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研究生: 萊素珠
Lai, Su-Chu
論文名稱: 從中間系統看兩歲兒從家庭進入幼兒園之銜接研究
Two-year-olds’ Transitions from Family to Preschool: A Mesosystem Study
指導教授: 廖鳳瑞
Liaw, Fong-Ruey
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 206
中文關鍵詞: 中間系統生態銜接水平銜接兩歲兒
英文關鍵詞: mesosystem, ecological transitions, horizontal transitions, two-year-old children
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:307下載:28
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  • 本研究目的是透過生態系統理論,探討兩歲兒從家庭進入幼兒園的經驗歷程。目前有關從家庭進入幼兒園的研究,大都以三歲以上幼兒為對象,並且探究的場所侷限在幼兒園,對於家庭在整個過程中的角色鮮少探究。因此,本研究從家庭準備讓兩歲兒進入幼兒園之前、到剛入幼兒園之際,以及進入幼兒園一段時間之後等不同的階段,針對家庭和幼兒園兩場所間的連結及兩歲兒的經驗歷程進行探究。



    The purpose of this research was to understand the preparations of two-year-old children to attend preschools from the perspectives of the ecological system theory. In previous research, most researchers focused on studying children’s preschool experiences after age at three, and how preschools assisted children to accommodate with their conflicts in preschools. Unfortunately, only a few research studied the family’s roles in the transitions of their children attending preschools. It was important to examine the relationships between the roles of families and schools when young children attended preschools. Therefore, this study discussed the connection between young children’s experience at home and their practices in preschools, and the transition when they attended preschool through three different time periods.
    This was a qualitative research conducted by a case study. Observations, interviews, and reviews of relevant documents were used for the data collection, and the thematic analysis was used for the data analysis. The participants were two young children at the age of two, their families, and preschools. The conclusions of this study were divided into three themes which were (a) preparations before attending preschools, (b) transitions of having a new life, (c) redefine the position in preschool. The following statements were the major results in this study:
    1. The transitions were support systems rather than strategies.
    2. Both vertical transitions and horizontal transitions were important.
    3. Curriculum activities were important elements during the transitions.
    4. Children’s developments resulted from the interaction with different environments.
    5. The individual communication between children and teachers, or teachers and parents helped children to familiar with the new environment.

    These findings can be suggestions for parents, teachers, and preschools to help young children to attend preschools. These also provided areas for further studies.

    目 次 中文摘要...................................................I 英文摘要........................................................II 第一章 緒論........................................................1 第一節 研究背景與目的.......................................1 第二節 研究方法............................................4 第三節 研究範圍與限制......................................4 第二章 文獻探討............................................7 第一節 兩歲兒的發展........................................7 第二節 生態系統理論........................................12 第三節 幼兒從家庭進入幼兒園................................25 第三章 研究方法..........................................39 第一節 研究派典的選擇.....................................39 第二節 研究議題聚焦.......................................40 第三節 進入研究現場......................................42 第四節 資料的蒐集與分析...................................54 第五節 研究的嚴謹性......................................72 第六節 研究者背景與角色....................................75 第七節 研究倫理................................... .......77 第四章 研究發現與討論.....................................81 第一節 前奏—未成曲調先有情..............................81 第二節 主曲—迎向新生活界域..............................116 第三節 轉調—再定位自己的存有............................149 第五章 結論與建議..................................... .181 第一節 結論............................................181 第二節 建議與反思.......................................185 參考文獻................................................191 附錄一 研究計畫說明(機構)..............................199 附錄二 研究計畫說明(家庭)..............................200 附錄三 家庭及幼兒園觀察編碼及日期.........................201 附錄四 家長及教師訪談日期及編碼...........................203 附錄五 相關文件及編碼....................................204 附錄六 主題改版過程......................................205 附錄七 主題分析表........................................206 表 次 表2-1 幼兒家庭與幼兒園相異之處一覽表........................25 表2-2 0-3歲幼兒進入幼兒園相關研究的變項或焦點................28 表2-3 3-6歲幼兒進入幼兒園相關研究的變項或焦點................28 表3-1 觀察筆記範例........................................57 表3-2 訪談記錄範例........................................59 表3-3 文本代號說明表......................................63 表3-4 小殷入園前整體文本閱讀的理解與省思....................63 表3-5 編碼/摘要/省思範例..................................65 表3-6 編碼分類範例.......................................66 表3-7 初步意義單元命名....................................67 表3-8 再次閱讀編碼/摘要/省思範例...........................67 表3-9 小殷入園前整體文本再次閱讀的理解與省思................68 表3-10 意義單元初步歸類命名形成次主題......................70 圖 次 圖3-1 主題分析流程圖....................................62 圖3-2 主題分析螺旋圖....................................64 圖3-3 小殷、晴晴從家庭進入幼兒園重要事件...................69 圖3-4 主題分析圖........................................71

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