明確的說明與規範;(9)每學年實施一次教師教學評鑑;(10)完備各項行政程序;(11)加強宣導與溝通;(12)兼顧質化與量化的原則,以多元方式蒐集評鑑資料;(13)將教學專業檔案內容列入師資養成教育之教育實習課程,並鼓勵在職教師建置教學評鑑檔案。另外,本研究並針對進一步研究的作法提出若干建議。

    A Study on the Feasibility of the Practice of Teacher Performance Evaluation of the Junior High Schools in Taipei County
    Yaw-Huei Huang
    The study was mainly focused on the exploring of the opinion of the Taipei County junior high school teachers on the teacher performance evaluation. Besides, the opinions of the feasibility upon the following items and the difference among categorizations were discussed in this study. The items included: the evaluators, the use of the results, the evaluation timing on junior and senior teachers, the executive procedures, the methods of information collecting and the content of the teaching portfolios.
    First of all, a literature review was made upon “teacher performance evaluation”, and a “Junior High School Teacher performance Evaluation Questionnaire” was administered. According to the valid sample of 604 respondents of the Taipei County junior high school teachers, the following results were obtained:
    I.On the construction of teacher performance evaluation validity: according to the literature review, the experts’ suggestions and the reliability of the pre-test, the six categorizations of the evaluation are: (1) the plan and preparation of teaching; (2) the practice and strategy; (3) the class management and the learning atmosphere; (4) the on-job training and professional growth; (5) communication and collaboration; (6) the evaluation of teaching and feedback. The 39-item questionnaire with concrete evaluation items was proved an accountable and reliable testing method.
    II.On the opinions on the evaluators:
    1.The participants: the respondents consider the decision of the evaluation should be made by both evaluators and teachers who receive the evaluation. The suggestions made by professional, organizations and experts may be adopted also.
    2.The evaluators to practice the evaluation: the respondents recognize the “self and peer evaluation” most while the evaluations of the school administration, the experts, the students’ parents, and the students are also recognized. The evaluation should include both “internal” and “external” members.
    3.The organizing of the evaluators: the organization of the evaluators should include the administration and the teacher representatives to meet the very need of the teachers.
    III.On the use of the evaluation results: “helping the teachers understand and improve their teaching to have the effectiveness enhanced”, and “discovering the well-performed teachers and have them rewarded” have more feasibility .
    IV.On the timing of the evaluation: It is more practical that teachers should receive annual evaluation.
    V.On the methods of evaluation:
    1.The following procedures should be adopted: the planning of the evaluation, a meeting of specification, the notification of the results, the professional training for the evaluators, and an evaluation list meeting common welfare.
    2.The methods of data collecting: should include: classroom observation, interview, teaching files, and questionnaires.
    3.The content of teaching portfolios should included: the teaching plan, teacher-student interaction, the declaration of the teaching goals and belief, the sample of students’ assignments, the evaluation of teaching effectiveness, the record of professional growth, and the feedback and suggestions from important reviewers.
    In view of current practice of teacher performance evaluation, several suggestions drawing on made as follows:
    1.Apply the criteria for teacher performance evaluation constructed in this study to promote teacher performance evaluation or provide the criteria to in-service teachers as a means to self-examining instructional effectiveness.
    2.Set up a regular ‘Committee of Standard Teacher Performance’ to systematically devise the criteria for teacher performance evaluation.
    3.Invite evaluators and teachers who are to receive evaluation to jointly decide upon the design and formation of the evaluation system.
    4.Include both ‘internal’ and ‘external’ members for the evaluation.
    5.Incorporate a meta-evaluation mechanism into the design of the evaluation system
    6.Enforce the training of evaluators.
    7.Interpret the result of the evaluation as a means of conscious-raising to improve teaching performances.
    8.Provide specific explanations and regulations for the application of the results.
    9.Conduct teacher performance evaluation once every school year.
    10.Make complete the administrative procedures.
    11.Promote the concept and encourage communication.
    12.Consider both the quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis of research data and collect information in an extensive manner.
    13.Incorporate teaching portfolios into the curriculum of teacher training and encourage in-service teachers to establish portfolios for teaching evaluation.
    Keywords:Teacher performance evaluation, Junior high school

    目 錄 第一章 緒論........................................1 第一節 研究動機與目的.............................1 第二節 待答問題...................................7 第三節 名詞釋義...................................8 第四節 研究方法、範圍與限制......................11 第二章 文獻探討...................................15 第一節 教學評鑑的意涵............................15 第二節 教學評鑑的指標............................23 第三節 教學評鑑的人員............................54 第四節 評鑑結果的運用............................57 第五節 評鑑的時機與方式..........................64 第三章 研究設計與實施.............................73 第一節 研究架構..................................73 第二節 研究假設..................................79 第三節 研究對象..................................85 第四節 研究工具..................................88 第五節 實施程序..................................97 第六節 資料處理..................................98 第四章 結果分析與討論............................101 第一節 教師教學評鑑指標調查結果分析與討論.......101 第二節 評鑑人員之意見調查結果分析與討論.........137 第三節 評鑑結果的運用之意見調查結果分析與討論...147 第四節 評鑑的時機之意見調查結果分析與討論.......150 第五節 評鑑的方式之意見調查結果分析與討論.......155 第五章 結論與建議.................................165 第一節 結論.....................................165 第二節 建議 ....................................173 參考文獻..........................................181 壹、中文部份.....................................181 貳、英文部份.....................................186 附 錄............................................193 附錄一 問卷調查研究提供意見之專家學者 與實務工作者名錄..........................193 附錄二 台北縣國民中學教師教學評鑑制度調查問卷 (專家意見修改情形)........................194 附錄三 台北縣國民中學教師教學評鑑制度調查問卷.....207 附錄四 教師教學評鑑其他意見摘錄彙整表.............214

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