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研究生: 唐唯傑
Tan, Wei-Chieh
論文名稱: 具頭動補償功能之頭戴式眼動儀系統
A System of Head Mounted Eye Tracker with Head Movement Compensation
指導教授: 黃奇武
Huang, Chi-Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電機工程學系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 94
中文關鍵詞: 眼動儀頭動補償
英文關鍵詞: eye tracker, head movement compensation
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204376
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:343下載:37
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  • 眼動儀是一種藉由追蹤使用者眼球運動並推估使用者凝視點的裝置,主要的用途在於心理學上的研究和做為身障者的輔具。一般的眼動儀在進行完校正步驟後,若是使用者頭部有移動,預估出的凝視點誤差將會增加,除了使用一些裝置固定頭部外,為了追求使用時的自由度和方便性,如何在頭部能夠移動的情況下進行正確的凝視點預估是眼動儀研究中相當重要的一部分,一般將這個問題稱為頭動補償。


    Eye tracker is a device for measuring eye movements and estimating POG (Point of gaze). It is currently used in psychology field and also can be the assistive devices for disabled people. After calibration, if user’s head moves when using eye tracker, the error of POG will enlarge. An easy way to solving this problem is using some device to hold user’s head, but for pursue the freedom and comfort, how to estimate correct POG when head moving is one of important topics in eye tracker field. The topic is called head movement compensation.
    There are three major methods of estimating POG in the related research. First, estimating POG by using 2D mapping function, second, estimating POG according to the relative position between light points reflect on eye ball and pupil center, third, building the 3D eye ball module to estimate visual axis and optical axis. There are many different ways of head movement compensation for each method of estimating POG, and they also have different advantages and disadvantages.
    In this work, this paper presents an approach of head movement compensation and implement it. Build an eye tracker system has the ability of head movement compensation. In this system, the hardware this system using is a head mounted eye tracker has two cameras. Beside mode of head movement compensation, this system also has the basic modes like mode of no head movement and mode of real scene.
    In the section of the approach of head movement compensation, this system uses scene camera to detect circular patterns pasted on monitor and estimate monitor’s depth and 3D position. When calibrating, get the information of mapping function and calibration plane, when using eye tracker, estimate visual axis by them and calculate POG, reduces the error caused by head movement. Compare with [35], The experiment result shows this approach can reduce 0.5~1゜degree error when user has large head movement.

    Keywords:eye tracker, head movement compensation.

    中文摘要 i 英文摘要 iii 誌 謝 v 目 錄 vi 圖目錄 x 表目錄 xiv 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 眼動儀簡介 1 1.2 眼動儀的演進 3 1.3 眼動儀的操作流程 6 1.4 研究動機和目的 7 第二章 文獻探討 10 2.1 以二維映射函數進行凝視點預估 10 2.1.1 以光點位置進行頭動補償 11 2.1.2 使用projective mapping進行頭動補償 15 2.2 以光點位置交比(cross-ratio)關係進行凝視點預估 16 2.3 以三維眼球模型進行凝視點預估 20 2.3.1 以光點位置預估光軸和視軸(1) 21 2.3.2 以光點位置預估光軸和視軸(2) 23 2.4 眼動儀相關研究方法的比較 28 第三章 研究內容與方法 29 3.1 使用硬體及軟體架構 29 3.1.1 使用硬體 29 3.1.2 軟體架構 31 3.2 瞳孔偵測 31 3.2.1 影像二值化 32 3.2.2 輪廓追蹤 33 3.2.3 橢圓擬合 35 3.2.4 排除誤判區域 36 3.3 圖卡偵測及定位 38 3.3.1 轉換色彩空間進行二值化 38 3.3.2 區塊標籤 40 3.3.3 動差不變量(moment invariants)計算和加強辨識 44 3.3.4 圖卡定位和推估螢幕位置 49 3.4 校正模組 50 3.4.1 映射函數校正 50 3.4.2 校正平面 51 3.5 頭動補償 52 3.5.1 視軸預估 52 3.5.2 預估螢幕平面及求取凝視點 54 3.5.3 顯示凝視點 56 3.6 以代數方式舉例說明頭動補償演算法 63 3.6.1 事前準備工作 64 3.6.2 校正 64 3.6.3 凝視點預估 65 3.7 眼動儀操作流程及操作介面說明 69 第四章 實驗結果 75 4.1 凝視點精準度實驗 75 4.1.1前後左右頭動實驗 76 4.1.2 大幅向後頭動實驗 82 4.1.3 大幅向前頭動實驗 83 4.2 實驗結果分析 85 4.3 本研究和文獻[35]的各項比較 87 第五章 結論和未來展望 88 參考文獻和資料 90 自 傳 94

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