簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林䕸伶
Lin, Jie-Ling
論文名稱: 林欽彬道長之道教法事與音樂研究
The study of Taoist religious ritual and music of Taoist priest,Lin Qin-Bin
指導教授: 呂錘寬
Lu, Chui-Kuan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 民族音樂研究所
Graduate Institute of Ethnomusicology
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 185
中文關鍵詞: 道教彰化地區閭山派正一派龍玄法門
英文關鍵詞: Taoism, Chunghua area, Lu-Shan faction, Cheng-Ii faction, Dharma Long-Hsuan
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203322
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:298下載:25
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  • 閭山教派,是道教系統中較少聽聞的一個派別,因此想藉由本論文對道教正一派以及閭山派於彰化、台中地區的活動現象有所探究與紀錄。觀察對象為彰化縣和美鎮閭山龍玄法門之林欽彬道長。

    Lu-Shan factionis a seldom heard school in the Tao system, and therefore the purpose of this thesis is to investigate into and record the activities in Taichung and Chunghua area conducted by Cheng-Ii faction and Lu-Shan faction of Taoism. The object of observation is based on Chin-Bin Lin, the Head of Priest of Dharma Long-Jsuan of the Chunghua county and the mountain of He-Mei town.
    Three approaches will be applied to collect information for this research. Firstly, a field research is done with emphasis on people, locations, time, events and objects of a live record of ceremonies and regulations conducted by Head Priest Chin-Bin Lin.
    Secondly, an interview with Head Priest Chin-Bin Lin is conducted, with the process of the passing down of the heritage and experiences as well as the history of the succession of teachings and the contents of administrations being studied in the first place, followed by the abilities and specialties of other Priests and their learning processes.
    Finally, an image-sound record of the collected music, rituals and interviews will be analyzed and rearranged.This article consists of five parts: the introduction and four chapters.In the introduction, I provide an outline of the development of Taiwan’s Taoism and its services, the research on the Tao rituals of mid-Taiwan, and a brief report on the current situation of researchers in related fields.
    In the first chapter, a brief introduction on Dharma Long-Hsuan of Lu-Shan hall is given, recording the succession of preachings, the history, the Priests of the main and second altar, the musicians in the back stage and the different types of services provided by Cheng-Ii faction and Lu-Shan faction. In the second chapter, the precious materials preserved by Head Priest Lin of Dharma Lu-Shan-Long-Hsuan is presented, be it ceremonial materials, recording instruments, transcripts, drawings of the Tao Gods and the clothings.
    The third chapter will focus on the contents of religious ceremonies and the record of proclaims, including the process of rituals, materials, space, the attendances andother things related.
    The fourth chapter includes a series of analysis on the contents of three musical pieces-the regulations on presentation, regulations on the An-Long rituals of reverence, regulations on the Purdue Festival. Further more, advanced analysis upon features of vocal performance of the three musical pieces will be carried out as well as three methods applied accordingly to different forms of their performances be it “prolonged lyrics”, “reiterative vocal”, and “the usage of words and tune”.

    前言.................................i 凡例.................................v 緒論.................................1 一、台灣道教法事概述...................1 二、研究方向與內容.....................4 三、相關研究概況.......................7 第一章 閭山大法院龍玄法門之概述..........11 第一節 閭山龍玄法門道法傳衍沿革........... 11 第二節 科儀主事之人物介紹.................14 一、主壇道長:林欽彬 (1968─2017)........14 二、助壇道士.............................20 三、後場樂師.............................22 第三節 科事類型...........................27 一、道教正一派科儀........................27 二、閭山派法事科儀........................29 第二章 閭山大法院龍玄法門持有之演法物件.....33 第一節 法器與樂器.........................33 一、一般性法器............................33 二、音樂性法器............................37 三、樂器..................................37 第二節 抄本...............................40 一、科儀類抄本............................40 二、經懺類抄本............................42 三、玉訣類抄本............................43 四、其他.................................44 第三節 道場神像圖........................47 一、九御圖...............................47 二、朝元圖...............................49 三、官將圖...............................49 四、閭山派神像畫..........................51 五、神明圖...............................54 六、道場排場.............................56 第四節 道服.............................58 一、服飾類...............................58 二、戴冠類...............................62 三、其他.................................62 第三章 儀式內容之分析.....................63 第一節 台中市樂安宮祭解補運儀式.............63 一、法事進行之內容.........................65 二、儀式運用品.............................70 三、儀式空間...............................72 四、參與者.................................74 第二節 台中市潭子區許家新居落成安香謝土酬神科儀...........75 一、法會進行之內容......................................76 二、儀式運用品..........................................85 三、儀式空間............................................92 四、參與者..............................................93 第三節 台中市大安區政天宮普度法會........................94 一、法事時間與內容......................................94 二、儀式運用品..........................................98 三、儀式空間...........................................104 四、參與者.............................................106 第四節 台中市順安宮慶成安龍謝土保安福醮大典...............107 一、法事時間與內容......................................107 二、儀式運用品.........................................117 三、儀式空間...........................................126 四、參與者.............................................128 第四章 儀式音樂分析.....................................131 第一節 科儀節次與唱腔內容.............................133 一、發表科儀...........................................133 二、安龍謝土科儀........................................141 三、普度科儀...........................................148 第二節 道曲演唱之特色................................169 一、加詞唱法...........................................169 二、疊韻...............................................170 三、字與曲調之運用......................................171 結論..................................................179 引用資料...............................................182



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