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研究生: 許素玲
Shiu, Su-Ling
論文名稱: 英語和日語人士學習中文 「被」字句之實證研究
An Experimental Study of the Chinese Bei-Construction by English- and Japanese-Speaking Learners
指導教授: 陳純音
Chen, Chun-Yin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2001
畢業學年度: 89
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 12 4
中文關鍵詞: 被字句第二語言習得母語的影響普遍語法
英文關鍵詞: bei-construction, SLA, L1 transfer, Universal Grammar
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:163下載:43
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  • 摘要
    本研究在探討英語和日語人士,中文「被」字句第二語言習得。其主要目的在驗證普遍語法 (Universal Grammar) 之存在和母語轉換 (L1 transfer) 之現象。同時,也藉此研究測試是否不同的題型會導致不同的結果;語意特性 (semantic property) 是否比語法特性 (syntactic property) 好學;不同型態的「被」字句其學習難易度是否不同。
    本實驗以是非判斷 (grammaticality judgment) 和看圖回答 (picture-cued production) 的方式為主,對象是50位就讀國立台灣師範大學的英語和日語外籍學生和25位中國人。測驗題目包含直接 (direct) 和間接 (indirect) 的「被」字句,而間接「被」字句又可分為內含 (inclusive) 和排他 (exclusive) 「被」字句兩種。研究者根據四個特性 ¾ 動詞前介系詞詞組 (preverbal bei-phrases)、主事者省略 (the deletion of the agentive NP)、格位吸收 (case absorption) 和不幸意涵 (adversity) 設計不同的「被」字句。

    The present study investigates the second language acquisition of the Chinese bei-construction by the English and Japanese speakers, with the aim of providing empirical evidence for L1 transfer and the existence of UG (Universal Grammar). It is also the purpose of the study to examine the methodological effects, to compare the semantic property with the syntactic property and to detect different passive types.
    Two tasks, a grammaticality judgement task (GJ task) and a picture-cued production task (PP task), were administered to 25 English-speaking and 25 Japanese-speaking learners of Chinese at the Mandarin Training Center of National Taiwan Normal University, together with 25 native speakers. The bei-sentences, including the direct and indirect passives, which were further divided into inclusive and exclusive passives, were designed based on the four properties (i.e., preverbal bei-phrases, the deletion of the agentive NP, case absorption and adversity).
    The overall results show that the L2 learners indeed carried over their L1 knowledge into L2 learning in the course of acquiring the bei-construction in Chinese, suggesting that L1 transfer, regardless of whether it is positive or negative, does occur. Besides, the fact that the subjects are able to acquire the properties which are not exemplified in their L1 as well as appropriately rest the L1 parameter into their L2 values further confirms the operation of UG in L2 acquisition. With respect to the methodological effects, it has been observed that what learners correctly judged in the GJ task could not necessarily be produced by them in the PP task, which suggests that comprehension, more often than not, precedes production. Additionally, the syntactic property was found to be easier than the semantic property in the GJ task, but not in the PP task. Thus, whether the former is indeed easier than the latter or vice versa deserves further research. Finally, the direct passive and the exclusive passive pose less difficulty to the L2 learners than the indirect type and the inclusive type respectively.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………… …………………………..i ABSTRACT (ENGLISH).…………………………… ……………….………iii ABSTRACT (CHINESE).……………………………………………………...v TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………...................…vi LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………viii LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………..…..x LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS…………………………………….………………xi 1.INTRODUCTION………..........………………………………….………1 1.1Motivation……………………………………………….…….………..1 1.2Theoretical Background…………….……………………….………..3 1.3Research Questions…………………………………………….……….6 1.4Organization of the Thesis….……………………………………….7 1.5Summary of Chapter One…….………………………………………….8 2.PROPERTIES AND PREVIOUS STUDIES OF THE PASSIVE CONSTRUCTION………………..…………………………………………….9 2.1Properties of the Japanese, Chinese and English Passives…..9 2.1.1Word Order and Verb Form…………..…………………….……..10 2.1.2 The Deletion of the Agentive NP…………….…………………16 2.1.3 Case Absorption………………….…………………………………21 2.1.4 Adversity…………………………………………………………...26 2.2 Previous Studies of the Acquisition of the Passive Construction.............................................31 2.2.1 Kuo (1995)……..…………..……………………………………..32 2.2.2 Tseng (1997)………………………………………………….…….35 2.2.3 Isumi and Lashmanan (1998)………………………………………40 2.2.4 Liu (1998)…………………………………………….…………….44 2.3 Summary of Chapter Two……………………………………….…….47 3.EXPERIMENTAL METHODS AND RESULTS ………..……………………50 3.1Subjects…………….……………………………………………….….50 3.2 Methodology and Materials…………….…………………………..52 3.3 Procedures…………….……………………………………………….59 3.4 Results……….…………………………………………………………61 3.4.1 Preverbal Bei-Phrases……………….………………………….62 3.4.2 The Deletion of the Agentive NP……………………………….65 3.4.3 Case Absorption………….…………………………………………68 3.4.4 Adversity…………………………………………………………...72 3.5 Summary of Chapter Three………………….……………………….76 4.DISCUSSION………………………………………………………………..77 4.1SLA Issues………………………….…………………………………..77 4.1.1 L1 Transfer………………………………………………………….77 4.1.2 Accessibility of UG………………...………………………....85 4.1.3 Methodological Effects…………………………………………..90 4.2Linguistic Aspects……….…………………………………………..93 4.2.1 Comparisons and Contrasts of the Syntactic and Semantic Property................................................93 4.2.2 The Comparison of Different Types of Passives: Direct vs. Indirect;Inclusive vs. Exclusive……………………….….…98 4.3Suggestions for Further Research………………………………..102 4.4Summary of Chapter Four…………………….……………………..106 5.CONCLUSION…….…………………………………………………………107 BIBLIOGRAPHY……….………………………………………………………109 APPENDIX A: Questionnaires for the Subjects’ Background Information…................................……118 APPENDIX B: Test Sentences for the GJ Task…………………….…119 APPENDIX C: Sample Pictures for the PP Task……………………..122 APPENDIX D: Consent Form for the L2 Learners………….…………124

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