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研究生: 洪子庭
Hung, Tzu-Ting
論文名稱: 雙視圖像設計應用於說故事聯想紙牌桌遊創作研究-故事遊
A Study of Visual and Tactile Graphics Pictures Applied in Storytelling Playing Card of Board Game Associate with Imagination
指導教授: 伊彬
I, Bin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 206
中文關鍵詞: 視覺障礙雙視圖像觸讀故事桌遊
英文關鍵詞: visual impairment, visual and tactile graphics, tactile reading, story, tabletop game
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DD.002.2018.A10
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:236下載:21
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  • 桌上遊戲是個具有廣泛發展面向與可包容多元使用者(玩家)的設計媒介,具有促進人際互動的社交功能。本創作研究將雙視圖像設計運用於說故事之平面遊戲紙牌,使遊戲紙牌具有同時能提供玩家觀看與觸摸的雙項功能,並使明眼人與視障者可一同玩桌遊,透過不同特質的玩家在辨識圖像後所產生的自由聯想,進而以說故事的遊戲方式來增進明、盲者彼此間溝通、互動、理解。研究者依序由三階段的研究方法教導全盲者繪畫、人物訪談、現有實例分析,並綜合歸納出研究結果,以(1)簡化原則;(2)資訊同步;(3)五感體驗;(4)聯結想像;(5)參與平權等5個設計原則設計出一款具有共遊功能的雙視圖像說故事遊戲紙牌-故事遊。本創作研究的規劃與設計執行項目包含雙視遊戲紙牌、雙視說明書以及語音說明光碟,並以UV印刷技術來完成實體設計,使圖像與點字產生浮凸效果,以達成雙視設計的功能與研究目的。無論是否受限於視力障礙,遊戲過程中玩家可透過5類不同圖像屬性與功能的人物卡、事件卡、魔法卡、閃電卡、皇冠卡發揮想像力說故事,透過對圖像不同解讀而產生遊戲的趣味性。並歸納以下數個重要結論進行說明:
    1. 雙視圖像說故事遊戲紙牌透過說故事共遊打破明盲者的社交障礙。
    2. 雙視圖像說故事遊戲紙牌的簡化圖像與局部色彩皆可提供明盲者進行故事探索。
    3. 設計明盲共遊的桌遊應盡可能達到圖文資訊同步。
    4. 平面設計不該僅受限於明眼世界的體驗與互動,而應創造多感官的設計環境。
    1. 讓共遊性的桌遊更趨近於一般大眾市場。
    2. 將雙視圖像設計應用於不同的桌上遊戲配件。
    3. 將視覺障礙者不易理解的色彩資訊雙視圖像化及遊戲化。
    4. 將雙視桌遊設計推動至更多明眼人的學習或社交互動場域。
    5. 政府與學校應重視雙視圖像設計的明盲共遊議題的研究和推廣。

    Tabletop games are media designed to be played by a number of players, feature great development potential, and promote interpersonal interaction. In this study, a visual and tactile graphics design was employed to develop 2D cards, in which players could identify the cards in two ways: by looking at them or by touching them. Such a design enabled players with or without visual impairment to play the game together. The two player types were asked to tell stories based on the thoughts that arose in their minds after identifying the cards, which facilitated the communication and interaction between them as well as the understanding of the other player type. A three-stage research method was adopted to teach players with the blind to paint, interview people, and perform actual analyses. The following design principles were obtained: (1) adopting simplified principles; (2) transmitting information transmission at the same speed; (3) providing a five-senses experience; (4) linking imagination; and (5) practicing equal participation rights. On the basis of the five design principles, Stories, a game with visual and tactile graphics that can be played by both people with or without visual impairment, was created. In this study, the planning and design tasks included creating tactile graphic cards, a tactile graphic instruction manual for the game, and a voice instruction for the game (on a CD). Ultraviolet (UV) printing technologies were used to complete the designs to allow images and text to become embossed (similar to braille text), which fulfilled the design purposes and the study objectives. For both players with or without visual impairment, they could use five different card types (i.e., character card, event card, magic card, lightning card, and crown card; the types of images and functions of the cards for any card type differed from those of another card type) to inspire their imagination, and use the thoughts that arose in their minds to tell stories. The players’ varying interpretations of the images made the game entertaining. The study results are as follows:
    1. By telling stories during the visual and tactile graphics game, the social barriers between players with or without visual impairment were broken.
    2. The simplified images and partial colors used in the visual and tactile graphics game enabled players with or without visual impairment to explore stories.
    3. Tabletop games that can be played by both players with or without visual impairment should be designed in a way that graphic and text information are transmitted synchronously.
    4. 2D designs should be more than just vision-based; multisensory designs should be used.
    This study offers following recommendations:
    1. Tabletop games that can be played by both people with or without visual impairment should be popularized on the general market.
    2. The tactile graphic design should be adopted to design various parts in tabletop games.
    3. The tactile graphic method should be employed to transmit color information, which people with visual impairment have difficulty understanding. In addition, color information should be included in games.
    4. Tabletop game-based tactile graphic designs should be introduced to places where people with normal vision receive their education or socialize.
    5. Governments and schools should pay attention to studying and promoting tactile graphic designs so that people with or without visual impairment can play tabletop games together.

    謝誌 i 摘要 ii Abstract iii 目錄 v 表目錄 viii 圖目錄 ix 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究與創作目的 4 第三節 研究流程與架構 5 第四節 研究範圍 8 第五節 名詞釋義 9 第貳章 文獻探討 10 第一節 視覺障礙者的感官學習與限制 10 一、視覺障礙者的分類及感官限制 10 二、視覺障礙者的資訊需求與圖像學習 11 三、小結 31  第二節 明眼人與視障者的社交溝通與互動 32 一、明盲兒童與社交溝通 32 二、明盲青少年與人際關係 32 三、視障休閒活動與社會互動 33 四、小結 34  第三節 說故事桌上遊戲與設計 35 一、說故事 35 二、桌上遊戲 36 三、小結 44 第四節 本章小結 45 第參章 研究方法 46 第一節 研究流程與設計 46 一、全盲者繪畫教學 46 二、人物訪談 46 三、現有實例分析 47 第二節 階段一 全盲者繪畫教學 48 一、研究者與研究對象 48 二、研究工具 49 第三節 階段二 人物訪談 59 一、訪談對象 59 二、研究工具 60 三、訪談執行流程 61 第四節 階段一 現有實例分析 65 一、研究樣本 65 二、案例分析步驟 69 第肆章 研究結果 70 第一節 階段一 全盲者繪畫教學 70 一、參與者特質 70 二、故事接龍畫 73 三、小結 84 第二節 階段二 人物訪談 87 一、現有桌遊接觸經驗與開發想法 90 二、視障者的圖像接觸經驗與想法 97 三、未來設計出「雙視圖像桌遊」的想法 101 四、小結 104 第三節 階段一 現有實例分析 105 一、雙視圖像 105 二、桌上遊戲 109 三、小結 128 第四節 本章小結 129 第伍章 創作計畫與結果 132 第一節 創作架構 132 一、雙視圖像設計 132 二、桌上遊戲設計 135 第二節 製作過程 136 一、雙視圖像設計 136 二、桌上遊戲設計 150 第三節 展出成果 178 一、策展理念 180 二、雙視圖像說故事遊戲紙牌展覽區 181 三、觀者回饋 183 第陸章 結論與討論 188 第一節 討論 188 第二節 結論 192 第三節 研究限制與建議 195 參考文獻 199

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