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研究生: 蘇俊濠
Sou, Chon-Hou
論文名稱: 精神分析「詮釋」之概念研究:臨床實務與官方理論再連結之探究
A Psychoanalytic Conceptual Research on “Interpretation”: Relinking of Clinical Practice and Official Theories
指導教授: 陳秀蓉
Chen, Hsiu-Jung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 253
中文關鍵詞: 內隱分析性知識概念研究概念整合詮釋精神分析
英文關鍵詞: Conceptual research, Conceptual integration, Implicit psychoanalytic knowledge, Interpretation, Psychoanalysis
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000114
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:646下載:0
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  • 精神分析的學派互有特色,風格各異,卻面臨一場無紀律的理論多元主義危機,因此二十世紀末,學者們陸續提出尋找共同元素或理論縮減等方案,來解決溝通困難或作出理論整合的可能;可惜在認識論或學科走向的分歧外,還有核心的敵對主義阻撓,故此,回歸臨床思考中去探究官方理論外的私人理論──內隱分析性知識──不同學派治療師之間具相似性的內隱臨床邏輯,了解精神分析知識的產生過程,重新連結理論與臨床間的差異,將是精神分析未來的基礎。本研究參照Dreher的精神分析概念研究,先對主流官方理論學派的「詮釋」及「移情-反移情」概念作文獻分析,再藉現象學方法對精神分析臨床工作者作專家訪談,並將分析結果重新與官方理論對話。研究發現,受訪者們皆有一定內隱分析性知識,如詮釋作為試誤性思考的邀請、詮釋內容維度外,必然存有關係與情感維度以達致療效、分析的真相只是互為主體地共構之階段性真相等;至於理論與臨床間的距離,則是於長期治療中為克服困境而生的橋樑知識──源於與人格與驅力相關的本體知識──來連結。許多非官方觀點的研究結果皆被整理至一圖示中,示範了精神分析知識產生的歷程與架構。本研究提出再定義「詮釋」、「移情-反移情」等概念的理據與方式,指出共構的階段性真相中包含「共同-思考」的思考層面和「共同-處理」的情感與關係層面,並指出精神分析知識就是一再移置與反抗的歷程。最後,作出精神分析概念研究繼行的建議,以及應以「存差異,求關係」的方式開拓精神分析的未來。

    Different schools in psychoanalysis are charactered and diverged from each other, but there is a head-on crisis of undisciplined theoretical pluralism. Subsequently, from late 20th century, scholars advocated ways to solve the difficulty in communication or to make integration possible, by finding common elements or making theory-reduction therein. However, besides the disagreements about epistemology and disciplinary trend, the antagonism between schools leaves as the core obstruction. Therefore, to explore private theory beyond the official by concerning first in clinical thinking, namely the implicit psychoanalytic knowledge, this dissertation base on the implicit clinical logic which shared certain similarity between psychoanalytic therapists in different schools, aimed at a comprehension of the generation of psychoanalytic knowledge, and also relinking the discrepancy between official theory and clinical practice, as a foundation to psychoanalytic development. Referring to Dreher’s idea of psychoanalytic conceptual research, first a literature review is made on the concepts ‘interpretation’ and ‘transference-countertransference’ among several mainstream schools, then through the expert interviews with psychoanalytic practitioners, a result made by phenomenological analysis and would again dialogue with the previous official theories. This dissertation finds that all interviewees own certain implicit psychoanalytic knowledge: interpretation as an invitation of tentative thinking, a relational or affective dimension beyond the content in interpretation which leads to therapeutic efficacy, the analytic truth through intersubjective co-construction only served as a phased truth, etc. Moreover, the discrepancy between theory and clinical practice is relinked through conquering difficulties in chronic psychotherapy, in which a sort of bridged knowledge, derived from noumenon-knowledge related to personality and drive, is generated. Most results of unofficial discoveries have been collated into a graphic illustration which demonstrating the process and structure of the generation of psychoanalytic knowledge. In conclusions, this dissertation provides justifications and proposes ways to re-define the concept ‘interpretation’ and ‘transference-countertransference’, indicates the aspect of cogitation in ‘co-thinking’ and the aspect of affection and relation in ‘co-processing’ within a co-constructed phased truth, simultaneously, points out that psychoanalytic knowledge is a process with constant displacement and revolt. Finally, it makes suggestions to further conceptual research, and with the spirit of ‘reserving difference, seeking relationship’, the future of psychoanalysis is awaited to explore.

    謝辭 i 中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 iv 目次 vi 表次 viii 圖次 xi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機與目的 13 第三節 名詞解釋 14 第二章 文獻探討 17 第一節 分析師的內隱分析性知識及研究方法 17 第二節 詮釋的本質與發展 24 第三節 移情的本質與發展 39 第四節 研究問題 49 第三章 研究方法 53 第一節 精神分析概念研究之現象學研究 53 第二節 研究參與者 58 第三節 研究工具 60 第四節 研究程序 62 第五節 資料分析程序 63 第六節 研究信效指標 68 第四章 研究結果 70 第一節 個人獨特的臨床實務現象 70 第二節 能被集結的個人內隱分析性知識 176 第五章 討論與建議 198 第一節 研究結果與官方理論的對話 198 第二節 對話與延伸討論 212 第三節 研究建議 229 第四節 研究者札記 233 參考文獻 239 中文部分 239 西文部分 240 附錄 250 附錄1 訪談大綱 250 附錄2 參與研究邀請函A 251 附錄3 參與研究邀請函B 252 附錄4 參與研究同意書[一式兩份] 253


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