簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 卓民道
Chou Ming-Tao
論文名稱: 十二年國教經費分配模式初探─以台北市為例
An Analysis on the 12-year Compulsory Education and the model of fund allocation─A case of Taipei City
指導教授: 黃城
Huang, Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 政治學研究所
Graduate Institute of Political Science
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 221
中文關鍵詞: 十二年國民教育後期中等教育教育經費教育經費分配教育指標
英文關鍵詞: 12-year compulsory education, Post-secondary education, Education expenditure, Education expenditure allocation, Education indicators
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:130下載:9
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  • 本論文以「十二年國民教育經費分配模式之研究─以台北市為例」為題,旨在探究我國目前如何實施國民教育、教育經費之現狀瞭解及教育經費分配情形,並就九年國教之經費分配比較十二年國教差異情形,另設計出十二年國教經費分配模式。根據台北市教育統計數據分析教育資源分配,將教育經費分成學校經費、學費補助與配套措施等三項。並提出下列研究目的:

    The topic of this thesis is based on the allocation and execution of the educationexpenditure for 12-year compulsory education, and this thesis attempted to identify the implement of compulsory education, the allocation and current situation of education expenditure, then make comparisons between the expenditure allocations of 9-year and 12-year compulsory education. The pattern for expenditure allocation of 12-year compulsory education was also designed. According to the education resource allocation in the educational statistics by Department of Education, Taipei City Government that education expenditure could be categorized as school expenditure, tuition subsidy, and complementary measures. The purposes of this study were as follows:

    1. To discuss the function and value of 12-year compulsory education through the theories and meanings of “compulsory education.”
    2. To discuss the expenditure of 9-year compulsory education and the issue on current post-secondary education expenditure from the aspect of education resource.
    3. To identify the issues of student tuition subsidy and complementary expenditure aroused by the 12-year compulsory education implemented by Taipei City Government.
    4. To analyze the expenditure allocation of Taipei City Government expenditure and the expenditure re-allocation of constructing the post-secondary education.
    The research methods adopted in this thesis were document analysis and interview and the results suggested:
    1. After 12-year compulsory education is implemented by Taipei City Government, the expenditure would increase by $530 million NT dollars, the tuition subsidy accounts for 94.2% of the total amount, and the expenditure would increase $5.4 billion NT dollars nationwide.
    2. The number of new students in 2014 is estimated to be 26,000 approximately and the counterpart in 2017 may be 22,000 that there will be 4000 students less every three years. Taipei City Government may encounter the budget shortage at the preliminary stage yet $60 million NT dollars will be saved every year after 2017.
    3. The 9-year compulsory education was problematic due to hasty plans made by the government and all students should be able to receive free education. The post-secondary education subsidy should follow the example of National Health Insurance that settle for the applications by citizens rather than for hospitals or clinic in order to manifest the spirits of people sovereign, choice of education, and the education equity effectively.
    4. In the light of policy and social relationship, more junior high school students will choose to enter senior high school and the students in vocational schools and five-year junior colleges will decrease in the future. The educational reformation is ascertained to be senior high school orientated.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方法與流程 5 第三節 研究範圍與架構 9 第四節 名詞釋義與文獻探討 13 第二章 我國國民教育理念與規範 29 第一節 國民教育精神與理念分析 29 第二節 國民教育之理論分析 36 第三節 國民教育之法規分析 41 第四節 國民教育之資源投入分析 52 第三章 後期中等教育經費分析 61 第一節 後期中等教育之制度與發展 61 第二節 後期中等教育之分析 73 第三節 後期中等教育之問題 83 第四節 後期中等教育之學費分析 97 第四章 十二年國民教育經費之分析 99 第一節 政策設計之合理性 99 第二節 價值觀之重要性 112 第三節 配套措施之必要性 116 第四節 教育經費分配之模式 123 第五章 台北市教育經費分配模式之建構 129 第一節 台北市二十年間教育統計資料 129 第二節 補助學生之學費方案 144 第三節 配套措施之經費設計 163 第四節 台北市教育經費分配模式 165 第六章 結論 171 第一節 研究發現 171 第二節 研究建議 173 第三節 研究展望 174 參 考 文 獻 175 附 錄 182

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