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研究生: 龔鈺文
Kung, Yu-Wen
論文名稱: 戶外遊憩專門化與環境態度和環境行為關聯性的實證研究-以龍洞戶外攀岩為例
An Empirical Study of the Relationships between Outdoor Recreation Specialization and Environmental Attitude and Behavior-A Case Study of Rock Climbing at Long Dong in Taiwan
指導教授: 方偉達
Fang, Wei-Ta
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 環境教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Environmental Education
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 122
中文關鍵詞: 遊憩專門化環境態度環境行為戶外攀岩龍洞
英文關鍵詞: recreation specialization, environmental attitude, environmental behavior, rock climbing, Long Dong
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000105
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:188下載:24
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  • 本研究以遊憩專門化理論為架構,探討戶外遊憩專門化對環境態度和環境行為的影響關係,並以戶外攀岩為主題,設計與戶外攀岩活動相關的特定「環境衝擊態度」和「低環境衝擊行為」作為本研究環境態度和行為的測量,研究對象為臺灣龍洞戶外攀岩場的攀岩者,採用便利和立意抽樣的方式,總共收集388份有效問卷,事後以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、相關分析、迴歸分析、路徑分析等研究方法進行資料分析。

    The study is based on the theory of recreation specialization, which the aim is to be discussed the relationships between outdoor recreation specialization and environmental attitude and behavior. It took rock climbing as a case study, and designed specific “attitude of environmental impact” and “behavior of low-environmental impact” to measuring environmental attitude and behavior in the study, while the respondents would be the rock climbers at Long Dong, one of the Taiwan’s outdoor rock climbing areas. Convenience and purposive samplings have been conveyed to comply as one of the sampling methods, and the study has collected 388 valid questionnaires for data analysis. The data have been analyzed by statistical methods as following descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis, regression analysis, and path analysis.
    The study has been found out that the dimensions of cognitive, behavioral, and affective trends in outdoor recreation specialization of rock climbing have turned positive relationships; the outdoor recreation specialization has turned a significantly negative relationship with environmental attitude, while it has led a significantly positive relationship with environmental behavior. Environmental attitude has turned no significant relationship with environmental behavior. This study has further detected that the affective dimension of outdoor recreation specialization has a better predictive capability in the face of environmental attitude and behavior.
    According to this study, the outdoor rock climbers got a high level scores in environmental behavior, and there is no significant difference in the classification of specialization. Further more, the specialization has a predictive ability to environmental behavior; it demonstrates that participation in outdoor recreation activities can be enhanced environmental behavioral goals advocated by environmental education.

    摘要...............................I Abstract...........................II 目錄...............................III 表目錄.............................IV 圖目錄.............................VI 第一章、緒論........................1 第一節、研究背景.....................1 第二節、研究動機.....................2 第三節、研究目的.....................4 第四節、研究問題.....................5 第五節、名詞界定.....................5 第六節、研究範圍與限制................6 第二章、文獻回顧......................7 第一節、戶外攀岩活動與環境衝擊..........7 第二節、遊憩專門化文獻探討..................14 第三節、環境態度與環境行為..................28 第四節、戶外遊憩的專門化和環境態度與環境行為之間的關係.....37 第三章、研究方法..........................42 第一節、研究概念與假設.....................42 第二節、研究樣本與抽樣方法.................43 第三節、研究工具......................44 第四節、測量及計分方式.................48 第五節、資料分析.......................51 第六節、預試結果與修訂..................54 第七節、研究流程.......................61 第四章、研究結果與分析.................62 第一節、樣本資料統計...................62 第二節、戶外攀岩專門化、環境衝擊態度、低環境衝擊行為分析....78 第五章、研究結論與建議.................93 第一節、研究假設驗證結果...............93 第二節、研究結果與討論.................94 第三節、研究建議......................97 參考文獻.............99 中文部分.............99 英文部分.............102 附錄.................117 附錄一、研究問卷.......117

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