研究生: |
魏豐閔 Wei, Feng-Min |
論文名稱: |
體育師資生教學知識習得歷程之研究 A Study on the Pedagogical Knowledge Attainment Process of Pre-service Physical Education Teachers |
指導教授: |
Shy, Deng-Yau 黃嘉莉 Huang, Jia-Li |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2017 |
畢業學年度: | 105 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 243 |
中文關鍵詞: | 教師知識 、個案研究 、紮根理論技術 、影像分析 、延遲性效果 |
英文關鍵詞: | teacher knowledge, case study, grounded theory techniques, film analysis, retentive effects |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201948 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:363 下載:18 |
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師資培育課程的有效性關乎教育改革能否落實與師資培育在社會中的地位,因而一直是師資培育研究者致力探索的有趣課題;然而,師資培育課程卻經常退居至這類研究的「背景」,邊緣化為不具實質的主題標籤和課程介入結果的附庸。本研究翻轉外部觀點下的績效主義研究模式,改採課程運行的局內人視角,旨在分析體育師資培育課程經驗與師資生學科教學知識之關聯。本研究包含了兩個子研究,分別以不同的個案研究設計探討不同的研究問題,研究一依循探索性個案研究之取徑,蒐集師資生深度訪談和學習歷程檔案等質性資料,透過紮根理論技術進行資料的分析與詮釋,先行檢驗特定師資培育課程內容之真實有效性;研究二則採嵌入式單一個案設計,運用影像分析拆解出課程影像內的情節作為經驗內容,並透過教學影像轉譯、比對與詮釋的過程,判定師資生實際教學中學科教學知識的發展結果與進程。研究一確認Mosston教學光譜之學習對師資生的知識改變具有延遲性效果,師資生能在教學實踐中應用所學教學形式,且能說出教學光譜的部分知識內容和某些教學形式的概略性操作方式,而其知識改變的內在機轉係在先備知識的作用下,歷經同化與自主創造的複雜認知運作,始能主動建構出個人的教師知識。研究二發現體育教材教法課程同時整合理論性與實踐性經驗內容,其結構係經知─行互通和角色扮演與轉換的動態歷程,形塑出一種對話性的課程框架;另外在對照師資生不同階段學科教學知識之表現後,發現此類教師知識的發展情形變動不大且有略趨向傳統教學之勢;最後在時間推演的軸線上,檢視體育教材教法課程經驗與師資生學科教學知識之關聯情形,發現課程經驗與師資生的知識發展軌跡具有關聯,但此一關聯的強度卻在職前培育階段即產生弱化之跡象。本研究建議師資培育課程經驗的規劃與實施應考量如何解構師資生所擁有的先備教學知識 (那些他們作為「觀察的學徒」時獲得的體育教學知識) 並協助他們將所學知識轉化為教學行動之問題,且後續研究應持續致力於考察教師知識如何落實為教學實踐並分析師資培育課程與師資生教學專業成長之長期關係。
The effectiveness of teacher education curriculum is connected with the efficiency of educational innovation and the status of teacher education in society and has been an interesting topic continually investigated by scholars in the community of teacher education. However, the curriculum has frequently been depreciated to be the background of research on teacher education curriculum and been fringed as the label of a fictitious title of research and the accompaniment of curriculum intervention as well. Reversing from an outsider's perspective of performancism to an insider’s view of curriculum implementation, this study aimed to analyze the relations between the experiences of physical education teacher education (PETE) curriculum and prospective teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). This study included two sub-studies, which adopted different case study designs for inquiring different research questions. Adopting the approach of exploratory case study, Study 1 interviewed prospective teachers and collected their learning portfolios as qualitative data, then analyzed and interpreted data by grounded theory techniques for examining the authentic effectiveness of specific content of teacher education curriculum, while Study 2, adopting embedded single-case design, utilized film analysis to undo every plot of curriculum videotapes as experiential contents, and through a process of transcription, comparison and interpretation of videotapes of teaching, determined the results and progress of prospective teachers’ development of PCK in their real teaching. Study 1 confirmed the retentive effects of the learning of The Spectrum on prospective teachers’ knowledge change. Prospective teachers applied learned teaching styles in their teaching practices and could talk about partial contents of The Spectrum and general operative methods of specific teaching styles. Furthermore, prospective teachers underwent a complicated cognitive process of assimilation and autonomous creation and actively constructed their personal teacher knowledge on the basis of prior knowledge. Study 2 found that PETE curriculum integrated theoretical and practical experiential contents simultaneously, and its structure went through an active process of knowledge─practice interaction and role play and transformation, formulating a conversational curriculum framework. By comparing prospective teachers’ performances of PCK in different development stages, study 2 found this category of teacher knowledge shifted little and slightly approached to conventional instruction. Lastly, in terms of the relations between the experiences of PETE curriculum and prospective teachers’ PCK, Study 2 discovered there were connections between curricular experiences and prospective teachers’ knowledge development, but the strength of these connections was on the decrease during the period of pre-service teacher education. This study suggested the design and implementation of teacher education curricular experiences should consider the questions of how to deconstruct prospective teachers’ prior knowledge of teaching (the knowledge of teaching physical education they acquired while being apprenticeship of observation) and how to help prospective teachers improve their capabilities of transforming learned knowledge into actions in teaching. Future studies on teacher education should be dedicated to investigating how teacher knowledge can be implemented as practices in teaching and analyzing the longitudinal relations of teacher education curriculum/curricula and prospective teachers’ professional development of teaching.
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