研究生: |
張弘勳 Chang, Hung Hsun |
論文名稱: |
我國教育組織集體協商之研究 A Study on collective bargaining in Taiwan education |
指導教授: |
Hsieh, Wen-Chyuan 張明輝 Chang, Ming-Huei |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
論文出版年: | 2004 |
畢業學年度: | 92 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 434 |
中文關鍵詞: | 集體協商 、教師會 、協商 、僵局 、申訴 |
英文關鍵詞: | collective bargaining, teacher union, negotiation, impasse, grievance |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:271 下載:28 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
三、對學校行政的建議:(一)學校行政應採用民主開明的領導風格。 (二)學校行政應和教師會互助合作。(三)建立便捷通暢的溝通管道。
四、對教師會的建議:(一)提升教師民主法治和理性溝通的素養。 (二)開發資源,以厚植實力。(三)建立專業形象,以獲得大眾支持。
The main purpose of this study is to explore the score, principle, process, difficulty and solutions to collective bargaining. It also aims to comprehend opinions and current situation of collective bargaining in Taiwan education. Based upon the research findings, suggestions would be offered.
This study is accomplished with the process of literature analysis, questionnaires and interviews. Based on the documentary analysis, the score, principle, process, difficulty and solution are brought forth to tackle with. Primitive understanding of all these issues helps to scaffold the fundamental and theoretical guidelines for research. The “Questionnaire for Collective Bargaining in Education” and interviews are later used for investigation on the current situation and opinions of collective bargaining in Taiwan education. The survey is conducted with 622 copies issued and with 413 effective copies returned. A total of 15 people selecting from various schools, education administration staffs and teachers’ association are interviewed.
From the data of literature analysis, questionnaire and interview investigations, the conclusions are as following:
1 For long-term perspective of development, teachers’ contract should be prescribed through collective bargaining. Yet, currently, only a few schools and counties implement it.
2. Eight issues should be contained in the scope of negotiation, such as: regulations of making contract and other affairs concerning with teaching. Though current negotiation consists of these two items, but they’re not frequently applied.
3. Eight items should be prepared before negotiation. Among them are picking-up main issues and collecting adequate related-information for analysis. Current measurements consist 5 of them, while not frequently applied.
4. The task assignment is mainly divided into 5 parts: attorney, recorder, job specialist, chief spokesperson and finances analysis. Among these, job specialist is currently adopted, while not frequent.
5. In the process of negotiation, presenting and explaining of proposal and using of strategies and tactics could be included. Among these five items, three of them are currently involved, while not frequent applied.
6.In case of the stalemate, suggesting measurements are mediation, further investigation and arbitration. Among these three, none is adopted. Seeking support from education administration, councilor and county teachers’ association for assistance are more often accepted.
7.Two ways to put the contracts into effect. First, present the consensus contract with representatives’ signatures to education administration organization for approval. Second, present the contrast with the endorsement of teachers’ association to education administration organization for approval. The first method is currently involved, but not frequently.
8. Four ways to make content well acknowledged. For example, provide copy to each member or make illustrated by negotiating representatives. Some of them are currently involved, while not frequently applied.
9. For the grievance procedures, when school/educational administration organization violated agreement, teacher/teachers’ association could grievance to chief of staffs in school and principal…etc. by this order. Among these five procedures, no one is currently involved.
10. For the principles of negotiation, honest, legal, collaboration, reciprocal, in written form, flexible, negotiating from easy to difficult and changing position to consider could be included. These 8 principles are currently involved, while not frequently applied.
11.Try to develop integrative strategy. It is currently manipulated but not frequently.
12. The best result for negotiation is a win-win situation; one gains the face and the other substantially. Among these six items, two of them are currently involved, while not frequently applied.
13. Thirteen factors might generate disruption in negotiation. Seven of these difficulties actually occur. Fourteen solutions could be reached, such as the establishing professional icon of teachers’ association. Four solutions are adopted currently, yet not widespread.
14. Teachers’ agreement could be negotiated at nation or county level. The negotiating representatives are teachers’ association members, teachers’ representatives, chief and staff of school, principal. The number of negotiating representatives was about five.
15. The opinions from various background respondents are similar in how collective bargaining should be done in education. While, opinions differentiate in what collective bargaining has ready been done.
Based upon the research findings, suggestions to the score and process of collective bargaining in Taiwan education could be attempt to strengthen above items. Suggestions to school and educational administration and teachers’ associations as following:
1.Common suggestions: (1) Make rules clear and distinct. (2) Collect relative information and skill of bargaining and be familiar with its process. (3) Seek the assistance from the expertise and consultants in this field.
2. Suggestions to educational administration: (1) Be open-minded! Treat the teachers’ association in the equal status. (2) Supervise the subordinate organization and execute the rules in the contract appropriately. (3) Establish sound mutual relationship with teachers’ association.
3. Suggestions to school administrator: (1) Operate school in a democratic way. (2) Cooperate with teachers’ association. (3) Establish clear communicating channel.
4. Suggestions to teachers’ association: (1) Communicate with ration. (2) Explore rich resources. (3) Shape professional image.
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