簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 薛婷芳
Shiue Tyng-Fang
論文名稱: 從幼稚園參與評鑑之經驗看幼稚園轉變之歷程
Exploring the anticipating kindergarten evaluation process through case study from kindergarten transformation process
指導教授: 廖鳳瑞
Liaw, Fong-Ruey
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
畢業學年度: 86
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: 評鑑幼稚園評鑑詮釋性研究生態系統觀點轉變歷程
英文關鍵詞: Evaluation, Kindergarten Evaluation, Interpretative Study, Ecology of Human Development, Transformation Process
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:202下載:0
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  • 本研究的目的在從兩所幼稚園參與八十六學年度臺北市幼稚園評鑑的經驗以瞭解受評幼稚園如何經歷評鑑、如何看待評鑑、以及評鑑對幼稚園究竟有何影響及如何影響的過程。我從一開始即進入兩所幼稚園參與評鑑的每一個過程,至評鑑(複評)結束後一個月退出,在這樣一個完整的評鑑歷程中,我看到兩所幼稚園如何藉由受評的機會重新檢討自己以往的發展方向與教學目標,以及兩所幼稚園如何在自願申請評鑑的情況下,進行內部反思與覺察問題,並因應評鑑所帶來的教師反思、討論與成長。本研究是從幼稚園參與評鑑的角度來詮釋評鑑的實施,與以往從結果來看待幼稚園評鑑的研究角度有所不同;此外,從本研究的發現中可以看到幼稚園如何接受衝擊、主動地反思與變革,而不僅是被動地應付。本研究從兩所幼稚園在三波循環的經驗,發現評鑑確實推動兩所幼稚園的轉變與成長,其轉變如下:(一) 理念與行政方面:藍天幼稚園在「行政制度化」方面因為參與評鑑而有所加強;而白雲幼稚園因原本行政制度即較完整,改變不大。領導模式方面,藍天幼稚園因園內教師輪流當園長而形成園內共商決策的管理模式,在因應評鑑轉變的過程中能持民主方式進行;白雲幼稚園董事會及園長首採「由上而下」的領導模式,直到因應評鑑所進行的教學轉變才逐漸出現園內教師討論的局面,使權威的領導模式逐漸減弱。(二) 教學與保育方面:教學是兩所幼稚園參與評鑑的過程轉變最大的層面。使藍天幼稚園全盤接受評鑑委員的建議,從單元教學的型態,轉型為角落教學的型態。白雲幼稚園在考量家長、教師及評鑑委員的意見後,僅作部分的改變,於原有單元教學架構上,嘗試學習區教學。在教師參與教學轉變的歷程上,兩所幼稚園教師的經驗有所差別。(三)環境設備與使用方面:兩所幼稚園之改善皆以「適用性」及「安全性」為先,其次是「教育性」,最後才是「親切感」的考量。最後從生態系統的觀點發現影響兩所幼稚園轉變之因素包括評鑑制度、評鑑委員、園長的領導模式、園內教師的參與度、小學或董事會行政的支持、家長、幼稚園所處生態等。從本研究結果發現八十六年臺北市幼稚園評鑑的一些問題,如:自我評鑑時間太短、評鑑委員的意見不同等。本研究建議如下:(1)受評幼稚園應建立正確的評鑑理念、培養自願申請評鑑觀念、鼓勵全園動員的精神,期獲得反思成長並促進幼稚園專業成長。(2)評鑑制度方面應能發揮教育及引導幼稚園改進與發展的功能,期解決所發生之問題。

    The purpose of this research was to explore the influence of kindergarten evaluation process during the Taipei County Kindergartens Evaluation in 1997. Researcher interviewed and interacted with the two voluntary kindergartens (which were nicknamed by B and W) for many times from evaluation started to one month later of end. In this complete research period, the two kindergartens were affected by evaluation institution, professions of evaluation committees, and also reacted to each impact. The research found that all two kindergartens became enrichment through evaluation process and took the future developmental orientation and teaching objective of the kindergarten into consideration after evaluating process. They started to reflect and detect what had to be done internally. Teachers thought, discussed, argued, and finally that made them became more clear. Their total evaluation process can be identified into three-cycles-changes. Each cycle was composed of impact, reflection and evolution. The evaluation process including self-study, on-site evaluation, and follow-up evaluation contributed to the change and growth of the two kindergartens. It had shown that kindergarten could be improved from evaluation process in each changing cycle. The change and growth include:1. In administration system perspective, the B kindergarten becomes more institutionalizable in administration due to anticipating the evaluation process. But W kindergarten doesn't change obviously since its complete institution base in original. In the leadership, the taking it turns of the kindergarten president position each year made the teacher of B kindergarten forming the co-decision-making characteristic inside. This kind of open management style made its evaluation progress more democratic way du2. Teaching and protection and cultivation: it came out that teaching was the common element, which made the kindergarten development transformation greatsively in their evaluation process. Evaluation let B kindergarten accept the suggestions from the evaluation committee overall consideration. B kindergarten changed the curriculum of the Unit Teaching transforming to Learning Area or Corner Teaching. W kindergarten made partial change form the present Unit Teaching curriculums to the trial of Learning Area3. Facilities usage: Both of the two kindergartens improved its teaching equipment or facilities but follow the priority of fitness, safety first and secondly educationality, and familiarity later.Finally, this research used the viewpoint of ecology of human development to study the factors influenced by the kindergarten evaluation process transformation and extra-kindergarten evaluation factors. The evaluation factors had discussed in the context and later including evaluation institution, evaluation committees, leadership of the kindergarten, participation of the kindergarten teacher, administration support from the primary or the kindergarten boards, parent, and ecology of kindergarten which support the ecological viewpoint. Some issues occurred during the Taipei County Kindergarten Evaluation process were the time to short for their self-evaluation phase, quite different opinion form evaluation committee to different kindergarten, etc. By this research, it was suggested that evaluated kindergarten should set up the positive attitude forward to the evaluation and foster voluntarily anticipation the kindergarten evaluation fully. The other one was that stimulated and pulled out the real effect form evaluation guiding the future developmental orientation of server by good studying on evaluation institution and policy. These opinions were suggested and expected which could be taken into account for reversion of the evaluation handbook.
