研究生: |
陳信嘉 Shin-Chia Chen |
論文名稱: |
具自動新聞摘要處理之智慧型行動位置新聞資訊服務系統 Intelligent Location-based Mobile News Service System with Automatic News Summarization |
指導教授: |
Hong, Chin-Ming 陳志銘 Chen, Chih-Ming |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
工業教育學系 Department of Industrial Education |
論文出版年: | 2007 |
畢業學年度: | 95 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 72 |
中文關鍵詞: | 多文件摘要 、位置偵測 、行動裝置 、位置資訊服務 |
英文關鍵詞: | Multi-Document Summariztion, location awareness, mobile device, Location-Based Service |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:279 下載:0 |
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在無線網路環境的蓬勃發展及行動裝置軟硬體技術精進下,無線行動資訊服務之相關應用也勢必如雨後春筍般出現,帶給人們更便利的生活。在行動資訊領域中,日愈重要的應用服務-『位置資訊服務系統』(Location-Based Service System)是透過偵測使用者的所在位置及結合相關位置資訊,即時提供使用者所需資訊的一種服務系統,以協助使用者取得位置相關有用資訊。
然而,一個位置資訊服務系統開發,除了要先具備基本的服務與資料傳輸架構外,還須具備以下兩個要素:1.服務的資訊類型,關於生活上的資訊不外乎氣象、旅遊、新聞…等。雖然氣象與旅遊資訊可由特定的網站直接取得,但是要取得多文件的新聞摘要,則須另外處理。為此,本研究提出了一個基於模糊理論(Fuzzy Theorm)的多文件摘要(Multi-Document Summariztion)方法來產生同事件的多個文件的新聞摘要;2.用戶端的位置偵測(Location Awareness),當系統了解用戶端的位置後,才能提供位置相關的資訊。故本研究還提出了一個新的位置偵測分類器,藉由結合GPS(Golbal Positioning System)之經緯度座標信號來自動偵測用戶端地理位置。
Due to fast development of wireless network and mobile computing technologies, mobile information services make more convenient in terms of getting useful information in our dalily life. Mobile information service will become more and more important in the future. “Localcation-Based Service (LSB) System” in mobile service can sense a user’s position and integrate location information to individual users, thus helping users obtain the useful information. However, developing a Location-Based Service System must be based on information service and deliver structure with additional two elements: one is information type provider in server-side and another is location awareness in client-side. This study mainly focused on developing a Location-Based Service System which can provide location-based news with news summarization service to individual users. Therefore, this study proposed a novel multi-document summarization method based on fuzzy theorm to provie summarized news to mobile devices. Moreover, to sense user location precisely, the study also proposed a practicable location awareness classifier by aware GPS (Golbal Positioning System) signals to identify user’s position. Finally, the study itegrated the proposed multi-document summarization method and user location identification scheme to construct “Intelligent Location-based Mobile News Service System with Automatic News Summarization” in order to provide users about location information services. According to experimental results in Mutli-Document Summarization and user location identification, news summarization with good quality is up to 86%, the accuray rate of user location awareness classifier is up to 90%. Therefore, these experimental results can prove that the proposed “Intelligent Location-based Mobile News Service System with Automatic News Summarization” can be successfully applied for location-based services in real-world application.
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