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研究生: 梁嘉音
Chia-yin Liang
論文名稱: 籃球罰球投籃之特定技能效應
Especial skill effects on basketball free-throw
指導教授: 卓俊伶
Jwo, Jun-Ling
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: 籃球罰球投籃定點投籃特定技能視覺情境練習專家
英文關鍵詞: basketball, free-throw, set shot, especial skills, visual context, practice, expert
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:138下載:19
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  • 本研究旨在探討視覺情境、表現情境、技能水準與練習量對罰球投籃特定技能的影響。實驗一以12位專家男生籃球員為參加者,在不同罰球投籃視覺情境、變化罰球投籃距離-力量表現情境中各進行20次定點投籃,依變項為投籃準確性,經重複量數二因子變異數分析、簡單線性廻歸分析,結果發現:(一) 罰球投籃準確性在視覺情境變項皆未達到統計顯著差異,而特定與非特定罰球投籃視覺情境的罰球投籃實際值與預測值皆未高於1個估計標準誤值;(二) 特定與非特定罰球投籃視覺情境的罰球線與鄰近距離投籃準確性皆未達統計顯著差異;(三) 罰球投籃準確性在表現情境變項有達到統計顯著差異,且特定與非特定距離-力量表現情境的罰球投籃實際值與預測值未高於1個估計標準誤值。在實驗二以專家女生籃球員和具有籃球經驗的學生各12人為參加者,分別在正常與低知覺-行動表現情境各200次試投,經混合設計三因子變異數分析,結果發現未達到統計顯著差異,比較罰球投籃實際值與預測值均未顯示高於1個估計標準誤值。依此,本研究的結論為:(一) 罰球投籃特定技能表現不受視覺情境的影響;(二) 罰球投籃特定技能效應在鄰近投籃距離的投籃表現會產生類化效果;(三) 罰球投籃特定技能表現不受不同罰球投籃距離-力量表現情境的影響;(四) 罰球投籃特定技能會受練習量與技能水準的影響。

    This study was designed to examine the effects of visual contexts, conditions of performance, skill levels, and amounts of practice on basketball free-throw’s especial skill. Twelve expert male basketball players served as participants in experiment 1. Each participant performed 20 set shots at two visual contexts and alteration distance-force conditions. Dependent variable was shooting accuracy. Two way repeated measures ANOVA and simple linear regression analysis revealed that (1) The accuracy of free-throw shooting was found no significant difference on visual context. The actual and expected values at the foul line were found no higher than one SEest in both specific and non-specific foul line visual contexts; (2) In two visual contexts, the accuracy of free-throw shooting between foul line and closer distances were found no significant difference; and (3) For accuracy of free-throw shooting, significant difference was found in performance variable. The actual and expected values at the foul line was found no higher than one SEest in both specific and non-specific distance-force conditions. Twelve expert female basketball players and twelve basketball-experienced female students served as participants in experiment 2. Each participant performed 200 set shots at normal and low perception-action conditions. The mixed-design three-way ANOVA analysis revealed that skill level and amounts of practice were found significant difference. The actual and expected values at the foul line was no higher than one SEest in both normal and low perception-action conditions. It was concluded that: (1) Visual context had no effect on especial skill of free-throw shooting; (2) The generalization effects of especial skill was found in neighboring shooting distances; (3) Different distance-force conditions had no effect on especial skill of free-throw shooting; and (4) Skill levels and amounts of practice had effects on especial skill of free-throw shooting.

    口試委員與系主任簽字之論文通過簽名表..........................i 授權書....................................................ii 中文摘要.................................................iii 英文摘要..................................................iv 謝誌.......................................................v 目次......................................................vi 圖次......................................................ix 表次......................................................xi 第壹章 緒論................................................1 第一節 問題背景........................................1 第二節 研究目的.......................................12 第三節 研究限制、範圍與假定............................13 第四節 名詞解釋.......................................14 第五節 研究的重要性...................................16 第貳章 基模理論基礎與相關文獻探討...........................18 第一節 基模理論.......................................18 第二節 基模理論的相關文獻..............................21 第三節 基模理論的限制..................................30 第四節 文獻小結.......................................32 第參章 實驗一:特定技能之視覺情境與力量參數效應..............34 第一節 問題背景.......................................34 第二節 研究問題與假說..................................39 第三節 方法...........................................41 第四節 結果...........................................51 第五節 討論...........................................57 第肆章 實驗二:特定技能的練習效應............................62 第一節 問題背景.......................................62 第二節 研究問題與假說..................................66 第三節 方法...........................................67 第四節 結果...........................................74 第五節 討論...........................................81 第伍章 綜合討論............................................84 第一節 視覺情境對籃球罰球投籃特定技能的影響..............84 第二節 籃球罰球特定技能的參數化能力.....................86 第三節 技能水準、表現情境與練習量對籃球罰球投籃特定技能 的影響.........................................87 第陸章 結論與建議..........................................89 第一節 結論...........................................89 第二節 建議...........................................90 引用文獻..................................................92 中文部份..............................................92 英文部分..............................................92 附錄.....................................................102 附錄一 實驗一參加者需知與同意書.......................103 附錄二 實驗二參加者需知與同意書.......................104 附錄三 各項統計分析摘要表與事後比較表..................105

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