簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 蘇冠華
Su, Guan-Hua
論文名稱: 莉比・拉森藝術歌曲《牛仔之歌》及《我的安東妮亞》之分析與詮釋
An Analysis and Interpretation of Libby Larsen’s "Cowboy Songs" and "My Ántonia"
指導教授: 黎蓉櫻
Lee, Jung-Ying
口試委員: 楊艾琳
Yang, Irene
Chen, Yun-Yi
Lee, Jung-Ying
口試日期: 2021/02/25
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 音樂學系
Department of Music
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 182
中文關鍵詞: 莉比・拉森女性作曲家二十世紀美國藝術歌曲牛仔之歌我的安東妮亞
英文關鍵詞: Libby Larson, Women Composer, Twentieth Century American art songs, Cowboy Songs, My Ántonia
研究方法: 調查研究主題分析歷史研究法比較研究文件分析法女性研究內容分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301480
論文種類: 代替論文:作品連同書面報告(藝術類)
相關次數: 點閱:62下載:6
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  • 美國藝術歌曲融合各民族之特色,於二十世紀到達發展巔峰。出生於此時的美國當代著名女性作曲家莉比・拉森 ( Libby Larsen, 1950- ),其作品類型多元,創作數目超過五百首,並以聲樂與合唱作品為大宗。本篇論文將探討拉森於1979年與2000年所創作的兩組藝術歌曲作品《牛仔之歌》( Cowboy songs ) 與《我的安東妮亞》( My Ántonia )。
    《牛仔之歌》三首歌曲的詩詞出自三位不同詩人之手,分別為美國女性詩人貝爾・史塔爾 ( Belle Starr, 1848- 1889 )、美國詩人羅伯特・克里利 ( Robert Creeley, 1926- 2005 ) 以及一位佚名詩人。詩詞各自獨立,呈現出三位具有西部牛仔人格特質的角色,鼓起勇氣面對各自的人生課題。聯篇歌曲《我的安東妮亞》由七首歌曲組成,取材自美國女性作家薇拉・凱瑟 ( Wilella Cather, 1873- 1947 ) 的同名小說《我的安東妮亞》( My Ántonia, 1918 ),並透過回憶與現實的交錯,呈現出男女主角的生活樣貌,進而帶出十九世紀美國社會與移民家庭之間的種種問題,同時也細膩的刻畫出美國西部大草原變化萬千的四季景緻。
    兩組作品中,透過節奏變化與旋律起伏,呈現英文語韻的自然美感。拉森打破傳統功能和聲概念,以教會調式搭配不協和音程、五聲音階與七、九、十一、十三和弦素材,製造出豐富的音響效果。兩組作品經常以主題動機貫穿,透過速度、拍號、調性的頻繁變換,營造特定樂曲氛圍與角色心境轉變。此外,由於拉森幼年時期受葛雷果聖歌 ( Gregorian Chant ) 影響,作品中經常以無伴奏自由速度段落呈現出角色內心獨白。

    American art songs merged with the characteristics of ethnic groups which reached the peak in the 20th century. Libby Larsen (1950-), a world famous contemporary female composer from the U.S., has created a catalogue of over 500 pieces spanning diverse genres; and the majority of her works contains both vocal and choral. By individually analyzing two sets of art songs “Cowboy songs” and “My Ántonia” composed by Larsen in 1979 and 2000, the thesis is going to focus on the analysis and interpretation of these two masterpieces.
    The lyrics of “Cowboy songs” were written by three different poets: Belle Starr (1848-1889), Robert Creeley (1926-2005), and one anonymous writer. Independently, these poems present three different characters mustering up the courage to face their own life-changing issues, while at the same time three of them share the particular personality trait of western cowboys. On the other hand, the song cycle “My Ántonia” consists of seven songs, based on the novel “My Ántonia” written by Willella Cather (1873-1947) ; the contents are a series of old-time memories and the present of the male and female protagonists intertwined, which not only brings out various conflicts over the American society and immigrant families in the nineteenth century, but also vividly portrays the dynamic images of the prairie in the western United States.
    In both “Cowboy songs” and “My Ántonia,” the beauty of English language is conveyed through the changes in pitch and rhythm. Breaking through the traditional concept of functional harmony, Larsen creates rich acoustic effects by combining church mode with dissonant interval, the pentatonic scale, and the seventh, ninth, eleventh, and the thirteenth chord. She uses thematic motives to promote conversion in her works; that is, through the alternation of speed, time signature and tonality, she successfully develops a specific musical atmosphere while also shows the emotional change of the characters. In addition, under the childhood influence of Gregorian Chant, Larsen’s works often include the internal monologue of the characters in an unaccompanied free speed section.
    With her delicate skills, Larsen integrates literature, culture, nature and feminism into music, trying to bring inspiration and warmth to the public. This thesis aims to explore and analyze the compositional techniques in her two songs, hoping to let more people recognize the specialties of this great composer.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究範圍與研究方法 3 第二章 美國藝術歌曲 5 第一節 二十世紀前美國藝術歌曲之發展 6 第二節 二十世紀後美國藝術歌曲之發展 11 第三章 美國作曲家莉比・拉森 23 第一節 莉比・拉森生平 23 第二節 莉比・拉森的藝術歌曲 29 第四章 《牛仔之歌》( Cowboy songs ) 39 第一節 創作背景與詩人 39 第二節 〈頑強的野馬〉( Bucking bronco ) 45 第三節 〈將我緩緩升入天堂〉( Lift Me Into Heaven Slowly ) 59 第四節 〈比利小子〉( Billy the Kid ) 68 第五章 《我的安東妮亞》( My Ántonia ) 83 第一節 創作背景與詩人 83 第二節 〈地景一:火車上〉( Landscape I - From the Train ) 90 第三節 〈安東妮亞〉( Ántonia ) 103 第四節 〈地景二:冬季〉( Landscape II – Winter ) 117 第五節 〈受僱的女孩〉( The Hired Girl ) 133 第六節 〈地景三:草原之春〉( Landscape III - Prairie Spring ) 142 第七節 〈草原上的安東妮亞〉( Ántonia in the Field ) 149 第八節 〈地景四:日落〉( Landscape IV – Sunset ) 160 第六章 結論 177 參考文獻 181





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